Why don't they just combine into one supercountry?

Why don't they just combine into one supercountry?

Attached: Scandinavia.jpg (350x306, 39K)

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our population would still only be around 20 million

The shape of the country would be penis and testicles

it has been tried before and didn't work because of denmark and sweden

Scandis are non-countries with no culture, they should all abandon their meme languages for good and join anglosphere. They are secretly having inferiority complex to anglos

We aren't the same

Scandinavians are bad people who are racist to Finns


nah, and our economy would shrink as we trade a lot with each other

Yours would certainly not as Norway would enter the union.

Fuck off globalist scum


Finland is more related to Russia than Scandinavia. They are not even white and that's not even a meme, many Finnish have ugly slanted eyes.

Have you ever been to binulando?

holy mother of based


Attached: 1452342802824.png (800x941, 354K)

the reality is that scandis are more related to vladimirs than we are to either, what you've posted is eurocope

what could, and what SHOULD have been

Where is Somalia

Icelanders are honorary North Americans

Danes Norwegians and swedes have nothing of quality in diplomacy, social ability, economic power or military power nothing of discipline, organization, desire to fight or moral in any sectors of media education to lead any struggle or fight towards any enemies

in my vicky 2 save file

Who is this Nordic man?

¨swedish, danish and norwegian society was the closest man will ever come to heaven on earth, then you american kike loving faggots ruined the entire westeren world just so you could consume more and more, disgusting pig.

Attached: 1537984045409.png (1000x726, 1.53M)


Godlike levels of based


I always wondered this, too!

same reason you dont combine with mexico and canada

Please end the sexual tension, and make super, mixed, cute babies! ^_^

Why don’t scandis have more babies?

>combining with linguistically inferior countries
That's going to be a no from me senpai

Your picture also doesn't show Faroe Islands, aka the ONLY country worthy to be in any sort of union with Iceland

>He let's nigs and semites fuck his women
Fickiti fikiti you're going to be a completely loyal cuck force who bleeds and suffers to bring victory so at the victory table Ahmed can com in helga


Because Sweden will not be told what to do, and a Swede could never lead a union

cant sustain more people. only like 2% of norway is arable so we have to import food to survive

Cucks are people with no pride or self worth thus are useless in anything meaningful

you have let semites fuck your country for over 100 years straight lmao

The whole thing fell apart because Danes were not fit too lead at the time

Stop fighting, please.

That's a weird looking dick head

Nobody wants to be with Swedenistan

Thank you Canada.

Shit bait Ahmed but I'm going to respond anyway because fuck it.
Genetically we might be from the east but culturally we're from the scandies, Sweden cucked us hard back when they colonized us.

did they treat you extra badlyu because you are slavs?

Thank you Canada youtube.com/watch?v=_Z1VzsE1GVg

I just learned recently I have danish ancestry. Maybe that explains my autism.
The Danish people deserve to rule all Scandinavia, the proudest most Viking people of them all.

We are not slavs.
We have almost NO slav in us. You are more Slavic than us.
We are further east than fucking (European) Russia . We are original Europeans, 10 000 years old.

you need to stop.

Vuosia kestäneen ekstensiivisen lurkkaamisen jälkeen oon huomannut, että suomalaisia on ihan vitun helppo röllätä. (You):ta satelee pienimmällekin provolle melkein aina pumppilimittiin asti.

Alussa ajattelin, että ehkä tää on vain uusihomojen kokemattomuutta, ja ne sitten myöhemmin ymmärtää että paras tapa välttyä paskanjauhannalta on olla antamatta huomiota, mutta ei. Te ootte lisänneet pökköä pesään. Ulkomaalaiset ovat huomanneet tämän haavoittuvaisuuden, josta johtuen meistä jauhetaan paskaa kellon ympäri.

Elikäs tässä pari vinkkiä lautailijaveteraanilta:

Jos huomaat paskanjauhantaa tai selvää provosointia, ilmoita lanka kuumataskuille jos siihen on syytä jonka jälkeen hidetät langan. Mutta jos on ihan pakko vastata, niin käytä vähintääkin sagea. Näin esim. hurrit selviyty niiden jatkuvasta paskomisesta. Ei oo kauheasti näkynyt ruottalaisten simputusketjuja viimeaikoina.

Muistakaa tämä seuraavan kerran kun aijotte vastata ilmiselvään syöttiin.

Ei mulla muuta. t. lautalijapro master

Attached: herra susi fire cape.jpg (688x1034, 258K)

Hva er det du sier for noget? Her er vi kristne og snille folk.

>I have danish ancestry

Aww sorry to hear m8.Hope everything is ok anyway

kai tajuut että tänne tulee koko ajan lisää suomalaisia ylikseltä jotka tietenkin nauttii saamastaan huomiosta ja vastaa kaikkiin lankohin jotka koskee suomea

>värmland being part of svealand instead of götaland
Ah, fuck off!

You know it's kind of difficult not even knowing your own ancestry? I thought I was dutch for a long time.

You're a dumbass mutt and nothing else.

Attached: american.png (1584x864, 75K)

unless you grew up in a different country you're an amerimutt through and through, not dutch or danish or anything else

You're a dumbass brown or homo

your idea that ancestry doesn't matter is just totally wrong, I can't relate to it at all