and give them a message
For me it's Hungary
They have no advantages
Message: never give up Hungary
One day You can be 1st country like us
and give them a message
For me it's Hungary
They have no advantages
Message: never give up Hungary
One day You can be 1st country like us
for me it's all of eastern Europe
message: lol @ your life xD
Like isn't that bad here, but people are unbelievably subhuman.
We are not hopeless the Slavic scum spent the last 200 years with trying to destroy us and we are still here standing. Wounded and tired, but we are still alive. We will rise like a phoenix and kill every fucking Slav.
Cope mongol
Magyars are just slavs who somehow managed to achieved even less
>waaah le ebil Slavs tried to "destroy" us, i-it's not our imperialistic tendencies that actually backfired
End yourself. One Slav is worth more than ten M*gyar subhumans.
Hungary is like so based and not hopeless.
Fuck off from my country, Slav. You are not welcome here. Go back to hoholia.
The indo-nigger defense force has arrived.
Why are Hungarians so bitter and resentful?
Your threats hold no weight when I know they're coming from a short ugly M*gyar manlet.
eternally butthurt over losing transylvania
Hungarians are gypsies.
They are permabutthurt they can't bully other nationalities around anymore since 1918.
I am tall, Sloni.
None of your business, Anglo dog.
Says the vlach who makes 5 threads a day about Hungary. Go back to Romania.
Desperate need of group identity boosted with unsatisfied imperial ambitions
t. russian khanate
fuck you
Hungarian palinkas are awesome,
Every day I ask myself -- what have I done so wrong to deserve being born a Hungarian? Everything about this nation is so cringy -- our culture, traditions, national costumes, music, art, literature, achievements (or more precisely lack thereof), humor, mentality, nationalistic and reactionary tendencies, the horsefucker language that should've been wiped off the face of the Earth like a millennia ago, the hideous faces of subhumans that inhabit this country and so on. And worst of all, arrogance in spite of complete and utter mediocrity.
I used to like Hungary when I was younger, but now it makes me wanna puke.
Gyere költözz át.
Go back to India.
gross baba :D köszönöm :D
Oh Radu. It's must be hard living in Finland, getting called a gypsy everyday by Finns.
>One day You can be 1st country like us
no, gypsies took over the country, brown subhumans reign supreme
>brown subhumans reign supreme
So, Hungarians?
>a millennia
Based bozgor
Why would they think I'm Hungarian?
This South Korean user is going all out with this number of threads
Because you are, you just don't know it yet
because you are finno-uglic "people"
He's Romanian diaspoo living in Finland.
t. Indian diaspoo living in Pannonia
They are Altaic so that is a hope
My ancestors :)
i hope we come out as friends again
im sorry for 2011 i really mean it
kys manne
cringe selfhating retard