Why are more people single nowadays? Even high schoolers aren’t dating as much as they used to

Why are more people single nowadays? Even high schoolers aren’t dating as much as they used to

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Hard to be making 8 figures straight out of 9th grade to satisfy modern womens expectations.

>Democracy Dies in Darkness

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How much of an insufferable faggot do you have to be to put "Democracy Dies in Darkness" as your banner?

I’ve never been in love or had a partner and I’m 24.

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It because of fucking videogames and anime that these goddamn incels arent having sex

What are the factors that contribute to that?

It's unironically the internet's fault.

social medias and dating websites ruined it

men just aren't good enough

being a loser?

Fuck I wish so bad this isn't just me but a societal issue. I don't want to be the only one to die without having a family and children.

Thats normal

How so?

Everyone needs to lower their standards.
Also why would any woman date a man that makes less than her?

>young men have no chance dating online
>they end up alone
>young women only want chads
>they either end up fucking around all the chads or don't fuck anyone

have sex

Social media has broken humies. Everyone is allowed to exist in bubbles and feel like celebrities. The ego of the average person is astronomically higher than it once was.
The youth is holding out for the 'perfect one' because that's what everyone 'deserves'

Internet is turning everyone autistic.
Not even joking. Young people just don't learn anymore how to make meaningful connections to people. With the internet, the way we communicate changed, and the youth has grown up with this change. And with shit like tinder, you can easily get a date tomorrow if you look decent. The dating culture this forms is a nightmare, though. Didn't really like the last date? Whatever, there is tons of other people. Just ghost them and look for the next date. No reason get to know them any closer, even though that might make you like them more. Shit like this also causes commitment issues. Since it's so easy to get to know new people, you never truly have to commit. And many people don't even know anymore how to do that on top of that. Having a meaningful relationship is a lot of responsibility and takes a lot of trust. Young people lack these things now.

I'm glad the internet wasn't really a thing yet when I was in my teens desu. It's not a great outlook.

>walk across university campus
>everyone has earphones in
>everyone is staring at their phones

>commitment issues
What is even a commitment these days? Even marriages can be broken.

>Also why would any woman date a man that makes less than her?
they wouldn't, that's why equal pay is being pushed. it's also why they're pushing comediennes and other equal shit, to make women yet more repulsive to men

>young women only want chads
literally how is this any different than any other time period, ever?


>be a women that doesnt put any care of her looks and ends up as an ugly landwhale
>still gets more matches than the biggest male model on tinder

yeah I dont know I think we live in a strange reality

I do that haha

women are all terrified of being raped and men are terrified of being called a rapist

Yeah, that's honestly another thing. Divorces are so normal now. "Till death do us part" my ass, marriage is just an expensive party after you sign a paper to change your name. Especially in America, I feel. Marriage seems very romanticised there where women want to feel like a fucking Disney princess.

Social media, porn and MSM sets stupid high standards for men and women. Folks feel entitled to get >8/10 and on top of that easy one night stands.
At my 26 years of age I find myself in a difficult situation, even if I'm on peak mental and physical health I don't have the money to carry the lifestyle of the women I aim for yet I don't feel like I should waste my tome on someone else. Furthermore all this rape culture bullcrap and feminazi shit makes it all way harder when you're not a fucking chad since any thot can call for rape at any given time and cause irreparable damage to your reputation even if proven innocent.

I think you're kind of right but i think its much much harder to get a date now.
Women are your peers now. You don't speak to them any differently really. Think about in the 20th century.
Its kind of expected for every man to talk flirtatiously with every woman. Call her darling, don't swear and hold doors even if you have no romantic interest
Its very easy to go from that where genders being attracted to each other is acknowledged to asking a girl out without much risk. If they say no its not really a value judgement and its not a social no no
Compared to now. Like i said they're your peers. At work, at school. You treat them the same as men because otherwise its condescending and if you don't just that is basically a romantic advance.
Which is a much bigger social risk now. Ive seen people be absolutely slammed for it.

I mean with peoples parents. They hastled chicks until they got a date and that was normal. You can't get away with that shit now. If attraction is acknowledged that annihilates the entire previous platonic relationship

all women want chads

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How come even women got fucked over?

chads get so much sex that they can't fuck all women

Tinder turned even the average woman into what previously reserved for ladies of the night. Who wants to raise children with a whore?

I wish European society was still made of big and strong families, and marriage a tool to make alliances between families.
Europe in the 21st century is all about loneliness and lack of community belonging.


women like this still exist, user

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they used to need a male provider but now welfare states took that role

Yeah that's kinda what I mean. The way we approach relationships and dating has changed. Several factors contribute to the fact that finding a date exclusively IRL is kind of hard now.

Tbh all my relationships started on the internet too, but I've never in my life used a dating website or app and I never will be.

Tbh it might be that we are less dependant on families now. Back then you had to stick to them even if most of your family was batshit.
I'm in the same situation honestly. My family is full of insane, manipulative bastards. Sure, maybe your family is nice so from your perspective it's about people losing their values, but the problem runs much deeper than that.

