Pepe rolling eyes.jpg

How do Russians feel about this nonsensical Russian shill meme?

Attached: Annotation 2019-09-09 204609.png (525x295, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are you making so many of the cringey posts?

What be you referring to?

You know what I'm referring to.

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No, I don't.

Yes, you do.

Provide a link to an example of what you're talking about.

I'll never meet these drooling troglodytes, so I don't care.


Is there a problem with me simply being interested in Russians and Russian culture? Here, you can go read a post on /lang/ I made about it too, as I know it doesn't prove anything: Also I don't have to agree with Putin, or to hate Ukrainians etc. in order to like Russians.

What is there to like about Russians?
They're not good people.
They hate their unborn and newborn children.
Look at their abortion rates (highest in the world as recently as 2013) and culture of child abandonment (throwing their newborn children into orphanages or leaving them at the maternity ward).

Russians are a willfully ignorant people. There's really nothing redeeming about them.

These two are pretty much on point.

I've liked Russians. They have food that I really like in comparison to other cuisines, fun folk and classical music, an interesting language and history, etc. Russians I've met in Canada are rather nice to me and I've been in a relationship with a Russian before.
>They hate their unborn and newborn children.
They abort and orphan their children because they can't afford to raise them. That's a grander problem and it doesn't only affect abortion rate.
I've met a couple of intelligent Russians.

I know, but he'll still make a stupid reply.
Whatever you need to tell yourself, I guess.
I can't really convert you from your Russophilia.

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African American women abort more often than European American women. Wow, wonder why that may be? Is it because Africans hate their children and want to abort them because they are evil? While I'm a racist and hate niggers just as much as the next guy, that's a pretty stupid conclusion to come to. Maybe poverty has something to do with not being able to afford to raise children?

>Russians are a willfully ignorant people
The irony hearing this from mutt.

Your perception of russians is biased by the fact that you've only ever met the wealthiest promille of russians that can actually afford to travel across the atlantic and have the education to be able to assimilate there. Your average russian is nothing like that, the average russian is a travesty of a man, either wilfully ignorant or knowingly in denial, violent and borderline savage, without any exaggregating. Some people from the biggest cities are living a relatively good life, but that again is just a very very tiny fraction of the population.

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>African American women abort more often than European American women
You'll have to cite that claim.
Here's evidence that would disprove that claim:
>Black women were overrepresented among abortion patients and had the highest abortion rate: 27.1 per 1000.
As opposed to Russians, with an abortion rate of 37.4 as of 2013.
I opened your post just so I could link to it, because I want to tell you that I filter the Russian flag. I made this decision yesterday.
I won't see any Russian posts.

Attached: 917.png (769x612, 167K)

I've spoken to Russians on Jow Forums and I've watched these videos on YouTube even where an Englishman tours Russia and meets poor Russian villagemen. They're quite charming even when they're poor.
>you've only ever met the wealthiest promille of russians
It's almost as if poverty makes people in Russia bad rather than ethnicity.
Yes sure finngoloid, it is the Russians who are uneducated, and not you. Not "exaggregating"! Again, I worry more for my safety around Finnic people because I have actually experienced violence from one! Please just kill yourself already.

>Here's evidence that would disprove that claim:
The publication you have just shown me actually does directly prove the claim that African American women abort more often than European American women - i.e. white women, in case you were confused.

Forgot to add; another thing biasing your perception of Russians is the fact that your average Russian is too anti-west and too proud about being from a "superpower" to willingly learn a single word in englsih, so youll only ever stumble upon the select few Russians who are considerable more open-minded towards the west. Your average russian is taught to feel nothing but despise and dread towards the west, writing any praise for the west or criticism of Russia off as "bbc/fox news propaganda". They feel entitled to all of this "because america". Many of them can't even tell a difference between "america" and "west", consideringg anything west of belarus as just "america".

In any case, we're not talking about European women in general.
What does that have to do with this discussion?
You've changed the subject.

Attached: 917.png (769x612, 167K)

Ofcourse it's poor conditions that make the people such travesties. No man is inherently evil, that's obvious. It's just that the conditions in Russia are indeed so shit that every man living there is very hostile and arrogant, which leads to anyone who actually had to deal with a real living breathing russian russkie has nothing but dread towards them. They are almost always nasty people to have to deal with, regardless of the root cause.

