the strangest general (not really) edition.
>posting an*me on a western image board
>not posting pcv girls
pass, maybe if they were pvc sexpats
>sex in the uae
did I say sexpat? i meant to type migrant worker, good thing the smell of my pvc wives makes me sharp again.
I dont know what the fuck Im going to do.
I need to find a course or another program to study this year but all of them are almost closed.
I can chose oriental studies, I wanted the arabic but I cant get it since it is closed. I have to chose Perisan Hindi or Turkish.
Or I could take just one language course preferably which would be the ones already mentioned OR Aramaic/syriac
Fucking kill me now
What's wrong with the Diaspora
why not register as soon as its open? it is known you're fucked if u go late
also isn't there a system where u can ask to register even if the class is closed? we have it here but you have to make up an excuse and its50/50
I will have to wait another year, I have to move back home and a few other problems.
I got into uni but I chose the wrong program. My only hope is if I can get into arabic class somehow. I really dont want to study turkish for no real reason other than to stay here. My ex who is also my only friend here goes to that class so maybe she can help me. I really dont want to sit and do nothing the entire winter again. And the worst part is that the teachers said everything will be fine, lmao fuckig liars
With ”that class” I mean arabic
try to suck the studnet office (idk what its called in ur count) dick and try to be annoying as possible until they register you manually
انا اكره هذا الصيف التعيس و شمسه الملتهبة. لا يمكنني الانتظار إلى أن يحل موعد فصل الشتاء
Like I cant just study a language without motivation so i feel completely fucked. Fuck this shitty system. Im gonna miss my ex too much though. This monday was probably the last day id see her.
She really wants me to stay which sucks.
They are annoying and complain about literally anything
based cirno posters
has Jow Forums made anybody else more bitter? i swear i was a super nice guy before.
It made me care less about things, so maybe.
>Arabic classes are already full before other oriental languages
try to not browse a lot,alsot remember that there's a massive unironic cyncial "incels/mentally ill" who hate on everything,literraly no matter what topic or person
the other are shitposters who want to bait you's
are u going for translation bachelors or what?
Nah I actually wanted international relations with focus on arabic
excuse the rudeness,but aren't these "meme" bachelors? like i don't think there's a great demand/high ladder unlike enginnering/medical/business etc
also if u really want it u can transfer i think,so u can still go for it
Ive lost all motivation to be honest.
I should have stayed at home, work in the industry. Its my ex that gave the motivation to do anything really and idk if i can let her go. Every time I do manage to let her go she somehow shows up. She wasnt even supposed to go to university here. She is nice and wants the best for me but yeah, its hard.
Man I used to dream big but now I feel nothing, I suppose it is a meme degree, but there are still possibilities to become something. But now I have no idea again.
> Imagine studying something you are actually does and not going after medicine or engineering cause that's what everyone in your country does.
Yikes , sucks to be European hehe
don't drop out,you'll regret it extremly on a few years when you're flipping burgers...unless u open a massive sucessful bussiness its a massively dumb idea
i still suggest going to the student relations and telling them,they may work something out...even if a class is closed they can manually open it/extend it
its even worse in europe since you'll live lower middle class forever since there's more competiton
I fucking hate maths and im not intrested in the slightest.
I am gonna drop out unless they let me switch or get me into the lang course i want
I might just retreat into the forest and never return. or I might be able to get in next year but the motivation is all gone.
>I dont know what the fuck Im going to do.
just die
noooo swede bro! this is terrible news! but I can give you some advice of when I went to university. Enroll into a bunch of meme irrelevant courses until someone drops the course you want, you need to look day and night on the course enrollment page for this, also go to the class you want the first week and ask the professor to add you to the class. This helped me tremendously my first few quarters until I moved up enough in my major that my classes became emptier and easier to enroll in
>Fucking kill me now
Jag vill inte att du ska dö :(
you don't see the shit Jewish diapsoora do in New York? they have created their own police brigade there and the state of New York does jack shit to stop them, also what this user said among so many other things
t. diaspoora
Listen ive tried so many things now i just want to get drunk and forget all about everything
I dont know if our universities work the same. I cant just get in unless i’ve applied during spring
our universities here work the same, but almost always if you don't get into a class you can just wait out the first few weeks and someone is bound to leave the class and you can eventually apply to the open spot. You just have to watch the class day and night until the census date and registration closes for all classes
I know. I've met some cool people quite literal bitter incels too
Im using the chanz a lot more nowadays. I feel like my thinking ability is going down, like I'm getting stupider. Does anybody else feel the same?
I was going to ask a mate if he wanted to go for drinks but then I had shit to do. Then I was wondering if I should grab a pack on the way home and chug it quietly like I did a few times before but I bitched out because I live with my parents and I can't be fucked dealing with the anxiety of it. Now I just wish I had a bottle to go with my chips fark.
Israel just cucked Jordan lmao
is there anything I can do to make you feel better?
Most of the Jews in the US had no home country when they emigrated to the US.
I'm not enjoying my course, thinking about switching to medicine now. I hope it isn't too late, I have the grades.
>animena thread
God's in his heaven and all's right with the world.
I don’t understand why Saudi men and women are racist to Africans and Asians but won’t tolerate any discrimination towards Afro-Saudis and Asian-Saudis.
Really, you admire the black Saudi Imam for his wonderful prayers, but wont hesitate to call that Sudanese migrant who minded his business a ز*جي. So stupid.
welcome back fren
Ur just jealous is all
Haven't shown my mug around these parts for quite a while now.
