/flag/ + /extraflags/

Patra edition

Previous Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, and Jow Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums/tree/master/maps
About Jow Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>Making Flags?

>Having troubles installing the script?
Ask here

>Looking for flags?
The 4 boards that have integrated default flags are Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /sp/. Happy hunting :^)

>Other flag tools?
Flaggot: github.com/dnsev/flaggot
Flag Fixer: github.com/ebinBuddha/Jow Forums-Flag-Fixer
Extra Flag Lister: github.com/ebinBuddha/Flag-Lister-for-Jow Forums

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_Patra.svg.png (1024x683, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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God help us.

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Just be more racist and deport these people to Libya lmao

This fatty is going to force you to be more tolerant.

This is how it'll go
>Her: Greece stop being racism
>Gr: Ok gibs money for refugees plox
>Her: ok have billion euro for refugees
>Gr: *actually spends the money on women and parties like a boss*
That's what happened the last time unironically and no one talks about it kek.

Paying other people to do their dirty work is the only thing the EU seem to do, how much money was wasted on turkey when they could have just sent a joint fleet to the agean sea and sink some boats? What's the point in wasting billions on a navy you don't even use?

kek. Beware, she's so fat that she can cover half of Greece if she sat on it.
Because muh peaceful resolution I guess.
Or perhaps bootlicking.


Attached: super spurdo 64.jpg (878x541, 136K)

Paying moroccans to beat up niggers doesn't sound very peaceful

As long as they don't do it themselves, it's all good. And who knows, maybe they can say that they were being treated badly there so we have to save them!

But it's widely known that they do this, like they do with Turkey and used to do with Lybia, I don't think they deny it

The EU is retarded, if they handled better the refugee crisis the right wing populist parties wouldn't be an issue for them on the road to complete the federalization of the continent, but alas.
>she's so fat that she can cover half of Greece if she sat on it.
She'll have to content with our own fat fuck who covers the whole country

Attached: pagkalos-2.jpg (650x405, 26K)

As long as the EU doesn't do the beatings directly I mean. Isn't this like how they acted shocked about the news of Libyans enslaving nigs? I mean they pay them to deal with them or something, but not explicitly to use violence. At least that's what I think. I think the EU is more likely to use violence against it's unruly citizens rather than a deranged doctor/engineer.
I advise you to not start a fatty competition.

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goddam I need to find a working DS

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Wider than you Muscat

Thank God I'm not a Muscat, despite it being also the surname of the priest who keeps causing butthurt.

Japanese tv ads are wholesome
Here in Thessaloniki we have a priest who every year the night before the gay parade performs a liturgy praying against the "evil homosexuals" lmao

This guy has caused a lot of butthurt recently because now he has appeared twice with IE, first time being on Lowell's birthday in a
bar or whatever and the second was this weekend in front of the Great Siege monument for victory day. That alone causes butthurt.


Imperium Europa

/flag/ is a med colony.

Attached: file.png (205x38, 2K)

Most regular euro posters are /med/ and add to that whatever med percentages there are in our burgers

et ceci est une bonne chose

Oui. Je suis d'accord.

Vive le /flag/ méditerranéen


Just finished flagchecking the southern Netherlands (Zeeland, Noord Brabant, and Limburg). There's gonna be quite a lot of new and redone flags.




This breddy much

You cannot federalize the continent without mass migration. The EU knows exactly what it's doing, and white genocide is an instrumental part of the EU's goal.

Also, happy national suicide awareness and prevention day (at least here in the US). A reminder that some 80% of suicide deaths are white males, and the numbers are continuing to spike because society, media, and females hate us.

There's only one true alternative. Civil disobedience.

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Yeah, but my point is that those names are all pretty gay compared to Hercules. Half the teams in this country are named after gay animals

Its 1917
A battle sphere rolls up on you and slaps your ass
what do you do?

Attached: download (1).png (672x568, 644K)

>US to revive liberty radio in Hungary
>The US is planning to resume its Cold War-era pro-democracy radio service in Hungary for the first time since the collapse of the eastern bloc.
>The decision to add Hungary to this list appears to be a reprimand to Viktor Orban, the increasingly autocratic prime minister, who has allowed most of the country’s media to fall under the control of his allies.
Yesterday we talked about Orban and Hungary being next now that right-wing populists have been kicked out of government in Italy and Austria, and this looks like the beginning of it. Pro-western propaganda now gonna be funneled into Hungary to promote degeneracy and mass migration.

Dime do bush id away widh my benis :DDD

It would take maybe a generation or two more but it would happen eventually. Nowadays upper middle class people can go from London to Paris for the weekend, and even here soon there's going to be a railway that connects Thessaloniki and Athens in under 3 hours. Globalization and the resulting globalist ideology makes it inevitable, the thing is how will this happen. And since the middle class is largely for this federalization anyway, we're just waiting to see how it will happen. It has happened already, either through big empires in the past or through cultures coming together to create the nation state (although i recognize that the last one is less of a stretch than a European federation for sure)

Also, if we're sticking to the rule that only actually existing flags are allowed, quite a lot of flags will have to be deleted. It seems that a key error snuck into the process of flag creation early on, namely the idea that if a Dutch city or village has a coat of arms, then the flag will just be that coat of arms superimposed on a white background. This actually isn't the case, and it's likely that this misunderstanding arose because English articles on Dutch settlements usually only have a picture of the crest. Would be a shame to see all that hard work go to waste though, and some of the crests are awesome.

