and how old is he?
What does your father do?
crane operator
just turned 50
Stock broker CFA asshole.
He manages a construction company; 56.
he works for the central bank
First you
manages a cigar lounge
not gonna say how old but he's pretty much living the gen X dad dream
Retired from bar business
luv fishin
luv barbecue
luv freedom
luv america
luv the first amendment
luv the second amendment
luv the marines
luv the yankees
'ate democrats
'ate republicans
'ate the navy
'ate the air force
'ate the red sox
'ate illegal immigrants
simple as
50 something. I sustain him.
He works for a pharma company (Roche)
62 retired at 45 chemist and entrepreneur worth over 20M.
He works as a machinist and likes to ride his motorcycle
He's 54
57 soon, he is a foreman for an icelandic company that builds refrigiation systems for factories he has been working in the russian far east a lot recently I just saw him for the first time yesterday since june
autist that researches fibre
How does it feel to know you'll die in the revolution?
how old are you guys?
>dad is 63
>I am 21
>dad 56
>me 19
>dad is 40 something
>I'm 19
Systems Engineering director, 51
He's very successful and worth ≈ $6M
My dad never taught me how to play sports he was and is a stoned loser.
18, I've been on here since the first change I had (15, the age I got my first phone)
Head minister of church(not christian)
>dad 54
>19 myself
At least your dad was there, mine divorced my mother a few months after I was born
>me 25
>dad 50
54, he works as a manager for some shipping company
19, at uni
Dad, 54
Me: 23
He's dead.
I don't remember exactly when did he die, I assume it was fifteen/sixteen years ago.
same. my dad didn't start having kids until he was in his 30s
fug meant to reply to
That's ok user. My dad might not be a druggie, but still, I've never had any real convo with him nor any meaningful moment, but I'm fine, and you'll be fine too. Don't let it get into you too much. Just remember to not commit the same errors when you become a father.
Retired mechanic for the Navy
dad is fuckin dead
my dad was always too tired from work to do anything
He used to work for a bank, but quit 5 years ago
I think he's going to be 47 this year, or 46, i don't recall
Considering the real hellscape starts when the revolution happens, I'd say he probably feels pretty good
what do all the richfags here do?
this but without teenage angst and revolt
he was a great dad, I miss him sometimes
my mother
My dad is a deadbeat that's had kids with three different women and I don't know him that well
browse Jow Forums all day
he's in his mid 50s and he works the tech help desk for a company that makes electrical components for commercial airliners
He's 55 and he builds stuff for white men in return for little pay
be wise I don't have anything better to do
He's well in his 60s, he just rants about soccer
55, Heroin addicd
Dad is 64 and I'm 26. That could explain my autistic tendencies.
My dad was 50 when he had me.