Why do Ameritubs hate birds?

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>y-you can commemorate the victims of a horrible tragedy, w-what about the birds!
i hate animals, animal lovers, and environments so fucking much

they look like planes which remind them of 9/11

>mfw I realized that America deserved 9/11

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eh, but some environments as well

Ah, another feels vs. reals argument from the right.

Imagine you put up a little stand on the side of the road to honor someone you knew who was killed in a car accident and some jackass was like "but what if a deer tried to eat one of the roses and got poisoned". You know that he doesn't actually care about that, he just wants to be jackass. That's what the OP article is the equivalent too, but on a larger scale.

>mfw I realized that America deserved 9/11

America didn't deserve 9/11. It deserved a hundred 9/11's.

I hate birds. They're so useless.

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I laff erytime i see americans dying

Except their massive pillar of muh remembrance is a massive source of light pollution greater than the rest of the city combined. Just look how fucking bright it is compared to the other buildings around it.
If you set up a giant floodlight on the side of the highway and it blinds motorists who then hit deer and get killed, I'd want it shut down too.

Yeah, but notice the word choice in the article (at least, what part of the article is shown in the screenshot): "beams of light CAN lure birds to veer off..."
Can, this signifies a possibility, not a certainty. This is concern-trolling at its finest, done only so that it can drive a wedge between a hotly discussed recent moment in American history and the "muh animal" crowd of troglodytes.

>i hate animals, animal lovers, and environments so fucking much

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That was not horrible nobody cares about you ameriglobos

Who gives a shit?

>i hate animals

Why the self-hate?

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Funny coming from a Brazilian. I don't think there's a soul alive who cares what happens to you monkeys

they come in threes apparently

>they come in threes apparently

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Seriously you ameriglobos think you are that important lmao only 3k people died this is nothing you americans should be wiped off the earth you fucking trashs

Stop projecting your psychopathy disinfranchised white male youth

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Every brazillian to have ever existed, combined with every brazillian that currently exist along with every brazillian that will exist could not equal, altogether, even a fraction of the value of one American that died on 9/11.

So what? They lift the radiation containment lid off and let them sit around gauking at the "pretty blue lights"?

One American is worth a thousand Brazilian monkeys

>What am I doing you ask? Why lying in wait for birds so I can crush them with my bare hands of course.

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>Every brazillian to have ever existed, combined with every brazillian that currently exist along with every brazillian that will exist could not equal, altogether, even a fraction of the value of one American that died on 9/11.

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>it's so tragic that some people died because we've been meddling with the ME for decades the culprits may have been egyptians and saudis so we'll invade our former allies in Iraq to kill millions of civilians in our pointless proxy war

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muh laygs

Ah don't forget further displacing the formerly US funded Taliban in Afghanistan and now trying to do the same thing with the formerly CIA supported religious right in Iran
in the end Osama was in Pakistan, a US ally, and apparently for years at that

They're chink proxies.

fuck off, my shit is worth more than an American.
9/11 was absolutely nothing, compared with what America has done to the world fair revenge would be at least 10,000 9/11s

t. whitest genes in Mexico

FUCK birds

FREEDOM is worth more than birds. You can take all the birds, europoors, *I* will choose FREEDOM.

Americans deserved 9/11

I love birds.


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Joshua, buddy... we gotta talk about your chin game.

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>americans are still crying over events that happened twenty years ago

What's your fat pussy leader Xi Jinping going to do to stop the protests? He and chinks like you (well you're probably some wannabe chink 5' 4" shitskin turd ladyboy but that's beside the point) lose massive amounts of face by the day, and it's only going to get worse.

And if he does intervene... well, say goodbye faggot. :)

I'm actually glad Trump blew off the negotiations with the taliban, you would've just funded them only to fight them a few years later.
Seriously just fuck off from the ME.

Kek why are you so mad, Joshua? Skip your daily cuck session? xD

Now go wave some more American flags and hope for white men to fuck Agnes who will never (ever) let you even hold her hand lmao. Seriously though, why are HK chicks so fuckable while HK males are full beta soymode?

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>le "you can't get laid" """""argument"""""
Congratulations on finding the easiest way of outing yourself as a brainlet.