Today had annual review

>Working hard, never late, never off sick, always completed work on time or before deadline.

Sorry no promotion

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I came in Crypto late December and down 70%

Boss said no promotion or raise. After wagecucking for a whole year

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You probably did great shit they didn't notice, and they probably fucked up and had blamed you for their mistakes in the past.

be ready to leave their sorry asses, OP.

Thank you fren

Literally crying and miserable :(
Qualified and finished exams as well

It's hard to find another job :(

>come in late everyday
>do the job of the position above me because vacancy
>annual review time
>"user your punctuality is great but you havent performed very well"

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good goy

You basically just did your job though. Those who get promotions do more than their job and they do it professionally (aka not whining about it). Come up with solutions to problems beyond your pay grade, and either 1) get promotion 2) leave for new job more befitting of your work effort and skill.

t. HR

>come in late and have long lunches
>get results
>20% raise in net salary

Silly anons don't get that they don't work to complete work but rather to achieve results in favor of the company and/or managers. Even better if you find a way to define the results yourself.

Welp, time to move on. Good resume fodder. Don't burn bridges, and get to networking.

yeah i've noticed this. if you want a raise you don't work hard and good for betterment of the company and its product. you work to suck up to your retarded manager who doesn't even know anything.

>be me
>work at startup
>only 5 people work here
>my boss usually buy us pizza when he is bored
>sometimes he says "we'll work in my place today, bring beer and snacks"
>he makes us watch "motivational" and "entrepreneur" movies
>asks us what did we make of the movies
I don't if it's bad that I've never worked in a real company with strict dressing and behavior code, but man, is my jobfun at times.

That's not what I said and you're setting your mind up for failure.

Look, there are seven levels as far as I'm aware:
You show up for work and pass the time

You show up and do your job

you find out how you're being measured and achieve your metrics

you find out how your company's measurement works and cheat your metrics

you find out how the measurements work, you find out how other companies measure and you find ways to disrupt the business in your favour, then you execute on your findings.

>God-tier: you make up the rules and create your own ways to disrupt the business, aligning them with the company's goals

you create your own company or find ways to shift the company's goals to your own ends and in the process improve the position of the company in the market

The more you move down the tiers, the better the rewards. If you're playing the game fairly, the greater the risks for you will be as well. Additionally, you need to consider what others expect of you. If bettering the company and its product is expected of your position, doing that isn't enough - that would be Meh-/Low-tier.

BTW, from what I've seen around biz, some anons have found tiers of absolute fuckshittery where they get all the rewards and none of the risk. Not a worthwhile goal imo.

What do you do?

>if youre playing the game fairly
Thats the lowest tier of tiers.

promote a good fork lift driver to management, you've now lost a good fork lift driver and gained a shitty manager

best to just give your fork lift driver the tools he needs to be the best fork lift driver ever

OP, just be the best you that you can be

In sorry to say this free but if you truly believe doing what you stated in the op is grounds for a promotion... you’re in for a wake up call. I have many employees who aren’t sick, show up on time and do their work well and by the deadlines set for them...

You aren’t exemplary for doing what is required well and on time. That’s what your being compensated to do user.


lol you actually think this is how the world works op?

Here's one such user capable of absolute fuckshittery

Chess to you user, not my thing


1) get lucky enough that people either really like you or see a future potential in you that they want to keep so they pay you to stay
2) excel far beyond what is expected of you and go above and beyond

what do you do for work op?

He fell for the "do more than absolute minimum to not get fired" meme

>ITT the best wage slaves
Why yes mr. Goldstein! I’ll do whatever is necessary to make you lots of money! I won’t even think about taking off for my grandmas funeral! I don’t mind licking your boots and doing all of your work for you either!

tiers of a wagecuck

Opinion of an NPC NEET