>Only existing flags
No, it's only existing administrative subdivisions.
No flag? Then flagified coa or coa on white background or national flag

Ram the thing with my modified car like a true Maltese.

> And since the middle class is largely for this federalization anyway, we're just waiting to see how it will happen. It has happened already, either through big empires in the past or through cultures coming together to create the nation state
And that's how said empires fell. Rome fell because its army was made up of nothing but foreigners. The British incorporated their diversity, and they're now being colonized by their own Indians and Pakis. Frankly, we'll never know how successful an ethnically homogeneous empire could be. Only way we could have found out is if Germany won WW2.
>Globalization and the resulting globalist ideology makes it inevitable
80/20 is also inevitable, but we can stop it through brute force. That's the entire point of the movement, to cheat fate and avoid destruction into a brown creole despostate.

Oh really? In that case there's a lot more stuff that needs to be added


>almost all females
I wonder why?

Attached: refugees-welcome-4-618x324.jpg (618x324, 49K)

Hard work iz good work
T. Dvtch Galbinism :DDD

Begome gadolig you fug :DDD

Don't add stuff without anything please, I'd rather not have more than 1500 silhouette flags

There is a subdivision (regional units) that every one of them uses the Greek CoA and it looks something like pic related. Should I go hunting for them after my exams are over?
For the majority of it's existence Rome had "foreigners" playing a big role in it's inner workings. The unified empire had Greeks, Romans and various Italic peoples, Illyrians and Thracians and later in the Eastern Empire there were Greeks, Levantines, Armenians, Thracians and Anatolians playing their role in running the empire and they were kept united under a single identity which was not based on ethnicity. Only when a part of this mosaic stopped thinking itself as Roman it started revolting. A good example is the Thracians who after the invasions of the Bulgars and the Slavs became Bulgarians. In this common identity ("European") the EU wants to complete the unification. The problem is that the people who came in the migrant crisis will be a thorn in this process because they don't view themselves as part of this collective and for the most part they will never do, because they have Islam filling that spot and Islam, for various theological and hisorical reasons in this moment in time, is not reformable plus in the Quran breeding into infidel land to outnumber the other religions is viewed as a positive.
>80/20 is also inevitable
If that makes you feel somewhat better, the creole despotate will have patriarchal gender roles re-instated

Attached: Seal_of_Region_Unit_Thessaloniki.png (520x61, 14K)

What do you mean? I'm too incompetent with image editing software to add stuff myself, all I'm doing now is indexing which towns and cities need to have their flags replaces and which were overlooked. Am planning on posting the results of the flagcheck (i.e. a big to-do list) in one big post on the Github.
Predestination ain't free. The pope is devilish and not my priest Ok.

>For the majority of it's existence Rome had "foreigners" playing a big role in it's inner workings.
But eventually it became a country which was exclusively ruled by foreigners (after Marcus Aurelius). As soon as the empire's common shared culture began to dilute, the empire began to deteriorate.
>Only when a part of this mosaic stopped thinking itself as Roman it started revolting.
We're seeing that here in the US. All of the European-American ethnicities worked together until the browns came in en masse, and now brown people don't see themselves as Americans, but Mexicans living in the US, etc. I mean, you aren't wrong, but it goes to show how important racial identity is to the stability of a nation.
>In this common identity ("European") the EU wants to complete the unification.
Yet the people of the EU will be non-European, and their army will be non-European. They will have no allegiance or heritage associated with the continent, and therefore won't have an incentive to sustain it. They will sustain themselves - all humans do - but they will not improve Europe.
>The problem is that the people who came in the migrant crisis will be a thorn in this process because they don't view themselves as part of this collective and for the most part they will never do, because they have Islam filling that spot and Islam, for various theological and hisorical reasons in this moment in time, is not reformable plus in the Quran breeding into infidel land to outnumber the other religions is viewed as a positive.
Correct, but you are focusing on the wrong demographic. Don't blame the migrants for coming into a home with the door wide open, blame the person, or people who LEFT THE DOOR OPEN. Pic related.
>the creole despotate will have patriarchal gender roles re-instated
who cares, all the women will be ugly brown mutts by then anyway. White women are the only beautiful race of women, and they are breeding themselves out of existence.

Attached: refugees-welcome-3.jpg (672x305, 41K)

dont mind it, I might explain it some other time

I mean, Europe could survive as a brown creole, but only if it were an androcentrist federation, that being ethnic identity is replaced with male identity. For this, all females must be exterminated, and sexuality abolished.

Attached: refugees-welcome-1.jpg (660x330, 60K)

Oh oke, ben eigenlijk gewoon een takenlijst aan het maken. Ik weet niet precies hoe je vlaggen moet maken en ben nogal slecht met Photoshop/Paint.net etc., dus was niet van plan om zelf iets in elkaar te flansen.

