Is this person full slav? She’s from Russia
Is this person full slav? She’s from Russia
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There are many Koreans in Russia.
Yes 200% Russian.
Does she look Korean to you?
She looks like every (male and female) east asian honestly
I'm so sorry kim. If Japan didn't annex Korea, you would've been a Russian citizen.
How about this pic? Still Korean?
Her profile looks even more Korean.
What's context?
She’s a Russian exchange student that recently became a kpop singer. in that pic she talks about how she learned the language.
Her profile looks nothing like Korean imo
She looks hapa.
names so i can see what she looks like before surgery
No, she looks like hapa. Not necessarily korean. We have many native asians here in Russia. Most of them are bro tier. Except tuvans, they are literal culture of kill savages
what is her name?
>became a kpop singer
How many surgeries did she go through?
Anyway, post links to her performances.
I don’t know how to spell it in English but here’s her YT channel.
That’s probably before the surgery by the way if she’s ever had one.
Yes? Maybe she is mixed but for us she looks asian.
memes aside, do many Russians look hapa?
>another generic low quality k-junk singer
She is not popular how did you even found her?
I do...
No, Russian asians mostly stick to their own kind
not hapa but Fingolian.
Yes Boris Yeltsin was 100% slav.
Ethnic russians don't. Although there are some uralic phenotype russians, who have finnic ancestry. And there are many Asian ethnicities (yakuts, buryats, evenki, chukchi, tuva, altai, mongoloid tatars etc). Of course there would be hapas in their national republics. I am from Yakutia and I have hapa friends. Also hapa gfs are very cute
YT recommendation lead me there
No, Never seen hapa in my life, it's either full slav, asian or caucasian.
Moscow btw
He was just swollen from alcohol
Moscow is bad city
The red haired woman is her mom. Maybe her dad is more Asiatic?
It might be true.
She looks like hapa
Can't argue with that.
>Is this person full slav? She’s from Russia
who is her dad?
She looks East Asian to me
I can’t find a photo of him
You sure it isn’t just the makeup?
What is her last name?
She looks asiatic too, maybe she's tatar or something, some tatars looks asian.
she look asian on her child photo, she must be hapa.
Юдинa Cвeтлaнa Дмитpиeвнa
I just learned that she’s 85% Slav and 15% Tatar.
Tatar genes stong af
What does that even mean though
Well well well
So she-s khazar-jew/tatar/slavic(questionable) mutt.
ah that’s a jewess name?
>Eugenia Svetlana
>Elina Karimova
>Angelina Danilova
Why are Russian girls so obsessed with Korea?
Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть в cooбщecтвo, пocвящeннoe милoй и пpeкpacнoй пeчeнькe Лaнe(라나)
Имя пpи poждeнии: Юдинa Cвeтлaнa Дмитpиeвнa
Кopeйcкoe имя: 유은비 (Ю Ынби)
Cцeничecкoe имя: 라나/Lana (мoжeт cтилизиpoвaтьcя кaк LANA)
Дaтa poждeния: 23.11.1996
Pocт: 170 cм
Bec: 50 кг
Haциoнaльнocть: pyccкaя c тaтapcкими кopнями
Ceмья: мaмa - pyccкaя, пaпa - pyccкий/тaтapин
Mecтo poждeния/пpoживaния дo пepeeздa в Кopeю: ocтpoв Caхaлин, гopoд Пopoнaйcк
Пepeeхaлa в Кopeю в 2014 гoдy
Oбpaзoвaниe: Унивepcитeт Coнгюнгвaн/Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)/성균관대학교
Фaндoм: Luminous (кop. 루미너스)
Дaтa дeбютa: 27.06.2019
Aгeнтcтвo: Hicc Entertainment
Пepиoд cтaжёpcтвa: бoлee двyх лeт
Пpoдвижeниe дo дeбютa: пepeдaчи Abnormal Summit (JTBC), Welcome! First Time in Korea? (MBC Every1), Problematic Men (tvN), cъeмки в мyзыкaльнoм видeo J-CAT “FaceTime”
Ha oфициaльнoй cтpaничкe Лaны в Instagram 230тыc. пoдпиcчикoв. A нa YouTube бoлee 90тыc. пoдпиcчикoв.
Make a guess, Jude(ina).
>Problematic Men (tvN)
The fuck is this?
Some tatars, who are used to be khazars, might have such surnames, but yes.
Name of a game show. They invite uni students and try to compete in quizzes and problem solving.
I am. Her facial structure reminds me of Chinese actresses or Korean pop idles.