This is what I would do:
1) Genocide all arabs and africans
I wouldn't leave 1 arab or african alive in Israel.
* after all arabs would be killed , all their smelly, trash filled and ugly villages will be burned to the ground.
2) Give religious people a choice to become atheist, if they decline, kill them.
3) Make Israel an atheist country and burn down all synagouges.(I am an atheist I hate judaism and all other religions)
4) 1 attack from gaza, 1 fucking missile towards Israel and I will exterminate all of them with aerial bombings.
5) Same with lebanon and syria.
What would you do if you were the prime minister/presudent of your country?
Only such actions could save Israel from ortodogs parasites
If there were no international repercussions I would just sterilize all muslims and a significant number of BIMARUs to be honest.
But what is Bimarus?
Never heard that terms.
1). Free Aztlan
2). Kill all amerigoblos
Are you that chicano that posts "free aztlan" in every thread?
So in other words, you're an average Israeli
No. When he posts he does it in all caps. I am just another CHI. He hates me though because I’m not an indio
I wish man.
Many here are leftists or religious and believe in judaism.
I hate arabs, africans and judaism and all other religions.
That is based but the problem is “getting away with it”. I wouldn’t care and do it anyway (people will get over it as the news cycles move on).
So what are you?
A white looking mexican?
It's an abbreviation of the poorest states in India.
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
They are backward in almost all indicators and have high fertility rates.(really high for muslims).
For example Bihar has TFR of 3.3 for Hindus and 4.2 for muslims with an overall population of 98 million or so. With half the children not finishing highschool.
Alright you lost me at number 2
I guess you could say that. Im one of the castizo niggas. People usually think Im italian.
I'd quit
To fix anything this place needs an intervention from God
What about Biris Johnson?
i would rape jewish girl that lives next to me
award myself with tons of money then resign and fuck off from this shithole
he is the intervention. he is god, you filthy atheist
There is no such thing as "god"
Charles Darwin (RIP) proved we evolved from apes.
No that was Richard Dawkins
Implement an Income Tax, and relocate everyone in islands with a population smaller than 800 to regional hubs. Going into the realm of the impossible, introducing freedom of religion and gay rights.
>Charles Darwin (RIP) proved we evolved from apes.
Actually his theory is about we and apes have common ancsestors.
And why do you hate africans? I had saw some catholic copts in Jaffo, but they seem far less annoying than jewish religious people in Jerusalem.
shut the fuck up shahar
>gay rights
>on the same page as freedom of religion
>Start decentralizing. Kill off Baku for good
>Start nation-wide recycling program to decrease paper spending and pollution
>Make Ganja new capital
>Start AI soldier program to fight against
>Be friendly with EU but also with Shangai Cooperation
>Be hostile against Iran (as towards their agression)
>Start creating national brands
>Stop monopoly and start selling Azerbaijani goods to Europe
>Start economically help and cooperation with Pakistan, Ukraine (shut up they are important) and Iraq
>Send political and economic help to Iraqi Turkmens, Kashmir Muslims and Xinjang Turks
>Create Azerbaijani factories Dagestan, Igdir and South Azerbaijan
>Decrease inport dependency from Russia and Turkey
>Create Free Economic Area in Balaken with Georgia
>Strengthen GUAM and Turkic Council
>Create Turkish-Azerbaijani Coal-Oil
>Make development of science factor top proerity of the country
>Start dialogue with Armenia (but this more "kindly")
>Give some privledges to minorities (Russian, Ukrainian, Lezgin, Talysh)
>Treat LGBT as human beings (but no legalization)
>Decriminalize weed and LSD
And etc
Cut all ties with the EU, strengthen relations with Latin America and East Asia
Get out of the EEA/EFTA and open all Norwegian waters to oil drilling.
1) kick out the jews
2) kick out the muslims
3) join NATO
4) troll EU
5) reclaim the lost land in the east
All the important things, obviously nationalizing etc. would be vital but I'm sure people actually care only about the radical things
What about the druze kapara?
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