Dear "Asians"
You are a Mongoloid, Oriental and a Chink.
You will never be Iranian, Armenian, Russian, Turkish, Indian and so on.
Dear "Asians"
You are a Mongoloid, Oriental and a Chink.
You will never be Iranian, Armenian, Russian, Turkish, Indian and so on.
Yes I am a Chink. Do you want me to pee in your mouth.
I am a Turk. I identify as central Asian aka Asian. Not East Asian or south Asian tho.
Fuck gooks.
Fuck chinks.
Fuck flips.
Fuck mongoloids.
Fuck insects.
Fuck Chinese "food".
We ain't even trying to be them tho
>I am a Turk
You're an Arab in denial
Ofcourse he is a mutt, did you see his flag?
Then why do you draw your anime characters with big round blue eyes?
"muhh WE WUZ PERSHUN Aryan" LARPing Poojeet detected
How is your CS meme degree going Poojeet?
i don't recall i wanted to be iranian, armenian, russian, turkish, indian and so on.