I want job at Capcom in Japan.
Can Japs get me job? :(
I want job at Capcom in Japan.
Can Japs get me job? :(
Other urls found in this thread:
They only want people from Ivy league
Have sex
I believe they've got enough number of Jap-Eng translators already
The word "Jap" is full of hostility
It's what you japs deserve
Do you like pachinko that much?
You are very kimchy.
A Dutch saying it is only comical irony
Do you love Japan?
I love hentai.
No my grandfather was put inside one of your japcamps when he was 11 years old and seperated from his family. My great granfather was forced to work on the Birma railway. Indonesia was a Dutch colony back then. You japs should bow and apologize to the world for the warcrimes you dogs did back then. Koreans should apologize too because they were part of the Japanese army
We just liberated South East Asia from pink skinned filthy cowards.
It's good to see you have no colony to escape to other than gun crime infested jungle nigger islands in the Caribbean when the mainland is sinking into the sea.
>Carrying hostility for something that never happened to you
Indonesians hated you dogs too. Don't pretend to be a liberator, Japan killed 4 million Indonesians
Capcom is making the best games now
It happened to my family, they still suffer from the trauma's
Do you like monster hunter?
You can become their office cumslut if you are a cute American girl.
Earning good money by having Capcom employees bukkake on you every day.
Yet you are fine, and here you are accosting some random person who had nothing to do with it.
I understand mutts don't care about familiy history but things are different in countries with people who actually know and respect their ancestors .
Never talked about myself. I'm talking about my family. The japs in this thread didn't commit any warcrimes, but they still act as if what Japan did during ww2 was the right thing. They unironically believe the Japanese propaganda and that pisses me off.
I don't hate Japan. I enjoy the weeb shit and even went to Japan this summer. I don't like Japan and Japanese people pretending that nothing happened in ww2. They need to apologize
Ww2 was a long time ago. Many people have forgiven Japan. I still don't think Japan is popular with the old people though
People who never did anything need to apologize from something that happened almost 80 years ago?
Come off it
I'm talking about the Japanese government and the soldiers who are still alive you dumb mutt
All dead and gone
Not yet and there is still the Japanese government
cute tiny little building on the right
There were many Japanese soldiers who fought against Dutch soldiers during Indonesian National Revolution
most of them wished to free Indonesia and Indonesian people
And over 1,000 Japanese soldiers were died in that war
And the Indonesian president, Sukarno said when he came to japan
"""To Tatsuo Ichiki and Tomegorou Sumiyoshi. the independence is for one ethnic, but also for it's all human human being. August 15, 1958 in Tokyo"""
BTW, 27 Japanese soldiers who were dead during Indonesian National Revolution were buried in the Karibata Heroes Cemetery
We had no right to be there at all. We didn't treat Indonesians much better than the Japanese treated us.
Japanese prime ministers have repeatedly apologised to all the countries that were victims of the pacific war.
The people who live today have nothing to do with what happened then, stop being an idiot.
There was nothing brave about opportunistically attacking our colony while our homeland was taken by the Germans, and the Indonesians suffered more under Japanese rule than under our rule.
Emperor Hirohito. Hirohito (1901-1989), known posthumously as Showa, was emperor of Japan during World War II and Japan's longest-serving monarch in history.
>Japan killed 4 million Indonesians
show me the proof
Netherlands are known for "Korea of Europe" in Japan. Of course, it's because both of them can't get over the war and keep bashing Japan. Dutch people are disgusting douchebags.
How can people of color like Japanese commit any war crime against white people? It doesn’t make sense. War crimes refers to
the crimes which white people have committed against people of color.
And then it turned out that Japan only fought for land expansion instead of making countries independent and killed 4 million indonesians
Is this a Capcom thread, right?
From wikipedia:
A later United Nations report stated that four million people died in Indonesia as a result of famine and forced labour during the Japanese occupation, including 30,000 European civilian internee deaths. [25]
25. Dower, John W. War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War (1986; Pantheon; ISBN 978-0-394-75172-6)
I really hate you who tell many lies as if to breath
more over you can't read english texts
read this once more
>And the Indonesian president, Sukarno said when he came to japan
>"""To Tatsuo Ichiki and Tomegorou Sumiyoshi. the independence is for one ethnic, but also for it's all human human being. August 15, 1958 in Tokyo"""
>August 15, 1958 in Tokyo
>August 15, 1958 in Tokyo
>August 15, 1958 in Tokyo
he praised Japan for helping and supporting their independence
Only those frail to the human condition.
>Cited in: Dower, John W. War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War (1986; Pantheon; 0-394-75172-8).
>1968年には親中派の在米左翼団体“Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars”(憂慮するアジア学研究者委員会)をハーバート・ビックスらとともに組織。
I see
>In 1968, he (Dower, John W) organised pro China leftist organization in America“Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars” with Herbert P. Bix.
A cringe dutch poster ruined everything. Sad it was interesting thread before he joined.
Then why so many Japanese people call Netherlands "Korea of Europe"? Only other suggestion is Greece, it's mainly because they were begging Germany in economic crisis anyway. There are fair number of Dutch people still complain about Japanese invasion of Indonesia in WWII, that's the reason we call you "Korea of Europe".
You appear to have started this mess You Hwabyeong
Hwabyeong? You mean this?
Only netouyo call us the Korea of Europe. I've never heard anyone compare us to Korea outside of very specific internet communities.
The people who still complain about the Japanese invasion are an insignificant minority, you shouldn't worry about them.
Also, I don't think Google suggestions reflect most people's feelings
You said friendship
But say it to the Dutch flag in this thread.
I protested a discriminatory word.()
I haven't told the Dutch anything.
You are the same people who shout that Japan is always bad.
That is not me though. There are more Dutch people than one on this board.
These Google suggestions reflect the real people's feelings so well though.
This. He should tell the Dutchman to stop being an asshole, but instead, he only claimed that how Japanese posters misunderstood Dutch posters in our secret language.
>But say it to the Dutch flag in this thread.
Yeah, that Dutch flag is an idiot. Just ignore him.
>You are the same people who shout that Japan is always bad.
Different Dutch people can hold different opinions. There are hardly any Dutch people still angry at Japan.
How many people really kill their mother-in-law?
but >Then why so many Japanese people call Netherlands "Korea of Europe"?
Retard I never heard of it. you Hwabyeong
親善の印として「stop being an asshole」をオランダ語に訳して教えるよ。
「stop eens zo'n kankerlul te zijn」と言う。
Stop eens zo'n kankerlul te zijn!
>How many people really kill their mother-in-law?
In your logic, so many Koreans and the Japanese are killing each other every year but it really rarely happens. So as 嫁姑 Your way of argument is extremely fucked up.
You're pathetic. Please don't talk to me anymore.
That's a very weak response to my arguments. Perhaps if you went outside every now and then your fucked up schizo brain would have been able to come up with something better.
lol, that's a lot of fun!
And japan is finland of europe :DDDDD
>North Korea of Europe : Belarus
>North, Korea, Europe
>Korea of Europe : France
>Korea, Europe
I made a mistake
>and japan is finland of europe
>and japan is finland of asia
日本語版以外のwikipedia にはこういうの載ってないと思うから、もしよければ見てくれると嬉しい
それでインフラ整備は進んだのかもしれないけど、戦時中 & 経済制裁中ってこともあって、労働者の待遇は著しく悪かったみたい
You should come to Tokyo Game Show and thrust to CAPCOM booth.
Then you can get job!