>has a female ever molested you?
>if so how was it?
>how would you recommend for an user to go about getting molested?
as I said, I haven't
be attractive, maybe work for an old and domineering woman
Traumatizing; I am upset every time I am reminded of it.
It's not molestation if you want it. I would not recommend actually getting molested.
my first gf was really rapey but I never actually told her I had a problem with it so it wasn't really her fault
Women tend to assume a man always wants sex. This is called toxic femininity.
Technically it is molestation even if you want it if she thinks you don't want it.
Also greentext experience.
Gib advice on how I can do it.
How I get gf like this?
>Technically it is molestation even if you want it if she thinks you don't want it.
No it is not. If you deliberately seek sex with someone, pretending you don't want it does not make you a rape victim.
>Also greentext experience.
I would rather not.
>Gib advice on how I can do it.
I did nothing to walk myself into it. It happens by random chance.
If her intention is molestation its molestation, my intentions aren't relevant.
Then you're just a lying faggot. Imagine getting tramatized by sex lmao.
You were brainwashed by the feminist agenda of female supremacy. How typical.
I have already described this event on Jow Forums and I have no reason to do it again, considering that if I talk too much about it I could be recognized by it, and I especially would not describe it just for some retarded liberal cumbrain to fap to it.
I met her on a WoW private server years ago and we decided to meet and live together for a bit. It turns out that women that play MMOs are often batshit insane. She wasn't a bad person but she possibly had actual mental health issues.
If you intend on murdering someone, and you fail at it, you have not murdered that person.
So attempted murder? Is attempted molestation a thing?
If the person doesn't get raped or killed, it is not a rape and it is not a murder. How fucking hard is this to understand? If both parties intend on having sex with each other in that moment, there is no rape.
I got molested by my grandma several times when I was really young, she made me stand in icy water and beat me with a wooden spoon as well :(
was molested when I was like 3 or 4, don’t remember much other than being pinned down in the teacher’s bathroom. The tiles were a kind of dark cyan colour.
Did she have a thick granny ass?
how'd she look
I'm natsoc actually. Also stop being a faggot, either describe the event or dont bother replying with your cuck shit.
Legally yes, however that person was still intending to kill you. I don't give a fuck about legal definitions I'm searching for a woman intending to rape me.
How was the experience? Why do you think she chose you?
I don’t remember what it was like. I don’t remember what the woman who did it looked like. I don’t remember much at all other than the tiles. At least I’m not a virgin.
A real natsoc is not a degenerate cumbrain.
Did she get away with it? By that I mean did you ever tell your parents? Or did she get caught diddling another kid?
I don’t know if she got caught. I told my parents and they either didn’t believe me or didn’t care.
I live for war and cooming. That is the mindset of a true yamnaya warrior.
The fuck? When did you tell them? What sort of people are your parents?
Told them when it happened. My dad was very distant to everyone and my Mum was very emotionally and psychologically abusive.
Yeah she was from Barbados, she swallowed my cum at the end sometimes also
How was your mom abusive?
From the sar of the second semester of 6th grade to the end of grade 12 I was homeschooled and wasn’t allowed outside. She would refuse to allow me to get a job or attend TAFE (basically university but shorter and cheaper) even though I got discounts through school. She would then mock me for not having a job or going to TAFE. When I was was younger she decided I was going to serve a decade in the Navy, attend university and get a degree in history and then work as a film director so I could buy her a house.
could I get this pic larger?
asking for a friend
Sounds like my mom who I am sure has untreated Borderline Personality Disorder.
Yeah I’m pretty sure she’s BPD. Her mum and both her sisters had it.
I really feel sorry you both had this experience and I hope you get better. It never happened to me, but I had a friend who told me that she was groped as a child, seeing her cry was a heartbreaking experience and, since then, I started taking this theme more seriously.
Yeah, even if not in this same situation, I know how demoralizing can it be when you are treated like shit by your family in hard times and limit situations.
Treating children like shit is and always was pretty common where I live and I would like to solve it somehow.
>believing women
fucking cuck
I never believe women when they say they got sexually assaulted, but I always believe men when they do, because why would a man ever lie about that?
unfortunately not
>has a female ever molested you?
yes,a neighbor who did house sitting for my parents
>if so how was it?
a mix of scary, wrong and fun, fucked me up eternally
>>how would you recommend for an user to go about getting molested?
be a child with 2 working parents who trust you with an older female
Yeah, male sexual abuse is not taken seriously as mush as it should.
I don't think my friend was lying, tho. I know her very well and it felt real. If it was false, either I have been dealing with a psychopath and never noticed it, or she has a brilliant future as an actress.
Women can cry on command.