Would you consider them European if they adopted a flag without the jihad star of Islam?

would you consider them European if they adopted a flag without the jihad star of Islam?

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they are not European because they are not feminists, cucks or betas

I don't consider greeks Europeans either

The word Europe is literally in greek. European civilization has major roots in ancient greece.

Greece literally invented Europe

turkey is the successor state to the ottoman empire which is the successor state to the byzantine empire which is the successor state to the roman empire which is responsible for creating europe in the first place
so yes turks are european, white, and based

>ancient greek city states are modern day greeks hurr durrrrrrrrrrr

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hey hey, insallah, focus on our topic of discussion

Do whitoids really

you must be new here, that's the roachbro from Australia

They are more european than you mongol

>jihad star of islam

Just like Russia, Turkey is partially European - with our without star and crescent. Culturally and geographically.

thanks brother, but we're trying to focus on a non muslim sample base

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No. They are not European because Turkey isn’t in Europe and their genetics are Middle Eastern.

Greeks are European. Get out of Europe Mohammed.


>Turkey is partially European
It’s not European, you're either European or not.

Varg is an idiot.

They dress and act like durkas
Nkr*ks are just as bad tho

No, only quasi-european akin to the caucasus nations if they ever heavily secularised their cunt

>you're either European or not

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My blood is European, so yeah, I have more authority to speak on it than someone whose isn’t and the just live (have invaded) there.

>Turkey isn’t in Europe and their genetics are Middle Eastern.
>Greeks are European.
ah yes look at these European genetics.

Attached: Greek National Team.jpg (640x775, 88K)

Turkey is the successor of the ottoman empire which was a caliphate therefore are the successor to the long line of arab pedo worship

Considering the amount of Greek, Georgian and Armenian blood they all have, MAYBE.

>.t feminist cuck beta

They all look European to me. Definitely whiter than you Mohammed. And almost every single one is hot.

>My blood is European
t. african-american with slightly light skin

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seething mentally ill gay incel. go outside and meet girls.

mongol map bro, is that you?

No but it's a good thing
t. Sarmatian

Its a she

We don't cluster with Europeans genetically and don't speak an European language. Most people are muslim unlike Europeans. So we are not European regardless of symbols on our flag

It is a tranny trying so hard
dont bother lol

Why do you believe it he never posted proof
it is an AGP tranny

>Its a she
Dilate and kys.

She posted a vocaroo before

Nah, all my ancestors are European. Only a Muslim would care to defend this.

Whatever helps you guys cope.

Just forget about it already.

no they are my least favorite immigrant group
And I am a pretty liberal guy outside of my opinion on turks
They are straight out of lord of the rings, at least the ones that immigrate


t. poupoodoopooloos

Nah, I have no Greek/Mediterranean heritage whatsoever. I just hate seeing any Europeans subject to D&C.

Turks are the original mutts not even Americans can compete.

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why are you guys fighting again? this was supposed to be a thread of peace

Most white Americans are not even ‘mutts’ of anything except European ethnicities.

Trannies voice training is lterally easiest thing
it is a fucking tranny
and voice isnt enough at least a timestamp with pic

>at least a timestamp with pic
>at least
As opposed to what? Me showing up at your doorstep and handing you my ID, SSN# and passport? You’re fucking deluded, it’s an anonymous image board that is extremely notorious and not something anyone wants any degree of association with, nobody is going to dox themselves to prove anything to a bunch of horny anonymous incel NEETS lmao.


This is totally wrong, it’s not easy at all.

Istanbul feels much more European than Hamburg to be honest

I also consider Turks to be more European than Greeks


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You sound so braindead, I don’t even know why I’m giving you (You’s.) At least you seem to realize how irrational you are though if this is one of the only 3 responses you can ever seem to muster up.

Because you are one.


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seething tranny

Same words, every time. Yup, you sure defeated me. And you’re still not white.


meds are cringy asf

>giving attention to literal schizos

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Same 4 words. Bot.

Greeks are European Ahmed

Varg is a fool, all his ideas come from pseudo-science and his anti-Christian beliefs, not a shred of reason, logic, or evidence

Most based post ITT

Trannies are shameless nothing hurts them

If "Istanbul" and surrounding aread areas seceded and created their own country, then this new country I would embrace as European.

back to africa, giuseppe

>first Portugal
>then Poland
>then Turkey
Who will be the next one to humiliate Greece?

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Why do you keep giving them yous every time? They are obsessed and you realize they would seethe a lot more if you didn’t.

Crisis here is over fag, you had your moment. Keep coping with your PPP

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A shitskin can't be european no matter his flag.
Danes are mixed with saamis and slavs, you're not white either.

meds are SEETHING over this shut it down

SEETHING swarthrons

>you had your moment.
I think this moment will continue for a while

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The leftist government is out, this chart ends in 2017, right in the middle of their time. Now go make more threads about Greece, you obsessed immigrant cuck


you arent white nor european.


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this was supposed to be a peaceful thread, don't know what happened and things detonated

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I'm so glad that I'm a white negro and not an eur*peon

>My blood is European, so yeah, I have more authority to speak on it than someone whose isn’t and the just live (have invaded) there.

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You’re right, especially the Egyptian. The Chilean is literally a gay dude, so no surprise he’s trying to bait what he hopes is one as well.

t. Ahmed

I have no Med heritage at all.

All my ancestors are from Europe.

post your non-white eyes

No, I'd never consider them European.

1) I have blue eyes. Brown eyes are still ‘white’ eyes though.

2) I would never post anything, let alone eyes. Iris scan is biometric ID risk right there.

>1) I have blue eyes. Brown eyes are still ‘white’ eyes though.
>2) I would never post anything, let alone eyes. Iris scan is biometric ID risk right there.

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Turn off the VPN Turkroach.

If Im a turkroach and my VPN shows this flag then I need a new VPN lol

You are that autistic racist femcel aren’t you?

Why are you trying to divide and conquer Europeans?

I dont, I try to prevent them from being peudo-united and infiltrated by non-europeans

Racist is a really overused word. I judge based on hard facts, and it’s not racist to say Turks aren’t European.

literal truth right here

neither are meds, only some of them, along with some turks.

>prevent them from being peudo-united What do you mean by this?

>and infiltrated by non-europeans
So do I, so I have no idea why you’re calling me non-European for saying Turks aren’t white.


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Meds are absolutely European, all of them. Turks aren’t.

Holy shit how are you this autistic?

Im not even gonna bother fixing the mess you are trying to make here swarthron.

He is right tho