Have you ever seen Korean people in your count?

If so, what do they do ?
What is their job??

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There was a Korean girl in Lebanon who had a YouTube channel

i went to school with two korean twins
they were pretty normal desu, onen was a bit introverted but nothing really inisual


Yes, she's a nurse. Also my fiancée

Yes, one was my mate-programmer (really cool guy), the second was learning Math in my uni and had terrible vision(couldn't see anything without gogles) and third is a girl, friend of my ex, who tryed hard to got me at our company friends meetings, so I had to be really cautious to not drink much and wake up in same bed with her.

Tho I doubt they can speak Korean or was in Korea at least once.

They open Japanese restaurants.


How should I be able to tell, desu?

No her parents moved to Norway in 96 and from there to Sweden (my town) in 2002. Met her in 2010, been together since.

We have almost 20 thousand here in the capital. Many are well off as they came and started businesses, especially in textiles. They tend to keep to themselves but are pretty nice and have many restaurants. Some of our best immigrants.

No, we have lots of brazilian-koreans here, but I never saw someone who was actually born in Korea

they've opened a Korean restaurant close to my apartment but I am not sure if they aren't just LARPing Vietnamese

>Have you ever seen Korean people in your count?
Yes, especially in Irvine

>What is their job??
Owning Japanese restaurants

I live in Wisconsin and there is this South Koreans dude who moved here and works with me. We are both electricians, hes really nice and likes all the same stuff as me. Almost every weekend we hang out, east asians are based.


Yes, they are mostly exchange students. Uni have a housing for them and it's close to where I live. Sometime I saw Korean girls shopping at nearby supermarket. They always wear green vest with a Korean flag sewed on it, probably mandated by the exchange program? People often glanced at them and were like "oh, they are Koreans", that was it, not particularly hostile but just curious eyes wondering on what were they doing there.

They were students

Just saw some at the Korean restaurant I went for lunch.

shop keepers
being adopted??
I really don't know

They work at Japanese and Korean restaurant

Yep, they own a Japanese restaurant

yes, they live

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yeah, most of them own grocery stores

You come in with giant cruise ships and hover around thinking everything is expensive. At least you're very polite and neat and well dressed, as opposed to the Chinese tourists.
Please come back, but don't use cruise ships. They destroy our local air quality :(

Hey Akiyama is a Pride legend. what do u mean hes korean

I know a guy with a korean gf

I know a Korean girl that lives here. She's studying to "earn at least 10k" but I don't remember what exactly. She prepared a "Korean salad" with cucumber when she came here for dinner

No, i've seen several japanese tourists, but never koreans

They are not common but yea i did.
>What is their job??
One was lawyer, other restaurant manager, girl was student at MGU.

Yes, one of them gave me a present because of my birthday. She's in an exchange program but other Koreans I've seen came because their parents work here or just migrated, never really thought about it.

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We have a big population of korean, thanks to the genocides committed by South Korean government around 1950.
Also we have a bunch of korean actors, singers, tv celebs or such. We just don't mention who is korean unless they do immoral thing. That is because most of them are hiding its real korean name. Also some of them don't even know he/she is actually korean.

As to Akiyama, he was naturalized as Japanese. But he still says he is korean.

They start some laundry coin operated business or dry cleaning and tell their kids to study their eyeballs out.

Yes, I often see them. Korean hoods are bad neighborhoods without exception. They tend to live off of welfare and organize antisocial groups like yakuza, gangster, far leftists, far right wingers, radical labour union and so on.
I'm not saying all of them are scums, but the ratio is too high. IMO

Just tourists.

University students, it's kinda exotic to see them because they're small and have different fashiom and hair. Sometimes I want to say annyeonghaseyo but nah

Please have as many children as possible.

They opened a Kia factory some years ago and they came in like cockroaches, we only had Whites and Brown Mexicans and now there’s a ton of Koreans. They’re alright, I love their restaurants.

My hometown had few of them when I was a child because I'd never head of them. and I moved to western region of Japan, there are many.
They are working about Korean restaurants, meat products, collection of unwanted articles, scrap processors, etc.

unironically no, i mean i doubt they're running the japanese or chinese restaurants and i've never seen a corean restaurant, and aside from restaurants only asians i see here are tourists, and i know none of them are coreans since i can recognize the languages