“Chad” Names

Gentlemen, what’s your country’s equivalent to the name “Chad?” For instance, how we refer to African American Chads as “Tyrones.” How would we fall the Chinese Chad or the French Chad?

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Excuse me, *Call

Russian "Chad" called Erokhin.

>chinese chad


Jean for france imo

There were was a boy born a few years ago in Alberta named Christchad, and another in the same year named Godspower.

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Rodrigo, fernando or rogério

"God's Gift" is a name I've seen on football players.

Bogdan is Ukrainian boomer chad


now that's a name of a pussy ravager


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t. Rogério





idk wtf chad means but a douchbag name is Ji Hoon


In Pakistan, Saifallah

We don't have a first name for that. We just add "Dunderkuk" as a last name behind Erik for example.

(dunderkuk = thundercock)

there's none particularly but hill billy names are often considered chad names

For some reason that made me laugh


whats the name of my brother, he is unironically a Chad lite

I put "Godsend" on my headbands.

I write "WTF" on mine.

Tincho in Cuckgentina

Mentira tincho suena a cheto puto chupa chota

Real chad name here is Juan Domingo

the guy is cute btw

Typical Chad is named Erik but you can also be a Lill-Erik which means you're not a Chad at all so the name really has nothing to do with it. Some names are impossible to be Chad with though, especially those Christian names like Noel or Liam.

Ano, jmenuji se VÍTĚZSLAV. Jak jsi to poznal?

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Jhonathan or Brayan, the more fucked up the writing, the chader.



>especially those Christian names like Noel or Liam.
Pardon me?

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>Sword of God

All Erik's I've met have been weirdos. Either charismatic weirdos or sperg freaks.

t. Erik