All these Americans trying to learn German

>all these Americans trying to learn German
Stay in your containment language, anglos.

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ich lerne deutsch

I'm coming to Germany to take your jobs and fuck your women

ich nicht spreken grosse duetsch, ich bin ein freunde ;)

>Germanfowk aucht the hale Ryk tae hiz. Aa our sones at war mitherit i that locus nede teenbackit

Americans are a joke to German women

>He doesn't have linguistic decoupling from amerimutts

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Du hast mich?

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I forgot gigachad.

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what does that mean/?

It’s a scat thing you wouldn’t understand.

Okay. Thanks.

*to European people

there's some irony here that you post things like this in every thread, since your manner of speech is a joke that never fails to get a laugh on this continent


The truth hurts, I see

warum sind Deutsche leute so unhöflich wenn du mit Ihnen auf Deutsch spricht? wann mann Portugiesisch im Brasilien spricht wir sind gefreut, immer wenn es fehler gibt.

boopity bappi?

What do you think retard? You can't escape Americans online while we have high quality communities basically free from Americans

Einen kebaben

And you still wonder why you are the laughing stock of the world

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that's alright, I'm learning based japanese instead

Just open your mouth and you'll find out what the world finds so humorous.

Would german women think I were a joke?

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>Stay in your containment language
Non, il faut apprendre une autre langue dans ce monde globale.
Bien sûr j'ai appris la seule autre langue européenne pertinente à part l'anglais, la langue de Molière.

they'd wonder if you were going to grope them on the street

now that's a laugh

>Just open your mouth and you'll find out what the world finds so humorous.

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Since I'm not ugly they would probably be receptive and desire mr not that I do such

I mean, you must not be self aware at all. You people sound hilarious

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lel, I almost pity you

How does someone make these posts and think he accomplishes anything other than lying and logging himself?
Do you know you are garbage and thus are unnaffected by anything that could point that out and your sole goal is to disparrage others while not being concerned with yourself ?

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Americans sound hilarious and speak about hilarious stuff, because they really do this thing

what a lot of twaddle you just laid down there lad

>mfw when an American tries to speak German but I only respond in English and pretend I don't understand his German

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I pretend to understand their amerigoblo German and laugh at the horrible grunts leaving their lips

It's a living hell, ignore the Paki who can't understand English.

germans are the worst teachers so it really is a waste of time anyways

cope on


they take autistic pride in the purity of the "german language" they feel disgusted if you make the slightest pronunciation mistake and would instantly speak down to you in your language to insult you for your unintended miscarriage of their spoken form, literally psychotic with that bs, don't even say anything german to a german aside from gesundheit

that was terrible
Ich spreche deutsch gut nicht, Ich bin ein Freund/eine Freundin.

they only go there for college and end up staying there because they're neoliberal weirdos that are hated back home.

Ich lerne Deutsch mit Duolingo

>>all these Americans trying to learn German
>Stay in your containment language, anglos.
Who cares about this minor problem? All Europe will be lost in the next hundred years and replaced.