Do people struggle to drink water in your country?

Do people struggle to drink water in your country?

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hydration is a meme

I drink to much water, usually more than 8 litres a day.

Actually yes, we drink so many sodas that "agua" means soda and you have to say "agua pura" for water. Now this is mostly a poverty and infrastructure problem, but we also just love sugary drinks.

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i've never drunk water in my life t.b.h

what color is it?

i struggle to drink water because it tastes like shit. i literally gag
pretty much only drink milk or ice tea

This, people are actually overhydrated these days

It's only a concern if you work a lot in the heat

only ones with shitty parents that give them too much soda and that kind of stuff

in ukraine? brown

does it taste somewhat like chocolate then?

Is the DPR water crystal clear in contrast?

We invented it

It's literally supposed to be insipid.

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what do you call fancy german cars

Fuck my parents for giving me all the sugary drinks I asked for as a kid
Now I'm fat and addicted to sugar

Women are so fucking cringy. My sister has a soccer ball with shit like this written on it from high school

You can fix yourself

in Flint? black

How? I can't resist to drink soda after abstaining for a week or so
The first sip feels like heroin

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I fucking hate women

Racist scum

That's rude

I drink a lot of water so i have excuses to constantly take bathroom breaks and go fill up my bottle at my shitty job

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Iit really isn't, and it tastes like SHIT if it's heavy chlorinated. The best tapwater I ever had was in a mountain town that pulled it from the aquifer.

If your piss is yellow during the day you need more water

You can figure, but me personally, I love water and absolutely detest soda, if I want something carbonated I just drink sparkling water.


That looks good, I want to drink it.

>being tricked into drinking this amount of water on daily basis
say goodbye to your kidneys

No I usually drink water but sometimes I get kinda pissy when I have snacks and no coke or pepsi to go with it
I started drinking more water about a year or two ago, my whole life I drank coke or pepsi and I reached a moment around my early 20s that I should stop, I drank nothing but water for months and saw no change and still looked like a skinny fat fuck so I basically saw no point in sticking to water only so on the weekends I drink coke

Water doesn't even have a taste wtf are you talking about?

>imagine an american trying to drink a soccer ball

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Fuck off, with that get he can do whatever he wants.

Maybe you need to exercise and eat healthy too you twink. God I'd rape you in the showers to put you in your place you slut

>not drinking 20 liters a day
9 30 in morning and I've drank 5 liters of water and 3 of milk

Yes the captions are cringe but knowing how much you should drink by a certain time is good, I frequently forget to drink enough

I get anxious if I don't have my water bottle and there's no easily accessible water around

First world problems

Yea, we all know you were born in the middle of the woods and you spent your childhood drinking water from a dirty swamp, hunting big animals with your naked hand and eating them alive, but this is not the time to talk about it.

>tfw I live near the mountains and get delicious glacier water straight from the tap

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I only drink coffee and tea all day

Only tea
Tea is good

Just drink sugarfree dummy. If you don’t, you don’t actually want help

this fuck, seriously stresses me

>there are people that don't drink water at all

The state of you creatures.

I like black coffee and black women.

this cockhole being pretty redpilled

How dare you to drink water.

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They're basically subhuman honestly

I unironically love drinking water more than anything else.

puked a little in my mouth

Una fría papaaaa

Very nice numbers desu

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Gucci Loafers

what the fuck is wrong with americans? how do you not drink water? I drink like a trillion liters every day, and always have a full bottle on my desk.



2l is absolutly enough.
I drink 90% of it as water and the rest as coffee, tea and of course my favourite Koker Koler.


mother of god



My parents guarded the coke like it was morphine, I got like one glass on special occasions. As soon as I stopped caring I was basically running on that stuff and energy drinks

You're mentally ill.

Citation needed

Can't fucking believe people need to motivate themselves to drink fucking WATER. Like jesus christ, your body has so many fucking indicators that you need hydration.

Yeah, I don't get this le I need to drink 5 liters or whatever autism. If only we had some kind of biological mechanism to let us know that we need to increase our fluid intake..

Uma delicia

Dude it’s basic knowledge

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I drink 2L of oolong tea a day. Does it count as water?

The point being?


Why should I drink more water when my urine is pale yellow?

>Drinking from plastic bottles
>Leaving said bottles out in the sun

Hmm i dont believe you

If you have to force yourself to drink water you're probably drinking too much because you think it's healthier