>I opened your post just so I could link to it, because I want to tell you that I filter the Russian flag. I made this decision yesterday.
>I won't see any Russian posts.
What a beta faggot.

You're ignoring my obvious point that abortion is more related to poverty than it is to ethnicity.
There are many pleasant aspects of Russians and their culture when ignoring things related to poverty.

Sure, I too enjoy their cuisine and literature, that however does little to make the people of Russia any less intolerable, or the country of Russia any less abhorrent. That's the problem, you like what Russia exports, not what Russia is and you're confusing the two.

Good post.

>which leads to anyone who actually had to deal with a real living breathing russian russkie has nothing but dread towards them.
Also, again, I've interacted with many Russians on the internet and in real life, and I've been in a relationship with one before. Regardless of their wealth, they've been nothing short of fantastic to me.
Terrible post desu. You are 100% exaggerating how violent and apparently abhorrent Russian people are. Dumb finngoloid, Jow Forums is not a fair source to judge an entire country off of. Real life experience is better and real life experience taught me that Finns are violent, more violent than Russians in fact.

You've only met the wealthies and most open minded fraction of a percentage of Russians. Most russians are poor, uneducated and hostile towards the west and anything western. The people you've met have been well educated, wealthy and open-minded towards the west, so much that they've willingly left their "sacred last bastion of righteousness" to indulge themselves in western culture, something your average russian would never ever even consider. They are too proud about being russian. The russians you've met are nothing like the average russian. That is all.

>You've only met the wealthies and most open minded fraction of a percentage of Russians.
And that proves that, when ignoring factors directly caused by poverty, Russians are pleasant and have compatible cultural norms with my own culture. Even then, poverty does not always make people evil or bad in any way.

It's also strange to me how you insist that nationalism is inherently evil. You could learn a thing or two from some of those Russians you speak so poorly of. I can sense that you are spiritually impoverished yourself through the internet and that says something.

What you say only applies to the said fraction who are willing to leave russia, which again does not represent the overwhelming majority of russians. Anyway what you're saiying is basically that russians could be good people if they werent russians and in russia, which is a pretty meaningless statement to make. Nationalism isn't inherently bad, but it's used as justification for ignorance and arrogance, which again are generally negative qualities.

>What you say only applies to the said fraction who are willing to leave russia,
No it does not, as I have met pleasant Russians on the internet who still in fact live in Russia. Aside from that I've watched the Bald and Bankrupt Russia travel series which often shows interactions between the English traveler and the poor villagemen in Russia. So many of them are kind, in fact I've seen some kindness from Russians that I wouldn't expect here.
>but it's used as justification for ignorance and arrogance
Anything could be used as such. Terrible point.

Again, your judgement is based on the russians that have willingly learned english and who are open to discourse with westerners. The average russian is neither, they don't willingly learn english nor do they have desire to discuss with westerners.
>and a youtuber
He speaks russian, he gets along with them. Any non-russian wont. Russians are openly hostile towards any westerners.

Don't let actual experiences from the russian border mess with your perception built on exports and youtube videos, I'm sure they portray a more realistic picture of russia than actual experiences with russians in russia.

It's an actual phenomenon, retard. Now go buy yourself some bath lotion, comrade.

The Englishman in those videos speaks fluent Russian and much of the villagemen he speaks with are either monolingual Russian speakers or speak only Russian and an ethnic minority language such as Komi or Mari El.
>He speaks russian, he gets along with them.
Bald and Bankrupt has a bit of an accent when speaking Russian and he also tells the Russians he meets that he is an Englishman.
>Don't let actual experiences from the russian border
He's been in way more places in Russia than the Russian border.
>with your perception built on exports and youtube videos,
I've had more experience with Russians than you've ever had.

Have you heard of the recent incident of American intelligence agencies literally hacking into Yandex, the Russian equivalent of Google, and reading private emails between everyday Russian citizens? Please go die, you retarded burger.

>Based on my youtube video viewtime and diaspora gf I've had more experience with Russians than you've ever had.
That pretty much concludes this discussion. Godspeed delusional russophile.

>have you heard about the bad things YOUR country does which totally invalidates how evil the putin regime is? :O
Yep, confirmed russian troll.

