
the big balls edish

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cant tell whats going on in that pic
is he getting chewed off

you're all cunts and fuck right off far as i care

What have the romans ever done for us?

french """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""engineering"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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Wish I were French.

druid genocide best day of my life

Czech gun laws work

Sucking my own bollocks

ireland was never conquered by the romans and that's why you're all third world barbarians to this day

fuck off with your 2 x's you slag i barely know you

Russell Square

Based modernity

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oKAY The aussie gets to post a new but when I post these delicious set of milkers Janny wants to give me the ol' 404 treatment.

Whats the big deal Janny? Huh you big fucking coward

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the future of Europe is a string of far right microstates utterly enthralled to the Greater Chinese Empire.

got the sign-off on a big project lads

Hadrian's wall to keep sc*ts out

Oh dear

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got a job interview tomorrow for a company that has horrendous reviews on indeed. if i don't go to it my dad will have a go at me

should i bother?

the future of Europe is female

How much do youtubers get paid, for say like every 100k views?

Are you kidding? Concorde was half BAe

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don't go and say you did

she looks like a tranny

go for a walk and tell him you bombed it

Your Romes, Your Constantinoples, Your Londons

For the lazy Clogwog

>The construction industry has been particularly affected, as infrastructure funding from the European Union has driven growth at a time that it has been losing workers to higher-paying EU markets such as Germany and Britain.

>Polish businesses are turning to neighbouring non-EU countries including Ukraine and Belarus, and as far as Bangladesh, in order to “fill vacancies in trades such as building, welding and lorry driving”.

>Almost half of Polish companies in Poland face problems finding new employees, prompting many of them to reduce new investment, the latest report by Work Service, Poland’s biggest employment agency, showed on Tuesday.

He adds that sectors such as production and construction have been especially hard hit, but with labour shortages now being experienced across the board Poland is now looking to foreign countries to find the workers it needs.

currently undergoing hacks on my computer, cowards

he's a yank on a proxy

he's gonna drop me off and if he doesn't see me go in he'll know i didnt have the interview. i know i'm pathetic

think the janman might be gay

, Your Skegness (for there can only be one Skegness)

Just go about on the buses and pretend you went.


your royal skegness

can't wait for the first war between 2 democracies, historical

i shag crisps

go in, ask to use their toilet and leave haha

spaffed on a comet

Maybe council estates have changed since I grew up on one decades ago, but I spent 10+ years on Bransholme. I could give you a guided tour around it. And at no point would a gang of men come running round the corner with bricks and try to bash our heads in. Yes, unbelievably, even if we talked to some of them. Because they're people, not savages.
If you think people on council estates are just wild animals that throw pieces of concrete at outsiders then it's you who's never seen a council estate

darling if you knew

makes sense

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Concorde was a joint British/French engineering accomplishment.
And it was an incredible accomplishment.
They still don't really know for sure what caused that crash, but it was most likely debris from a previous flight being left on the runway, a danger to any aircraft. No real fault of Concorde design.
That crash was only one reason in a sea of many that Concorde was cancelled.

yea but you lot crashed it

stubby walmart own brand cheeto dust encrusted hands

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never seen a council estate

i think a better question is that is it worth trying for a job with awful indeed reviews? i'm not apposed to getting a new job but the employee feedback has really put me off

what sort of job

never even heard a northern accent on my ears

from the sounds of it you need experience, not the role of a lifetime
you know what they say about beggars and choosing

(the half that didn't crash haha x)


never actually sucked a golf ball

Edged so much today my bollocks were sore
Didnt even ejaculate

dont know what they say about beggars and choosing

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don't actually (have a method)

can't actually suck my own bollocks

Just saw my face from different angles in a video and now I'm feeling suicidal

no one said you would get a gang running at you just for passing through
there is a big difference between that and someone walking around with no authority convinced that someone in your community raped someone.

can’t stand asian/chinky women

did someone say skegness?
wish i was there right now so much
the smell of fish and chips and the sea air
the sound of the bleeping arcade machine music and kids laughing and the seagulls screeching
wish i was a little kid on skegness beach again making a sandcastle
why can't good things last forever?


business idea: carpet bomb england

I always watch porn on the incognito tab even though nobody else will ever use my laptop

Dont actually have sex

Where does the North begin?

don't actually like poo

>That crash was only one reason in a sea of many that Concorde was cancelled

but why haven't they tried to make another fast passenger jet since?

it's a retail job

i'm used to shitty jobs as i worked in a benefits call centre for 2 and a half years but supposedly this job is bad for all the wrong reasons, the company is supposedly incompetent and dismissive, employees are frequently underpaid and forced to do overtime. 22 of the 25 indeed reviews gave it 1 star out of 5 and they all mentioned essentially the same problems. i don't really think i need experience in that

just made a brendan fraser reference in a text

ah yes, it's the dutch poster who appears out of the fucking blue whenever his precious eu is criticised.

jungle asians set my teeth on edge

got blood in my cum lads
Bit scared

Steak and roast potatoes for dinner, lovely stuff.

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yeah somebody said it was shit

is this poleaboo

didn't actually see that girl in Peterborough Tesco
(did though, just partaking in a threadly gag)

never done a shite in my life


I've never had sex with anything over a 3/10
am I still a virgin?

>If you think people on council estates are just wild animals that throw pieces of concrete at outsiders then it's you who's never seen a council estate
I've lived in three council estates. And while the vast majority of people in them were not like that, some were. Although not specifically outsiders, they would generally look for a fight with anyone they thought they could easily target. Small gangs of chav youths did some pretty nasty things while I lived there. Including mugging pensioners after dark, that was fairly regular.

actually quite like the meat pies

Didn’t she neck on with his cousin?

Lucky you.

How are Boeing 737 MAX sales doing, yank?

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live in a bungalow

england needs to be destroyed

if this were the case then this general really would be just virgins

when I write that I'm doing things I'm never actually doing those things

lil sophie

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>it's a retail job
Don't worry about the reviews on indeed then. Most people that submit reviews on indeed only bother to do it to slag off their employer which literally everyone does in every job. You just have to expect those reviews on indeed

see a doctor cause that is definitely not normal


did you go to BK just for drinks

dont really care how its foing

bit of a paradox

didn't think bungalow was a serious term until 25

not having a go
in fact I'm actively avoiding it

OMG guys they're releasing a new iphone today

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oo i grew up on a council estate i'm such a hardman is a meme the only crime is from alcos and smackheads getting into screaming matches with their fat wives and every so often someone robbing a house while the occupants are out