1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Are you left-handed or right-handed? Specifically in writing

Attached: binnish forces.jpg (480x360, 24K)

unironically ambidextrous

Can you write equally with both hands and was this natural to you instead of learned? If not, then you're pseudo-ambidextrous.


right handed of course

I've been left-handed pre-school, but was retrained there. So in school I had to do everything with right hand, while at home I used my left. Right one is my main for writing now (until it tired from alot of writing and I switch to left), but for like using weapons or do basic stuff I use left as my main.

Left-handed master race

You're naturally left-handed then. Do you ever feel bad about being taught pseudo-ambidexterity?

I don't really care desu. I can use one hand over other any time and turn it into dominating in like one week and back.

Tho it was always funny when someone wonder how easily I switched writing hand in my university. It was like a miracle to them

Right handed.



Left handed. Can use my right hand for anything that isn't writing, but I had to learn how to use it out of necessity rather than being naturally ambidextrous. It's surprising how screwed you are as a lefty in this world.

I've managed to play all sports and such left-handed. It's law that left-handed students are always provided with left-handed equipment and support otherwise in phys. ed. at school. The only thing I've really had to learn was to use a mouse right-handed, and that was out of choice because I was bored of changing hotkey layouts. from wasd to numpad 8456.

Why yes I am left handed of course. How could you tell?

All left handed men should be sissified, and women forced into sexual slavery

fun thread

To make it more fun, I propose a discussion:
Does your country or language have any fun words or nicknames for left-handed people?

In English, we have "southpaw" which is used in relation to the sport baseball, but is used colloquially sometimes. In relation to skateboarding, snowboarding, or surfing, the one who boards left-handedly is called "goofy".

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I'm always right.


left handed