Garbage posters

Garbage posters

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i want a finnish friend


Based post
Finnish yourself

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me when i see a f*nn

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Wrong flag fren

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what the

we will never be friends with americans

don be like dat :D :DD

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Yes herro I am here for discussion about Suomi

why not

because we hate you for real

but i dindu nuffin :(

no fug u :D

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Go back to Jow Forums if you dont want to be bullied. No one wants you here


rangeban the americas

Jow Forums is mean and so are you. youre both bullies

What's wrong with Russian posters? They're some of the best in my opinion.

Shut the fuck up fat cunt
You are a Jow Forumstard like all your countrymen who post here, so stay there

I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

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im not fat and im not Jow Forums and i wont go there

you are fat
you are from Jow Forums
you are a mutt
you are stupid
you are racist
you are boomer-tier when making posts
you are not cute
you are not capable of empathy
you are evil
you are murderous
you are warmongering
you are vicious

>wanting to be friends with dipshit snowchinks who lost a war to slavoid human wave tactics
die traitor.

Is okay fren, the nyymi has just had a rough life and is hostile to outlanders.
We can be frens :-D :---DDDD

im underweight
im not from Jow Forums
im 2 white ethnicities
im not stupid
im not racist
im not boomer-tier when making posts
im cute
im capable of empathy
im not evil
im not murderous
im not warmongering
im not vicious

You are new here.
You will learn to hate americans too if you stay here long enough. But I hope you leave, since you are underaged.

Based if true

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You think I would fall for that shit ?
You want mexicans, arabs and blacks to die. You want to kill them. You are american.

I used to like finns but they're getting too obnoxious now

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great. what do you like?

well with that logic then you must want swedes and russians and fennoswedes to die so you wouldnt be any better than me then

I like memes, Pewdiepie and Fortnite what about you

Me too but I don't like Fortnite I only like Minecraft

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i like cs:go, imageboards. i guess thats pretty much it at the moment sadly. i played fortnite for a couple months and liked it but i stopped

ignore finns
i always do

The absolute state of nu-Jow Forums

we're on 4channel bro

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ylilauta jonne