The people depicted in ancient marble statues weren't originally meant to be seen as "white.":

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Other urls found in this thread:


back then white wasn't an identity. so i'm sure no one cared back then. only eurofags and amerigoblinos today care about this mundane shit.

Holy shit. Why does everything have to be seen in the context of race? Why can't they simply be seen as creations of the ancient peoples?


because amerigoblinos have to see everything in the context of race

It unironically gives whichever group represented more political and social standing in the US.


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Is it true if I converted to Islam everyday I could wake up to my wifes braps and lick off the ass sweat after forcing my fat ass arab wife to jog on the treadmill?


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Why are you so obsessed with race?

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ironicly that dude is prob an 56% american, nick gives him away as an Jow Forumstard or most likely one of the trump fans they brough here from redditor or what ever

what happened to vice news over the past few years? they used to be pretty good

>that twitter handle
Yikes and oofpilled my boi. Reeks of Jow Forumsturd

Daz rite we wuz romans and sheeit.


Well, if you asked a roman or a greek if they felt any kinship with their northern "whites", they would laugh at you face, so it may be correct

I thought he looked like a dark haired mediterranean guy with green eyes

no shit, the very concept of a white race is the product of a globalised society

jesus christ nuke them please
I can't bear this anymore

that is probably true, on the other hand not a single black/nubian or even persian auxilia worth noting comes to my mind
meanwhile there are uncountable celtic or germanic ones

Augustus was described as having the hair the colour of wheat, which I suppose is blonde, but I don't remember any mention of his eyes.
We know that Caesar was black of hair and eye.
It's funny how different the romans could be from each other, even if they were related by blood

The concept of the white race came from Anglos who were studying phenotype and race. Who used it to justify the white master race mentality.

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i live in ireland never call me an anglo again

It's rather obvious that non-italic peoples that lived in the Roman Empire would be more common on the roman army than people that did not.

There are many notable MENA people in the roman empire. MENA represented the majority of the population and economy of the empire.

Ask the Elite who run news or create news articles.

Rome didnt really have a race, anyone could be seen as roman, they cared more about economic class than anything. Ofc most were mediterranean tho because thats where Rome is

That's actualy true.
Carthage was the bread basket of the empire, and for a long time the wealthiest city after Rome itself

The entire world was like that during that age, except for peoples that were still stuck with tribes


Yeah most of the big cities where in MENA.

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I didn't. I assumed you were a Paki anyway

Augustus is always said to have piercing blue eyes

Romans especially had a culture of "anyone could become Roman". Even ex-slaves could become nobility in ancient Rome

Caracalla, who made every free man a citizen, was himself part punic/north african/syrian/arab/italic.

>Even ex-slaves could become nobility in ancient Rome
Not really nobility. but yes they could gain citizenship
The patricians were only the ones who could trace their descent from the oldest families.

wasnt one of the Roman kings an ex slave?

its da Jews again.

king or emperor?

>During Passover, Roman soldiers were sent to stand outside of Jerusalem to keep watch in case the people revolted. >They were meant to keep the peace, but one soldier did a little bit more. In Josephus’s own words, the soldier lifted “up the back of his garments, turned his face away, and with his bottom to them, crouched in a shameless way and released at them a foul-smelling sound where they were offering sacrifice.”

>The Jews were furious. First, they demanded that the soldier be punished, and then they started hurtling rocks at the Roman soldiers. Soon a full-on riot broke out in Jerusalem—and a gesture that would live on for thousands of years was born.
joos can't handle banter

wtf you can't do that in a holy city

one of the 8 or so kings that came before the first emperor and after the founding of Rome, most of it is legend but its supposed to mean something that they considered one of their founding fathers to be an ex slave

A lie, probably.
Josephus is a notorious liar

I mean look at this shit, they went and painted a curly haired hook nosed guy as blond

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>MENA people
lol, that concept was as alien to romans as "white people"
you also seem to complitly ignore that nearly all those places were hellenic back then, which the romans had a hard on for

Roman Empire/Carthage existed on the northernmost edge of Africa, American leftists like to remind people some Romans were "African" because it blends the lines a bit equating med north Africans with sub-saharans. It's funny that both whites and blacks have problems with Rome, because it existed in an area where most people were some shade of swarthy or brown, so when you go up to Germany or down below what is now Northern Tunisia those people were considered savages but everyone takes it as WE WUZ CONSULS N SHIT

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Romans didn't have a concept of white vs nonwhite. Their distinctions were patrician and plebeian, citizen and foreigner. Greeks didn't care about race either. A Greek person was a person who spoke native Greek, a barbarian was a person who didn't. Stop applying Amerigoblino concepts everywhere.

actual sheboons in the replies being like "mhm we been knew dey aint whiteys!" and most of the people complaining about the racists in the replies are actually jewish kek

No shit? You think snowniggers could stand the Mediterranean sun?

by US census definition all of MENA is white, so yes they were "white" if you wanted to apply todays standards to the past. the video is half about they arent supposed to be white as in they were painted, and the other half about racial shit, and the narrator has a terrible voice.

