Lmao Dutch """police"""

Lmao Dutch """police"""

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lmao is that a fucking Touran

People from police states where cops are glorified and generally excused for operating above the law don't get to comment on other countries' police.

*gets stabbed while pregnant, pushed in front of train and raped along 1000 other women in public*

good thing they have diapers fucking faggots

Yes but they are phasing them out for Mercedes A class

I thought americans never left the house without poises on.

God I hate Dutch people so much

Don't they carry their semi-autos in the car trunk, though?

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looks like a taxi

My thought exactly

What the fuck is your problem?

Why carry all that shit on a cuckbox?
Where do they carry the suspect?
Why not a SUV then?

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He's not from the UK though

Your post doesn't make any sense

having police doesn't make you a police state you insecure little man

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Makes me wanna pack out the trusty MG40.

Okay, have fun getting shot one day for reaching for your wallet the wrong way.

All that shit fits pretty neatly in the back.

Attached: $_10.jpg (1280x860, 345K)

In a wagon, yes, but OP is a hatchback.

imagine being such a cuck that you seethe at countries with lightly-armed police

Hatchbacks are just slightly shorter, taller wagons. They're not all as small as a Smart on the inside.

Attached: volkswagen-touran-i-streifenfahrzeug-polizei-nrw-cs.jpg (725x483, 139K)

>supporting american pigs

Attached: police militarization.jpg (600x451, 65K)

Here they use mostly Wagons, Minivans or SUV's.
But they don't carry half of stuff that yuro police cars carry since what goes in the back is the nigger.

Attached: file.png (1200x600, 1.01M)

The suspect goes in the trunk?

On SUV's, yes.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.35M)

Based and truthpilled

Police rarely have to do anything in first world countries.

>be a cop from bumfuck romania
>be equipped with Carpați, a replica of some famous 70's german pistol
>pistol is known to be innacurate if range is 10m+
>chase a gypsy with some civilian gun from Serbia
>the cop tries to shoot him from 5m and misses every shot
>gets shot and eventually killed by the gypsy
hope this describes well. please donate us some rags and sharp sticks, it might be a better equipment for the pigs

americans ARE defending this. Literal cucks lmao

Attached: policemurders.png (801x753, 87K)

>Brazil no in the list


I've gotten out of tickets by yelling at cops. In the western states of the US cops are over armed but people here are so egotistical and entitled, well lawyered enough that we keep them in check most of the time. 90% of the time cops are ex ghetto Mexicans or White kids in their mid twenties these days so we don't deal with fat powertripping pigs as much anymore.

t. Los Angeles resident.

nah, I just cropped out the thirdies

Attached: fulllist.png (808x1249, 143K)

i'd watch



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>countries where the police killing rate is higher than your overall murder rate

what's the brush for?

Cleaning shattered headlight pieces and stuff from the road after minor car accidents.

VW Touran is a pretty sizable car. They're doing away with them because they're too slow to keep up with modern chases but in general the Touran has served them well due to being pratcial and reliable with a 2000s TDI pre emission bs

>these are the people the dems want to give citizenship for existing and crossing the border

Why are european cops so gay?

got a problem?

Attached: bolis.jpg (2048x1536, 458K)

Are our cops doing chases like the Americans anyway?

>tfw no more CHASEB OWL threads with live police chases from the US on /sp/ anymore since the nazi mods took over years ago and started suppressing all fun and creativity

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more aesthetic than you

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>Are our cops doing chases like the Americans anyway?
From time to time. It's not real big CHASEB OWL shit like in LA but regardless having more speed is always good and nowadays your average criminal has a proper BMW/Mercedes or at least a GTI which obviously runs circles around a TDI.

This, I saw how you police are in the show Autobahn a2 and I wish our police where nice and respectful like yours

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You were probably polite to them. They can be real dicks if you act up, I was told. As in purposefully deploying the bureaicratic weenie.

how can a policeman have tattoes? what a shithole
