>dude haha I'm so down and depressed lol, isn't that cool?
when will you stop self pity and start improving your life?
Dude haha I'm so down and depressed lol, isn't that cool?
Other urls found in this thread:
When the people who are supposed to love me stop ruining my attempts to
>supposed to
no one owes a single thing to you. your life is entirely in your own hands.
Here's what bothers me the most about doomers and their playlists: despite supposedly being all doomed, their playlists contain surface level "wahh I'm sad!" songs that have somewhat sad lyrics, mostly about unsuccessful love, and fucking UPBEAT melodies. The whole thing is cringe.
they fap to the idea of being victims, even though they have not known any real hardships.
Maybe after I get my electroshocks. Hopefully I can convince my psychiatrist to get me into ECT.
I don't listen to music anymore, I don't deserve it.
You summed it up perfectly
I am a lazy faggot and i dont care
I only get sad when an Asian male tells me:
>hapas are bad!
>ugly sexpat english teacher!
>your asian wife/gf hates her self because of internalized racism!
>you only want an asian women because you are a loser back home!
>pinkoids BTFO!
But then I get over it.
I hate that shit. Everybody acts that way these days it seems. le I want to kill myself memes are the latest trend at my office.
What's your situation like? You can't talk it out with them?
Is that even legal anymore?
>Is that even legal anymore?
Yes. Why wouldn't it be?
I dunno. I'd have just expected our retarded nanny states to ban it considering they ban anything percieved to have minor side effects. At least here in this shithole.
Many of the meds have probably worse side-effects than this, I think it sounds kinda scary but is not that dangerous.
The real question is why some bullshit like that isa taken as "science".
Why wouldn't it be? The effect is proven.
50 iq thread
>want to walk at night
>everything is black and scary
Improve what?
When the revolution finally start and I can kill rich people
They fetishize the idea of being miserable, really fucking pathetic, just like the neet meme it encourages you to become a loser so you can be part of the cool kids club
The whole doomer shit is just emo culture but on the internet and for people who are even bigger faggots
>supposed to love me
How are you supposed to improve your life if nobody even gives you a salary you fucking dumbass.
"Doomers" are just edgy redditors who are seeking attention
In first world countries they use anesthesia before starting. Here, if the patient needs like 12 sessions they dont give a shit and shock him awake.
It does work though, on schizos beyond repair.
There's always been a group of people wallowing in despair, such as wizards and warlocks.
>doomer is an actual community an not just a single meme pic
Wtf, for how long have this been?
Since reddit seized the meme
>they don't know hardships
Oh wow, excuse me for not self inflicting problems such as teenage pregnancy or being indebted, which compose most of normalfaggot shortcomings