With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour babe more, more, more
With a rebel yell more, more, more

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My father was a big fan of him when he was dating my mother. Apparently he had some cassettes that he would play non stop.

i remember my dad would play that cassette in his 1994 Mustang GT when I was really young.

I read this wrong and for a moment I thought you just said your dad was a fan of Billy when Billy was dating your mom

come at me bro

Attached: 1.jpg (623x443, 56K)

Lmao, I read it the same way

haahahahahahahah yeah I think I could've worded it better.

Fuck you whores I'll run y'all over with my russian tricycle tank while dancing to balalaika

Attached: tsar-tank-on-a-field.jpg (600x319, 40K)

now you've done it

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Teleports behind you

Attached: Vezdekhod.jpg (475x278, 72K)

>bringing out the jericho trumpets of death

Attached: mwwtm1x9dho11.png (492x314, 200K)

1v1 me in Rohnert Park

Attached: Cltra.jpg (736x483, 131K)

*blocks everyones path*

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I'll fly in on this bad boy while it blasts Sabaton and projects females getting thrown off buildings

Attached: ANT20Bodenphotoschwarzweiss.jpg (720x434, 73K)

>the bait has worked, he's in range, open fire

Attached: RIAN_00872900_468.jpg (468x312, 46K)

>Heh... who's baited now

Attached: monster.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>all this tank posting
We had malaria in the swamps surrounding Thessaloniki killing Entente soldiers lmao
>until the browns came in en masse
You had some very brown persons who if the soviets didn't infiltrate your education system would have been much better off and so would the rest of muricans.
>Yet the people of the EU will be non-European, and their army will be non-European.
That's why although the unification will happen, it will be much more unstable than it would have been if this didnt happen. Also it would take hundreds of years for the europeans to be replaced and there will be a reaction to this way sooner than that point.
>Don't blame the migrants for coming into a home with the door wide open
I'd blame the person who made a second person let a third person open that door. The first person for doing that and the second person because while knowing who that 3rd person is, they still let them open the door.

>armored train
lmao i didn't mention my weapon is the real life fat man firing tactical nukes all over

Attached: xfxfg7C.jpg (800x640, 254K)

Based Greek efficiency

>You had some very brown persons who if the soviets didn't infiltrate your education system would have been much better off and so would the rest of muricans.
That's because they kept to themselves. Blacks did just fine in a segregated system, but when desegregation happened their culture was destroyed and now they're basically consumerist thugs. Chicanos are going down the same path.
> Also it would take hundreds of years for the europeans to be replaced and there will be a reaction to this way sooner than that point.
The average age of white Europeans is like 57. It will only take 25-30 for effectual replacement and another 20 for complete replacement. Keep in mind of racemixing as well. Less if there is a real white genocide.
>I'd blame the person who made a second person let a third person open that door.
>refuses to blame the female
this is why Europe and the white race is dying, and then the Asian race afterwards. We need to blame females, and we need to stop them from ruining our civilizations.

Attached: refugees-welcome-5.jpg (1000x562, 409K)

I have his first self-titled cassette in my collection

>but when desegregation happened their culture was destroyed and now they're basically consumerist thugs
The issue is more of how that happened. IIRC in Rhodesia the whites were planning of educating and lifting the locals and would give them full rights by this decade. Also MLK's message has been torn into pieces, that played a role in black culture becoming thug.
>The average age of white Europeans is like 57. It will only take 25-30 for effectual replacement and another 20 for complete replacement. Keep in mind of racemixing as well. Less if there is a real white genocide.
Their birthrates fall after each generation and thankfully the number of arrivals is not as big as it used to be. So the numbers are not supporting your case and I believe this issue will be resolved, hopefully not in a weird war but politically. Racemixing is not as prevalent on the ground in Europe as you think as well, although being promoted is certainly a problem.
>We need to blame females
Only when masculinity weakened women started holding such power. No one but men themselves can fix men and the mess they created by not doing what they're supposed to do.

Reminder that we had, in service, unguided air to air nuclear mussles



>One jet, one Genie

Attached: USarmy.jpg (884x1200, 156K)

Verified Jersey


that's cheating!

We should try to get for /flag/


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fug, current eta is about 2 hours

im gonna set an alarm

thank you for that red circle i didnt know i had to read those words, completeley unrelated to everything in this picture

the good old times :^)

Attached: it's over 93000000.png (1750x3585, 785K)

also noone off himself or im gon pop one in yo ass

Attached: 1ew4b.png (713x561, 382K)


flaglets rekt

nibba should i do this

Go for it user, more flags is always good

fug, I didn't know about regional units.
so you be sayin' that none of those has a proper seal?
I think those should be added regardless and municipalities should then be moved down a level
It will probably look weird tho

latest estimate: 1h32m

We should go in all at the same time

The Netherlands has a couple of extra historical regions with officially approved flags. Think they can be included?

>tfw got pic related

Attached: file.png (700x352, 557K)

nope, they're not official (I assume you mean like West-Friesland or something)