> people hating on Russia for no reason inside their crazy little groups
The phenomenon is not new pal. Mostly confined to the West and caused I believe by western self reflection. Can't fathom nearly European looking people either behaving a little bit differently in some situations, or behaving the same way vis a vis the West as west behaves vis a vis outsiders

Pretty much part of Russian culture, upsetting sometimes, kind of entertaining most of the time

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>Russians are openly hostile towards any westerners.
Lol what the fuck are you on about? Where do you get off lying about this shit?
Or do you genuinely believe that? Is someone paying you for this shilling?

I've told you, I've met Russians for myself, and by the way the Russian I've had a relationship with lives in Russia and is not a girl.
>Yep, confirmed russian troll.
I agree with you, I don't like Putin at all, but I know for a fact that the reddit kremlinshill meme is pushed beyond reason when I get accused of being one.

One of Finny's posts got removed, absolute kek

The Russian's thread asking about how Western women perceive Russian men got deleted. It isn't the first time I've seen a Russian's thread get deleted today, so there should be no accusations of Russian meddling in Jow Forums moderation.

In fact, we are under the greatest pressure here because of russian janny. I got a lot of 3day bans just because i have different political view

Most fun part is that he start banning me for every post until i got 3day ban if i say something wrong in our general

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I get banned a lot but it's not for anything related to Russia. Mods are just anal here.

That poster is a half-Russian half-armenian orphan adopted by Americans kek. For some reason though he's only mad at his Russian side for abandining him and not on the Armenian one.

So he has mommy issues, or is it daddy issues? I'm going to guess mommy issues since half-Armenian user talked about Russian women in particular aborting and orphaning.

Mommy issues clearly. And not very bright in general.
Also to answer your question in the OP the meme is laughable. As in it's so retarded ot's funny. His site is full of some really bizarre people. A lot of low iq bigots who havent got the slightest idea in about Russians and have never tried to actually learn about the country and people. Thankfully they're a minority here and practically non-existent irl (which I can say as an extensive traveller).

*this site

aslo it's mostly people from the butthurt belt saying this shit, the rejects of their society even. So you shouldnt really take them seriously. I dont even think they mean it.

Most Russians are fairly well educated and very interested in the west so that's bullshit.
>sacred last bastion of righteousness
Not a soul thinksike that here. You've deluded yourself.
>to indulge themselves in western culture, something your average russian would never ever even consider.
Western culture is everywhere here. People love going on holiday in the west.
>The russians you've met are nothing like the average russian
Theyre exactly like that.

Oh, it gets even cringier. Disclaimer: Screenshots were doctored to hide posts that were part of a different conversation.
Checked desu.

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Yikes.. Looks like mental illness. It's pretty sad to see peole being brainwashed and giving in to the Russia hysteria propogated by politicans to suit their needs and cover up their failures.
What board is this?

Mutts/Europoors spewing 2ch memes like retards while discussing Russia to give their words some credibility considering they don't know the subject is funny

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>Mutts/Europoors spewing 2ch memes like retards while discussing Russia
I always laugh at this shit. It's like a game of Chinese whispers except the guy at the start has Down syndrome.

i find the hysteria surrounding russia in the west unbearable, but i also find russian nationalists to be unbearable
so i'm conflicted

>russian nationalists
Where the fuck do you find them?

on the 4channel
mostly seem to be diaspora though

Russian "nationalists" are the biggest westaboos though.

To be fair, I can't imagine it's easy to argue against someone who calls upon personal experience and anecdotes the entire argument.
Also to claim that being poor makes someone bad is pretty fucked up.

I wish I could just use Jow Forums to talk to Russians all day, but it feels invasive to post in English on /rus/+/bel/+/ukr/, and my Russian isn't that great - see the post linked in .
/lgbt/: you bet it's mental illness. Someone else posted that it's not appropriate for gays to be committing PDA in front of children or otherwise spreading homosexual propaganda. That person seemed to have broken English to a small extent but never mentioned anything about Russia. Libtard says "100 rubles have been deposited into your account, comrade" and that's where I come in.

Some of them seem very patriotic but I wouldn't call them nationalists.

