Where did we go so wrong?
Where did we go so wrong?
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making Jow Forums
Anyone else not find the COOM one funny? Soyjak is hilarious but COOM is too derivative for my liking
The Coomer, like Nujack or the NPC will only be temporary
NoFapJack will be the next step in the evolution. The Coombrain can only survive a certain amount of brain cell loss
When he lost his friend who used to hug him.
isnt the "coom" one older? maybe not the meme around it but ive seen the image before the soypig looking one
Coomer was made to make fun of doomer/bloomer/etc memes
>everyone forgot about brainlets already
Man, and those were actually creative
Yeah, the image itself is more related to cuck my shit up than soyak
Agreed. Soyjak and Brainlet are my favorites, I still laugh when I see a good one.
They're a different branch.
You forgot pink wojaks, as well as other versions depicting patheticness.
Someone should make a genealogy.
Excuse me, but the last one isn't a continuity of Soyjak. It's its own thing, like the other versions of Wojak. Fucking newfag.
someone already made one
Didn't Soyjak came after NPC? I mean the soyboy meme preceded the NPC meme, but that soy variation is more recent.
Is there a pedobear through gondola one?
Unpopular opinion, but I think that all wojaks are boring to be fair
god this website needs razed to the ground
this is all just so cringe. cringe cringe cringe i hate wojakposters more than anything.
It should have a gigachad equivalent rather than another wojak variant, like how soyjak's equivalent is gigachad.
>trans wojak
I was under the impression that that was just a femjak
I find it amazing how Gigachad is the only newer successsful meme among wojak, pepe and spurdo derivatives. Goblino was great but relatively short lived.
>relatively short lived
>still posted when an American acts naturally, aka stupid
Are you sure you're from Jow Forums?
The evolution of the incel
Of course it's still posted, but only in that context. Do they really...? has become the better option over time to banter mutts.
Coom works better on boards like /v/ where half the threads are just sfm asses
Personally I think amerimutt posting is more effective. I also enjoy how creative they are.
>Joseph (((((((((Bernstein)))))))))