What are your thoughts on Cristóbol Colón...

What are your thoughts on Cristóbol Colón? I was taught to hate him because he allegedly killed my people; is this true, should I hate him?

Attached: Portada.jpg (1120x700, 108K)

he was very abusive towards the Taino people

Hate that puto

why would you ever hate him, he just discovered the place


The people after him were way worse, it's because the Spanish Crown sent the bottom of society there. Even some colonists/fellow conquistadors were disgusted and the Pope had to issue a bull so they'd stop using natives as pearl diving slaves

"Brief account of the devastation of the Indies" by Bartolomé de las Casas (Spanish Dominican monk), good read

he's not as bad as people make him out to be, he's just an easy scapegoat and symbol for what came after him

Typical prot bullshit propaganda.

>Had his mestizo son legitimized and brought to Spain
>Showed mercy on the Aztec and Indio people
>Fought a hard battle against the Aztecs (it was far harder than the media portrays it as)
>freed the indio people from the Aztec human sacrificial fags
he was so based bros

Attached: hernan cortes.jpg (420x471, 30K)

His native auxiliaries were fanatically devoted to him for that reason. They absolutely despised the Aztecs.

>Had his mestizo son legitimized and brought to Spain
could you imagine being spanish and seeing the first mexican, I would've stopped all colonization right then


He didn't, it was Amerigo Vespucci

The aztecs were basically the ameriglobos of mesoamerica. Hopefully this accursed empire will meet the same fate.

It was written by a Catholic priest. Typical apologist cope

based, fuck the aztlan spammer for trying to change it to amerigoblo

>Tápia soon brought the Spaniard to Cortes, but before he arrived where Cortes was standing, several Spaniards asked Tápia where the Spaniard was? although he was walking by his side, for they could not distinguish him from an Indian as he was naturally brown and he had his hair shorn like an Indian slave, and carried a paddle on his shoulder, he was shod with one old sandal and the other was tied to his belt, he had on a ragged old cloak, and a worse loin cloth with which he covered his naked-ness, and he had tied up, in a bundle in his cloak, a Book of Hours, old and worn. When Cortes saw him in this state, he too was deceived like the other soldiers, and asked Tápia " Where is the Spaniard ?" On hearing this, the Spaniard squatted down on his haunches as the Indians do and said " I am he."

>and he still personally told the pope to legitimize him shortly after his death


that's not cortes' son, but your average spaniard after 10 years in yucatan

The colonial powers basically told the church to fuck off when they tried to save the native people and bring them to Christ. Incidentally this is also when the anglos really started to pull ahead of the Iberian heathens. Really makes you think. If only the Spanish and Portuguese elites had respected God instead of giving in to greed.

Attached: christian communism.jpg (397x500, 192K)

A jesuit.

>Liberation theology

They werent there to spread the word of Jesus

Not one Furrio refference in this entire thread

Good post

The Church was. That was the whole point. The problem was the their priests/monks were "mass converting" natives to save them from slavers, which the Spanish and Portuguese did not like. I am so happy that both Spain and Portugal are basically non-countries these days. Fuck all colonizers. Hopefully brexit will completely fuck Britian as well.

Spain's decline is not completely unrelated either because the new world gold and especially silver also brought with it hyperinflation. So Montezumas gold was indeed cursed in a way


Imagine if portuguese folk were smart as anglos ugh what could have been

Fucking hate jesuists
