Do you like anything from Canada whatsoever? Can you please say one nice thing about us?

Do you like anything from Canada whatsoever? Can you please say one nice thing about us?

Attached: ca.png (580x290, 4K)

You are second best in hockey...

Attached: 469.jpg (489x499, 27K)

Your education system

Attached: School.jpg (640x884, 88K)


Canada gets praise here what are you talking about


Must be that stupid new shit Trudeau imposed on the provinces after he won, because I never saw any of this shit.

They are second best (silver) in 2019

Attached: 1535294302078.png (499x499, 63K)

You guys produced Ryan Gosling, that's nice.

>Must be that stupid new shit Trudeau imposed on the provinces after he won
Got a source on this that isn't a boomer Facebook post? School curricula are within the jurisdiction of the provinces.