Dear "Asians"

Dear "Asians"

You are a Mongoloid, Oriental and a Chink.
You will never be Iranian, Armenian, Russian, Turkish, Indian and so on.

Attached: 1548492110377.png (1101x858, 2.48M)

Yes I am a Chink. Do you want me to pee in your mouth.

I am a Turk. I identify as central Asian aka Asian. Not East Asian or south Asian tho.

Attached: 232AA111-4291-410D-97B8-B6786F7220A3.jpg (500x697, 89K)

Fuck gooks.
Fuck chinks.
Fuck flips.
Fuck mongoloids.
Fuck insects.
Fuck Chinese "food".

We ain't even trying to be them tho

>I am a Turk
You're an Arab in denial

Ofcourse he is a mutt, did you see his flag?

Then why do you draw your anime characters with big round blue eyes?

Attached: face.jpg (208x249, 6K)


"muhh WE WUZ PERSHUN Aryan" LARPing Poojeet detected

How is your CS meme degree going Poojeet?

i don't recall i wanted to be iranian, armenian, russian, turkish, indian and so on.