But why are you a loser?

women used to be shamed for being sluts and acting on lust. men too

Not all women are Stacies. There's more Stacies than Chads, though, hence the difference that still exists

It belongs to jeff bezos.

and this is a bad thing because..... ?
embrace the societal collapse and you'll prosper in the next one

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>women are all terrified of being raped
they're not. they just use that when they don't like a guy. it's just another way for them to criticise men and push them away

Yeah being on the outskirts socially of a conservative middle class middle sized town meant i had no chance
Basically only the drug fucked bottom and successful very charismatic top who can push through the barriers seem to date.
What modernity is though is the replacement of the family unit with the individual in the market and state.
Not that its inherently bad. Im glad we have laws not family based gang retribution.

Chad and Stacy aren't dating either desu
They're just having casual sex with each other but they're "just friends" or barely know each other

Materialism, the effects of the internet, and poor self confidence.

It's been their slogan for decades before Bezos even had money.

>embrace the societal collapse and you'll prosper in the next one
This kind of collapse will last for centuries. You won't enjoy the next golden age. We're born to experience the collapse, that's all.

It also has to do with the fact that the younger generation is more impatient. They want everything quick and aren’t willing to wait for results.

Yes, but why is the percentage RISING?

>men too
Men were never shamed

t. incel

sure some women do that but really not all
some guys are desperate because getting your dick wet is harder these days so they are often more pushy
ive worked as a bartender for about 15 years and even i noticed that guys got more shameless because sexuality is less taboo now i guess

>why yes, I've been a lonely virgin before it was cool

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You realize men are at fault for that right? They’re the ones swiping right when they really shouldn’t

Don't worry, socialism will sort all that out. That's why the very smart millennials love it.

Unironically capitalism

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Self confidence is a big one
Everything is so saturated now you only ever see the best people. In media, on top. Every story its an exceptional person. Incredibly good looking. Every character, celebrity etc. just makes correct gut decisions every time and succeeds effortlessly.
While also basically nobody guides you on a career or how fo form relationships just tells you to do what you enjoy or something and assumes you'll figure ot out.
When we're the first generation basically in hundreds of years to be worse off than our parents.
Pretty shit for self worth and confidence
And dating is basically just a confidence test

These kind of society-wide change in behavior and demographics is very hard to analyze.
For example scientists still don't really know what provoked the demographic transition from a high birth rate to a low birth rate in the 19th century in Europe.
They have clues, but the solution is really a very complex combination of multiple factors.

Modern spoiled whores aren’t women

Blame our biology. The old social rules were established for a reason.....

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women got rights.
men prefer to play video games than to pander to femoids.

True. I'd also blame internet services for that actually. Everything is fast and quick and readily available. Need to buy something? Order it on Amazon, it'll be there tomorrow. Wanna buy a game? No need to drive to a electronics store, just buy it online, download it and you're good. Need to find something out? Google it for 10 seconds and you know. Want to order food? It'll be there in 10 clicks, don't even need to call anyone. Wanna watch a movie? You don't have to rent them anymore or wait until something good comes on TV, sit your ass on the couch, turn on netflix and you've got thousands of movies available right now, whenever you want.

We live in a strange age. Everything is so convenient, but that causes to set a new standard with strange side effects.

Capitalism pushed consumerism to the point it destroyed normal human interactions.

What is this table about? I don't get it.

explain in what ways

pair-bonded means in a relationship
tournament means no relationship, just sexual competition

Weak men allowed women more rights than what they deserved.

Sexual strategies. There are two types, the pair-bonding species where monogamous relationships are the norm and the tournament species. The thing is we are tournament species that developped monogamous relationships through culture but not biology, because It was conveniant....

>weak men allowed women right so they'd get a chance at some pussy
>social dynamics only favored Chad in the long run

sure, they were. if you were a ladies-man, it was considered you lacked character. and men didn't want other men like that to exist because it made their marriages less secure. Look at words like cad, bounder and philanderer. Men at some point weren't utter dickheads that glorified being an 'alpha' like it meant something. Being a man is about raising a family and contributing to society, not about fucking lots of women.

I don't think that women think it's a real problem i.e. one they deal with in their life as opposed to whine about it like it's an issue. Can you give some examples to prove me wrong?

You could say, we live in a s*ciety

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just as early industrial capitalism moved the focus of existence from being to having, post-industrial capitalism has moved that focus from having to appearing

>While also basically nobody guides you on a career or how fo form relationships just tells you to do what you enjoy or something and assumes you'll figure ot out.
This isn’t the media’s responsibility tho, your parents should teach you that or at the least schools should.

anime and vidya aren't the reasons of being incels it's the consequences of being incels you dumb argenigger

I am too afraid and don't know how to talk to women, too shy. What do I do/say?

thats not the flag i replies to


My theory is that tinder and other dating apps only create shit relationships that are often short lived if they're not just a hook up from the get go.

