Passing a drug test for a job (UK)

Have any UK anons used a detox drink to pass a drug test for employment? I'm thinking of trying pic related, I have a job induction on Thursday and I have to take a drug/alcohol test for it. These tests suck for weed users because although weed is comparatively harmless compared to other drugs, it stays in the system much longer. Do any other weed anons have any experience passing a drug test?

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asprin and water. may come up dilute but meh.

Stop smoking weed, you degenerate fag.

My cousin just passed a piss test with the quick fix plus synthetic piss. You just microwave the container it comes in for a bit then wrap a hand warmer around it and tuck it next to your junk. Just have to make sure the temp stays in the correct range but it has a temp strip to give you an idea.

That shit doesn't work.
detoxes don't work.
time and sweat work.

You want this job user? Youre going to piss dirty? You don't have time to sweat it out(and that is potentially months)?

you have one option. Synthetic urine.
I've used quickfix quite a few times with no issues. Don't know the laws there but in the US no one is coming into the bathroom with you.
heat it up, strap on the hand warmer, compression shorts/spandex so it doesn't move. Take it out pour it in and you'regood.
Don't falk for any other bullshit out there. This is the only thing that will work guaranteed.

This detox drink is from the makers of Quick Fix synthetic urine though, so if the synthetic urine works this detox should work too, no?

they wont care about weed

Just ask someone for some piss.

You can try detox drinks but results seems to vary a lot. First test I would try the to just dilute it, drink water/Gatorade and take a multivitamin. You cant be failed for one dilute result but if you get a second it's up to the drug testing company on whether they accept it or consider it a fail.

US here. Just took a drug test. They did a urine test (which can be faked) and a hair test (which can't be faked). The later uses a spectroscopic to analyze the precise chemical compounds.

I don't think you can force out all the thc your body holds that quick. Those detox drinks are just somehow masking/diluting, I wouldn't trust them to make you completely clean. This could also be an issue if they are testing at tighter tolerances. The synthetic shit is 100% clean while you still have trace amounts if you successfully dilute. Is it worth the chance for the convenience of not substituting?

Use heated fake piss, or someone else's piss. Anything less is a risk

wrong, detox beverages only work if you're using water-soluble drugs like coke or x. Weed is lipid-soluble and so it takes time to slowly metabolize out of your fat cells - up to two weeks, regardless of how fast you try to flush your system.

Yeah it's just that the synthetic urine is a bit more of a ballache, having to hide it underneath your pants and making sure it's at the correct temp when you use it. The detox thing is just way less stressful. Yes it works as a masking agent and works for up to 5 hours. I'm kind of torn between the two methods now.

Just buy an artificial penis filled with artificial urine

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I don't think that's true because the Certo detox method (mixing Certo pectin with another drink) is used by loads of weedhead niggers in the US and it works for a lot of them. Though I'd still rather try a more reliable and reputable method.

actions and consequences

I understand, I was nervous about subbing myself so I just stopped smoking weed completely since I had the time. Still don't smoke now, I get random tests because of my CDL. My cousin was very nervous about subbing as well but he claimed it was all a lot easier than he thought it would be and bought more to keep on hand.

Start the keto diet too. Get burning that thc fat out. Keto will start to clean your system out once to hit ketosis.

drug tests are like 50/50. just gamble it.

3 days before, start loading up on b vitamins, creatine, electrolytes and water. Continue until test day, when you will mega dose the supplements and water a couple hours before the test. The idea is to dilute your urine as mich as possible but still have enough of the 'natural' solutes that they test for (creatine and b vitamin byproducts) in order to convince them that your urine is not extremely diluted.

B vitamins also make your urine appear yellow when it's actually diluted. I've heard this method but never heard if it works or not.

You know what user. Disregard my long post trying to help you out.

please, go waste your money on a detox, take your drugs test and fail, while not getting that job you absolute fucking faggot

>being this butthurt about a question
i was just making the point that since this detox drink is made by the very same company who make the reputable synthetic urine, it bodes well. i'm still undecided though, i'll have to get some spandex fucking pants if i go the synthetic urine route.

get a job in the NHS; no drug tests there, bell munch

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