"White" as those pseudo-whites stinking rotten cabbage? No.

White as Mediterranean? Yes.

whitey HAS to be STOPPED

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>by US census definition
Stopped reading here. Nobody cares what you use internally to tell each other apart.

Bring definitions from the relevant countries then we talk.

The entire history of the Jewish people altered by a single fart, powerful.

>why yes let's whitewash everything

Pigskins BTFO.

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I can't wait until they start insinuating that most of Ancient Greece and Rome were black and arab

Isnt she american? Why would she be using white if not to apply US standards to the past? We are the lone superpower for now so just kill yourself macaco

>Isnt she american?
She doesn't matter, what matters here are the Romans.

Men are traditionally portrayed with darker skin.

*cracks open valve holding back power level*
Rome had an extremely stratified society. Even the republic where every citizen could vote how heavily that was weighted was based on rank and wealth.
But pretty much the entire government and military was dominated by senatorial ranked people.Your family defined you. But a plebian or even equestrian lower noble just wouldn't be able be consul
Caeser and sulla were poor but because they came from an old sentorial family they were still able to rise to the top. And new men were given constant shit.
It was a huge deal when the first equestrian emperor was proclaimed and that was because the entire process was absolutely fucked by then and Rome was already basically a miltary dictatorship.
yeah he was but he was also pretty much the son of the guy that transitioned the roman empire into being so politically iron fisted internally and was also one of the worst emperors of all time. He basically just gave everyone citizenship to up the tax base.

Julius Caesar was black!


You can whitewash things but you can't blackwash them because it wouldn't really be a washing

>hurr muh romunz wuz wuhite

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Does that woman look nor-dick to you?

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Marble statues from antiquity almost all portray medsh*ts
Yanks are so fucking stupid

we need to just nuke your country so this level of retardation doesnt spread

kek no
the last part is about the "invention" of mooning, I forgot to paste the first paragraph

>shartmart talking about retardation

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You ain't getting a Visa though

>Those comments

Sure, whatever.
Now let's talking about the Romans, it's irrelevant if she's white or American or whatever.



the monkey is a different level

>waaaah Paco wants to talk about Paco's country!
>It's irrelevant, dipshit.

Why isn't he circumcised?

I hope it is just that his translator isnt working well, maybe his tard wrangler is just asleep though

>I mean look at this shit, they went and painted a curly haired hook nosed guy as blond
The colours used aren't random, they look for pigment traces in the original statue first.

>Why isn't he circumcised?
Greek, not Jew.

If not by your flag I'd wonder if your village mocks you for being specially stupid, but I guess your IQ is considered average there, right.

Europeans have never practiced circumcision, part of the reason early christianity abandoned that tradition. No new convert if you have to cut their nippy.

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I know this is just a banter/joke, but

>(NA, Anatolia and the Levant)
Anatolia used to be part of the classical world as much as Italy.

>Speaks an ugly non-Indo-European language
Etruscans say hello.

oh he's one of those

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Oh i thought it was michelangelo's david

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Seethe more
I'll go Grab a pizza and a hooker.
You have prayers at 5 and socks to smell.

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Oh shit i thought you were that Jordanian bitch.
Sorry about that.

What's up Pajeet cousin?
You enslaved those Arabs yet?

cope gypsy

This is mostly bullshit.
Malice Green has white-looking traits because he was mixed, the picture below has a clearly different skin tone, and the decision to paint the goddess black in the plate is mostly aesthetic, for contrast.

But most importantly, by "Romans" who are we talking about? Romans from Northern Africa? Romans from the semitribal island up north? Romans from the city proper and her surroundings? It was a large empire, some citizens were obviously darker or lighter than the average.


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>You ain't getting a Visa though
wtf I have the right to claim a Romnian citizenship
T. Domari

Why Brazilians experiment with de-evolution?

If you aren't a Copt don't bother

Julius Caesar was black


I am a Romani tho not Egyptian

Italians/Greeks don't get right claims just because we are related.
Neither do those Russian rapists.

Try India