Meanwhile most men and women stop looking as hard for relationships outside of those dating apps because on a dating app love is seemingly at their finger tip.

They also stop looking as hard IRL for a partner because dating apps have created a consumerist mindset in the dating sphere. If a guy/girl doesn't suit you, you can just ditch him/her and jump onto your next shitty datingapp made relationship.

Hence why most people are single. Datingapps should be banned.

You're viewing them as something to be intimidated by, when you shouldn't be. There's nothing special about women, and there's plenty of them. They all have the same hole between their legs, too. Once you stop viewing them as some sort of pristine jewel, or whatever, the easier it'll be to just strike up a conversation with them. Just like you would anyone else.

capitalism and its cultural byproducts, look at south korea and japan now compare it with vietnam

>Just like you would anyone else.
oh right haha

>if you were a ladies-man, it was considered you lacked character.
Being a ladies man was always seen as being a chad, since the earliest days of Hollywood and even in early fiction.

user, it's not that hard. Fake it 'til you make it. Seriously, that's what everyone else does.

and that thing still would gets 1000 likes on her first day on tinder

my take is that even sub 5/10 women feel entitled to a chad and if they can't get one they won't settle for a guy that is their equal, instead they remain celibate. it's really what those feminist bloggers meant when they coined the term "incel". thus, both male and female celibacy is rising.

also pic related, do you think charlize theron really can't get a date? her standards must be through the roof. it also doesn't help she has a black transgender daughter (male).

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i think you dont see it as a problem because its so different for men

women are constantly being "bothered" merely because they are women. i use the word "bothered" carefully because of course its not always negative, but often unwanted or not welcome
like when was the last time you got a compliment? most men i talked to say it was months or years ago and they still remember it fondly. now women have the complete opposite problem. men cant really understand because we dont have that issue ever, basically. but women get showered with compliments because men want to fuck or date them. so i would guess eventually it becomes a nuisance because it stops feeling genuine or meaningful and people just give you compliments so you have to like them

another thing ive noticed is how people, especially men are terrible at handling rejection
you wouldnt believe how many times ive seen guys chimp out because a girl told them to fuck off. its probably the most common reason why our security has to throw people out, its ridiculous
so yes it may seem like whining from our perspective but i think we just hardly can relate to those problems cause we absolutely never face them. or did you ever have to tell some fat ugly roastie to fuck off because she was aggresively grinding you against your will?

probably the difference in mating behavior between different species, you're supposed to draw conclusions about human behavior

>having a gf
cringe, we'll soon have neural link and AI gfs we dont need that human female trash

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two nukes weren't enough

It cannot come soon enough. I hope also we'll be able to move to custom virtual worlds within my life time.

these are not good things. it's pretty obvious from what's been said in this thread that chads fucking everyone isn't good the average man. people used to understand that and tried to put a stop to it. that's why they disliked these sorts of men.

I realise that it's different but that does not mean that women are afraid of being raped, at least not anymore than in the past.

isnt it basically proven that humans are neither of those ?

hopefully i will get a gf to know what it's like before im dead at least ahahah...

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>Just like you would anyone else.
I never just strike up a convo with men either.

>Fake it 'til you make it

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thats wrong though. humans have several adaptations that promote monogamous relationships atleast on the mens side. like hidden ovulation. humans cant tell if a women is ovulating and in the most fertile time of the month. in chimps a females ass is red and swolen during that time. no such thing in humans. it means women get constant attention. pump and dump doesnt work. an alpha male cant just fuck all the females when they are fertile, they can be fertile at any time and mate. a female can easily cheat and fuck someone else. that promotes monogamy because its much easier to ensure that a women carries your child and no one elses if you fuck her all the time and only her.
this trend continues with permanent breasts. while a women is breastfeeding she is normally far less fertile. breasts used to be a turn off for our less evolved ancestors. but once a mutant had permanent breasts it became very advantagous for her. few men wanted her initially but since you cant tell when she is fertile anymore she gets constant attention. so her decendants have an advantage and soon all women have permanent breasts.
basically evolution gave human women all the power in sexual selection when compared to our ape relatives. "but most cultures are male dominated". yes and thats part of the reason why. if women are fertile at all times you need a stricter control over them. it also allows for civilisation since men can now work together due to reduced competition for women. its reduced because monogamy or semi monogamy wins out due to alpha males being ironically prone to being cucked by their multiple wives.

yeah no i wouldn't say women are exclusively scared of being raped all the time, but they are (more) scared of men doing things against their will if that makes sense

consider that stuff like having sex on the first date it more accepted now than it used to be so guys want to "get to the point" faster than they used to for example
it more of a sexual liberation issue
women are allowed to be more sexual and most men take advange of that

it's easier for me to start a conversation with women
with men there is no purpose for me talking to them in real life outside of work. what is in it for me? so it's weird
for women there is always the implied goal of eventually having sex so it's easy to approach them and it won't be weird