>To be fair, I can't imagine it's easy to argue against someone who calls upon personal experience and anecdotes the entire argument.
What else are you supposed to cite when trying to explain that someone else's culture is not bad, bro? That's social science shit, not some objective science. Everything anyone has to say about another culture is subjective and anecdotal, and can never be entirely objective.
>Also to claim that being poor makes someone bad is pretty fucked up.
I posted that being poor doesn't inherently mean someone is bad, because the Finn was arguing that it did. I only said that some bad traits of the Russians that Finn was talking about were more related to poverty than to Russian ethnicity.

>It's almost as if poverty makes people in Russia bad rather than ethnicity.

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I also said:
>Even then, poverty does not always make people evil or bad in any way.

>but it feels invasive to post in English on /rus/+/bel/+/ukr/
Feel free to lol. It's full of foreigners anyway. Also we've had Russia threads for foreigners in the past. Could make more of those, they were comfy.
>posting in /lgbt/
nigga you're never going to get through to them, they're too far gone.

You're twisting what he was trying to express, desu.
I think you know that as well, but I don't want to argue about it because I'm not invested enough in this argument to care one way or another.

>To be fair, I can't imagine it's easy to argue against someone who calls upon personal experience and anecdotes the entire argument.
What else would you use in this context lol?
>Also to claim that being poor makes someone bad is pretty fucked up.
He never said anything about anyone being bad. That's your own value judgement.

Every "russian" defending this Mordor on Jow Forums is a literal shill paid by bald midget

Furthermore, I sleep on the floor because I can't fucking afford a bed, I'm in a huge debt that I can't pay off because of my parents' poor judgment, I've been evicted from my mom's house because she couldn't afford to keep me there, I have a negative balance in my bank account, I've been in situations where I couldn't afford to eat for a day, I can't afford to drive etc.

I don't think I'm a bad person, but I've seen what this way of life has done to my brothers.

>You're twisting what he was trying to express, desu.
He isnt. He was absolutely logical and resonable throughout the debate while the retards were throwing disjointed shit about and trying to make it stick. You're just upset that he btfod the other guy fair and square.

I've been fucking homeless for weeks in the cold February. You don't know what you're talking about.

>Look at their abortion rates (highest in the world as recently as 2013)
As if there's something bad about it. Russia should have 40-50 million of people at most.

I think it's half-Armenian user half-pretending to be a different burger.

Oh it's absolutely him lol.

Not sure if you're talking about the Canadian or the Finn here.
At least the Canadian actually has some experience that he has defined, the Finn and the other nut seem to be going off their feelings or some shit.

I think he's talking about me, because the Finn didn't even cite anecdotes or personal experience, let alone any evidence whatsoever.

Wait, does russia have big cats of any kind?

Yes, snow leopards and Amur tigers on the far east.


Attached: tigers in space.jpg (750x1000, 316K)

Tigers? Russia must be a big place

Based, we only have Canada lynxes and mountain lions.

Attached: Canada-lynx-on-tree.jpg (1600x1063, 240K)

Everybody knows the big cats by now and the meme is shit.
Russia's smaller wild cats are vastly underappreciated.

Attached: amur leopard cat.png (650x958, 1002K)

Not completely related, but what insects and spiders does Russia have? Do any of them bite or sting? Any interesting ones?

Attached: manul1.jpg (720x480, 146K)

Looks cartoonish.

We have lynxes too and maybe some others I forgot about

Who dis furry bastard

We have a species of lynx that is named after our country. And a goose.

Attached: HONK.jpg (1500x1120, 219K)

Statistically the most dangerous insect is the tick because they can carry a range of diseases.
Out of the dangerous spiders I think we only have the black widow subspecies down in the south.
Also hornets I guess.
But yeah we have a lot of different insects, not dangerous though. I've always like the dragonflies.

Attached: karakurt-spider(2).jpg (296x337, 21K)

A-a goose is fine too
Amur forest cat

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Check out this based dragonfly I took a picture of. I'unno the species. There's also this other kind of dragonfly here which is a huge black motherfrigger.

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They are

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Very nice pic. I love its colors.

Here it's mostly bitter people with misplaced anger towards Russia for their own personal reasons wasting their precious time trying to make sure nobody else dares to like or be interested in it. Seems pretty miserable.

My phone camera's alright, I guess.

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>Also we've had Russia threads for foreigners in the past. Could make more of those, they were comfy.
I've made another thread asking about something in Russia, though it's not really a Russia general thread, if you want to check it out of course.