Do you hate Slavs?

Do you hate Slavs?

Attached: slavs2.png (1188x1138, 36K)

A few years ago I thought anyone with even a drop of Slavic blood wasn't a human being
Now I draw the line at about 10%

what subhuman made this image

No but I hate steppe niggers and their offsprings, known as germans.

I knew what flag it'd be before I even opened the thread. Reevaluate your life, subhuman.

lmao croatians are just catholic serbs

all countries on your map are 100% slav though

Russians are the best slavs though

including majority of germany

Attached: perfect_europe.jpg (800x621, 109K)

Then how come Croats aren't subhuman savages?

but they are delusional gypoid subhuman

No, they aren't Hungarians either.

hmm y are we not slavs exactly

Go back to toilet cleaning filthy poleling

Attached: 1564480235608.png (787x460, 553K)

I love making more money than doctors in Germany so I'd love to do it.

Attached: german-intellectualists.jpg (1280x720, 249K)

>poles being cringy and insufferable again

Truly the God's second greatest mistake.

first one is either serbs or russians


Based and factual




Serbs are the lost tribe of Israel and are the only group to follow the modern Israel (the Orthodox Church, not the synagogue of satan)

Take your meds.

As a finnic BVLL i believe all eastern slavs should be genocided.

Attached: s4ypy14tpy531.png (669x357, 365K)

Bosnians are just Muslim Croats

I like slavs... They gave us kvass

go back to mongolia you child of cain

Rude :-(

epic posts my friends!!


>calls indo-european languages shit
>calls the latin alphabet superior

both are s*mitic and were copied by m*ds

this will be g*rman women and bois when we pound you with our türk bros together

Attached: pollak.png (1980x1280, 201K)

Except not really.


No I don't. I don't even hate the Ukrainians. To be honest most of them are pretty calm and civilized, the opposite what I expected given the bad state of their country.

Yes, really.

So they are better Serbs?

Yes, very much
t. pure-blooded Sarmatian

God is serb, how can someone be better than God?

I knew which poster it would be before reading the half of this post. Lose weight, sloni

It's like 95% Etruscan which itself was like 80% Greek which was only 40-50% Phoenician.

intellectuals a nie intellectualist debilu

niggers tongue my anus

pretty much this

Attached: slavs map.png (1188x1138, 36K)

The best slavs are Russians. Both powerful and smart so thats an easy answer.


only balkan ''slavs''

ja Avar ti Bugar

Yes I do, but only Poles.

I do but only from red regions.

Attached: Crime-vulnerability-index-in-the-years-2010-2013-Index-for-Poland.jpg (400x400, 40K)