/cum/ - Mexico USA Canada

morning edish

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Other urls found in this thread:



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LOL ch*nkoid ins*ctoid BTFO

daily reminder that racism belongs on /b/

You're really gonna bring me to masterbate huh? really...

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should i buy a polaroid camera? i have the throw away money from working but i don't want to use it once and have it sitting there collecting dust for the next 3 years

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take best dick pics you ever could


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but i kinda like the having a physical copy of a picture and not something saved on a computer however i don't have anything interesting to take pictures of

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>the literal state of /cum/
why do you fags love scat so much

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it ain't easy being cheesy

>deluge of scatposting
>abloooablooo Muh Racism

great general you have here

thanks for visiting hope you had a great time

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good thread

thingken about either going to the gym or the iGoy store to look at new phones before work


Morning swedenbro

>general for north america
>mostly non-americans
this general is pointless

The iPhone 11 should be coming out next month

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no wait.. stop..


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adeus meu amigo

Had to close
Ugly nose

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Can't watch more than 10 seconds without cringing, anyone wanna sum it up for me?

Why does Kansas have such shitty marijuana laws? Fuck this shit.

Muh devil's lettuce

blame bible thumpers

Old Bay Shrimp is so fucking good bros...

Hello is the French Celestial girlfriend user here?

getting real tired of this shit gookmoot it happens every 2-3 days


seething jap gook

I was making fun of gookmoot's poor administration, not the use of the term

What's wrong?

A few minutes ago the site sperged out again

>wake up for lab
>it’s cancelled
Side question. Any food ideas? I like to make big dishes that I can put in the fridge and microwave. Thinking pasta salad today. Should last me a couple of days.

The cumbrain is immunized against all dangers. One may call him an Incel, virgin, NEET, loser, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a cumbrain and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

This isnt a true southener


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>microwaving pasta salad

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obviously I wouldn't need to microwave pasta salad mr cumbrain

should i get a tik tok? i just want something like vine again

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this is high quality shit

Hello Fellow Southerners :)

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>tfw repairing peoples electronics for weed

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wow is going down for 2 hours
what am i supposed to do with my life now?

give me the money instead

j o, have sex, revive /cum/

you're given $10k right now. what do you spend it on?

move out
pay for the mones
thats it

tummy hurts

no you'll just eventually kill yourself and all the money will go to waste





based dual survival poster got b& rip in piece

oh no no no you take pick this cat out of this coffee cup you sick fuck

*smacks lips*
*spits out watermelon seed*
watchu sayn is
*tears off chicken leg*
we wuz
*wipes off dandruff*

good morning, V̶i̶e̶t̶n̶a̶m̶ Sweden!

where is Fergie?

i found out recently that nignogs believe that the noses were taken off egyptian statues because they didn't want them to know they were kneegrows

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too late, he's already UMA'd

>Come up out that pretty motherfucker like hello,hello I will never shoot the nose off my pharoah
This is unironically a Jay Z song

I wish that I could fly.. into the sky... so very high.. just like a dragonfly

I'd fly above the trees, over the seas, in all degrees, too anywhere I please

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I've asked in the previous threads but you cumbrains totally missed the question

How similar are pepsi & coke? Can one tell a difference between these too

pepsi is sweeter

is it sweeter than say fanta? the classic flavour

if I add more water to pepsi will it taste more like coke

Chinese girl I made cum in the back of a taxi long ass time ago texted me asking when I would be back :^)

i dont remember i havent drank fanta in over 20 years

no it wont taste like coke

coke is saltier which makes you want to drink more of it but either way it's just shitty corn syrup water

>why yes, i am a soda scholar.

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also it should be noted that pepsi is more popular internationally than it is here

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Few months ago I was going to buy a can of both drinks, went to the local shop and failed to find a can of pepsi. Coke is everywhere though

I've heard coke tastes significantly different everywhere else than it does here. Probably pepsi too.

Personally, I think pepsi is disgusting

Always nice to see Razorback fans having a good time.

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Day 7

I weighted myself today. Got 175lbs. Measured my waist, it's 31" (just relaxed, not sucking in the belly). Not bad, my waist was 31.5" 5 years ago and I was like 16lbs lighter. I'm 6'1"fwiw

danm, I'm getting better with age. Should hit the gym.

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>I've heard coke tastes significantly different everywhere else than it does here.

BS! Coke tastes about the same every fucking where. From russia & china to korea & the us.

Beer on the other hand gets watered down the closer you move to the us. The epic beer is bud light. I was getting it instead of water

>Beer on the other hand gets watered down the closer you move to the us.
I have dozens of microbreweries just in my small corner of the country dipshit

You're literally talking about brazillian owned beer companies

time to sleep

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>I have dozens of microbreweries just in my small corner of the country dipshit

They dont serve beer from microbreweries in most of the restaurants. At least I wasn't that lucky. If you are to get a decent stake you get kind of limited beer options (unless you are specifically heading to a beer-themed place)

>They dont serve beer from microbreweries in most of the restaurants.
yes they do

quit your bs

>let me tell you about your country

You microcity has nothing to do with rest of the country and commifornia specifically