How's everything? Same ol' retards still wasting their best days discussing identity politics?
Anime posting trannies deserve acid baths
Yes I'm very jealous of 2nd/3rd Diaspora in western countries
Yeah but i wont get student gibs unless i go to class which i havent done in 2 weeks
My future is empty void when i try to conjure it up in my mind
Im drinking thai beer rn, its really fruity actually
If you could get God to stop fucking me over every time i get my shit together that would be really awesome (jk)
>i suffer in sverige
Ever since you started enabling trannies in this general and all the "cute" posting anime trannies flood every mena thread
go back
Could be worse, bro.
you missed an oportunity to say the strongest general since you posted cirno. Sad!
They’re letting out their inner desires in an actual safespace. If being honest about, say, transitioning or liking the same sex in real life and with pride, they’ll definitely get prosecuted and killed by troglodytes like you.
If you don’t want them to swarm this website about their closeted feelings, then let them express it in real life, pride parades and therapies and whatnot. I’d argue in their favor some more, but even the LGBTQs of this site are horrible human beings who should be executed for instigating and praising terrorist attacks, not because they like it up the ass while wearing a tutu.
>I do, how did you know?
It don't quite feel right to post Guppies in SS uniforms to a jew, so here's green berets instead.
>How's everything?
fine and dandy.
> Same ol' retards still wasting their best days discussing identity politics?
in mena thread? Yeah, kinda.
I don't understand why some retards here wanna keep talking about politics when they can just fuck off to Jow Forums.
Some people here are literally cringe.
>Jordanian wants to be as white as possible
>extremist Jordanian
>dispora complaining how shit their lives are
>dumb Egyptians from /egy/
I meant the strongest. I came back from class really tired so I mistyped
where's ur furry pic?
What furry pic?
you know what it is tumblrina
What the hell are you talking about?
انتي السوداني؟
GUP is comfy
ليه بتفكرون اني شخص وا اعرفه؟
اسلوبك اسلوب الكلبه الي تستخدم بروكسي
بغيت أتكلم موضوع جدي بس خليت
لكان شو انتي؟
I barely talk to them, but when i do i stand out because of my flag ok?
I know, Im thankful for that. I think there is a deeper issue tho, it might still be because of the break up and that i try to salvage it, she likes me but now its just reslly hard for the blrh of us, i love her still bros. If i could just last a bit longer we would be back together but yesh life fucks life.
>I don't understand why some retards here wanna keep talking about politics when they can just fuck off to Jow Forums.
Because these cunts see identity politics in a light not too different from the one junkies see the crusty needle with.
The mix of the fire of nonsensical debates and the vicarious pleasure that jolts up their entire being when they think they've proven that their ideology or denomination of choice is morally superior to their opponent's is their heroine. It's an addiction, a real life-destroying affliction.
Don't do politics kid, it messes with your brain.
خليتو الموضوع عني قصدي
مو فاهم اللي بتتكلم عنه، بس انت مريض نفسيا اذ بتكره ناس بس عشان هم مو نفس الsexuality بتاعك
ليش بتدعم اللوطاء والمتحولين؟
Hey ar*Bs.
Stop occupying Egypt.
Stop discriminating against Copts (Egyptians).
Yukari-chan is a woofy loofy cutie pie.
يا الله من الموقع المعفن ذا
ليه تبي تقتلهم؟ هم بشر زيك.
يمكن انت مش بني ادم حتى، انت زي الكلب اللي يبي يذبح و يأكل اللي ما يفهمه
kys dayouth
Ive only ever had sprites, mixed vodkas and rum desu. Maybe because im a fruit but i liked sprites the most. rum just makes me mad everytime i have it for some reason so it doesnt feel that good
انت سعودي ولا مهاجر هنا؟
تبي تصير زي الغرب مخانيث يعني؟ تدري ان فيه فئة كبيرة لللان مازالت تكرههم خصوصا المتحولين صح؟
>I suffer in Sweden. Kys
باكا باكا
باكا باكا
باكا باكا
باكا باكا
باكا باكا
باكا باكا
i agree desu it's a petty feeling of thinking you're "waking people up" when you look like a obnoxious faggot 9/10 times irl
Rum is fucking great.
My grandpa thought the same, always Cuba libre. Its my favorite drink by far
كس امك يا كلب
my father just told me that veating women is not okay
ما يهم أني سعودي، الممهم انك هجمي و تفكيرك زي الحيوان
الغرب سيء مش عشان الهوموسيكس و الترانزجيندرز، لا، هو سيء علشان الاقتصاد اللبرالي اللي يربح الأغنياء زيادة و يفقر الفقراء زيادة
بس انت تافه بتحسب ان اكبر مشكلة بالدنية اللي ما يخقون ببنات زيك
Hopefully Israel will invade all of the middle east
based baka poster
if you cant use the stick use the carrot more often. especially the one in your pants.
i dont have caroots in my pants
don't be sad bro, you still have long life ahead of your and you have it better than most of the world by just living in Sweden, if you need someone to talk to I am here for you :)
Good post
الا يهم انك سعودي ولالا علشان اعرف من وين ماخذ نظرتك الغبية
مع انه واضح من كلامك انك منت سعودي بس ودي اعرف من اي دولة جاي؟ سوريا؟
ماشاء الله شكلك عالم وش مخرب الغرب.. وين ماخذ معلوماتك من 4حمير؟
When im done drinking
شولد اي كال ماي إكس؟
Does it work to write english lile that???
take HRT,go to sweden,put a paperbag in ur head and offer ur boipussy to sven