
The Troubles II soon edition

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on an 8 hour megabus

puta madre

los malvinas son argentines

Young mums are the best

I'd absolutely shag the wheels off the one at work

I just don't see it. All the boomers will just complain and do nothing, you'll have a bunch of working class northerners throwing shit at their own doorstep and a few bricks thrown at shops, but they're too dumb and lazy to mobilze en masse to Downing Street with any kind of cohesion or organization. We're not the French

Yes, I think Brexit will be cancelled and all the Leavelets will be good goyim and accept it with scarcely a whisper, how could you tell?

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remainer MPs publicly hanged in trafalger square


>EU-sceptics were a fringe movement in 2015
Do you genuinely think you can lie on the internet and no one will call you out?


Dogs are so adorable

Why would anyone outside the UK give a flying fuck?

RobinHoodUK youtube.com/watch?v=_O194T6QWW4

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eat my bum

>ridiculous considering EU-sceptics were a fringe movement in 2015
lol no.

Parliament square will be absolutely packed with thousands of Celebrating Remainers and hundreds of disgruntled brexiteers.

Wonder how that might pan out.

not one single white kid in this photo

train to uni was £100


1. Chandler and Joey
2. Ross and Rachel
3. Rachel and Monica
4. Ross and Monica

901. Joey and Monica
902. Joey and Rachel

9001. Chandler and Ross
9002. Joey and Ross

90001. Chandler and Rachel
90002. Chandler and Monica

900001. Phoebe and Joey
900002. Phoebe and Rachel
900003. Phoebe and Monica

900000000001. Phoebe and Ross
900000000002. Phoebe and Chandler

Attached: Friends.jpg (615x409, 53K)

Good question

no deal will happen on 31st october and remoaners will do fuck all
if they tried anything they know they would be fucked

Do you honestly think people who voted leave will just accept it?

ill be causing a ruckus at any rate and i wouldnt be surprised to see the laity follow

even a 35 year old woman would call you a virgin for this

How can you live in a developed country, be entering tertiary education and be unable to drive?

Farage led UKIP during 7 general elections and failed to ever win a seat. The EU only became a major public issue after Cameron promised a referendum, naively to shut them up.

what about the girl next to him which you can see from the back?
still bad.

Oh my god, it's over. These Brexit brainlets thinking leaving a trading block full of white people will stop this...

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pheebs pmsl

90% of the armed forces voted brexit

its only 10% excluding me


>The EU only became a major public issue after Cameron promised a referendum
Utterly fucking clueless. You have to be 18 to post on here.

at this point the only realistic outcome is a second referendum, and there's two outcomes to that:

1) no deal/may's deal/remain option, with remain winning a landslide
2) no deal/may's deal, with may's deal winning a landslide

no deal just isn't a possibility anymore

>Ross and Rachel not top

Which uni la'

>we need more yoof club-

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Cars are a Jewish trick.

wtf are youth clubs

these are the people you will be fighting with if you chose the pro-EU side in the civil war

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I didn't and I very much doubt anyone in our troop did.

BIG NEWS! Nick O'Malley said that the Falklands should be called Malvinas! He also said that North Ireland

How many fringe issues find their way into a governing party's election manifesto, with a promise to have a referendum held on said issue should they be re-elected?


Blacks only make up 3.5% of the British population. So how am I supposed to believe they are under represented on TV and we need diversity quotas to address it? I see way more than 3.5 black people per 100 white people on television. I would be happy with that ratio.

imagine if remain won at this point. we'd be mocked so fucking hard and drumpf would ramp up the conspiracy theories

pooey poo poo

Pictured: Oct 31st 2019

Britons all over the country converge in Central London to celebrate the cancellation of Brexit

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cyberpunk 2077 looks fun

based on what? if the conservatives win the election, then boris can't drastically improve may's deal then it will probably get rejected again, and we'll end up with no deal. alternative which is probably more likely is boris makes some minor tweaks to may's deal and it gets passed under the threat of no deal. no deal is still a possibility

essential watching

where's the diversity for indians and pakistanis?

Looks gay

lashing out over the pain he felt at seeing the clubs underfunded
where is treeza in all this

You belong on a bus, a short one.

Addiction, depression and every other "mental illness" is a meme

remember when we were all doing ironic twists on classic /brit/ gimmicks last thread

is the korean film Burning from last year any good?

dont try and make sense of leftist mentality. you'll only give yourself brain damage.

there's bloody loads of them on TV too
way more than there are in terms of population percentage

thats a big cock

No obviously not which is why I just said there will be hundreds of brexiteers protesting it when the day the comes. I just wonder for how long and how severe the backlash will be.

so does your mum

>gays are just like you and me

Good goy

>we'll end up with no deal
ah yes because parliament hasn't show for the past three years that it will do absolutely everything to stop that

Enjoy that bus ride.

parliament can be dissolved

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The backlash will mostly be political. Fractured parties and huge support for BXP.

The Queen is a Remainer

mental health doesn't exist


you can't flirt in a car

What is the Fixed Term Parliament Act?

The film's sweltering tension and commitment to its lack of easy answers is commendable, but less so is its treatment of women. The character of Hae-mi while well-performed is let down by writing that paints her as the worst kind of male-driven sexual fantasy. She only really exists to develop the male characters' arcs and to allow the camera to artfully leer over her.

not any more. lost the majority

Will do, goy.

>The YouGov Issues Index instead provides a list of issues from which respondents are asked to tick the top three most important ones

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no interest in driving
had many chances
dont care
real question is why is the train 100 quid in a developed contry

at this stage they're at least 15% of all people on television (including legacy programming which will have more whites), in adverts i'd bet it's closer to 25% and interracial relationships are even higher. it's crazy how overrepresented niggers are. the most important part of it is that they don't act like blacks behave, they act how white liberals idealise them

On a bus you can only flirt with people who get buses. I'm happy to pass

by who? the monarch?

if you genuinely believe a monarch would interfere in british politics in current year, you've got bigger delusions than thinking no deal is still a possibility

Still don't understand how No Deal can't happen

hahah. hate motorbike riders. literally asking for death. only happy to oblige

this is an exceptional case
brexit could lead to the return of an absolute monarchy because parliament have shown that they aren't fit for purpose

croydon college

Mazel tov.

it's okay, but has a blue balling ambiguous ending

law innit

you wouldnt download a car

mental how people care more about things when they realise they can influence it. that makes leftymong VERY angry as the EU's entire model is to reduce participation in decision making as much as possible. referenda go against the core model of leftymong globalists

Because it's a service for weird minorities.

majority of mps arent in favour of it anymore

That's it.

i wouldnt go as far as the other lad but this definitely is unexplored territory and i think its silly to dismiss anything

bizarre looking road and a bizarre choice to pass when he obviously could see the other car coming
don't know what to make of this


Why don't remainers have a sense of humour

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bike was making an illegal pass by crossing the solid line, but he likely would not have crashed if the caravan didn't swerve into his path. Idiots and cunts all around to be honest