>have to give at least a three minute self-introduction speech in an oral communication class tomorrow
Why do they do this? They know I'm a loser who has nothing to say.
How the fuck do I fill three minutes?
Have to give at least a three minute self-introduction speech in an oral communication class tomorrow
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Talk about brazilian posters on int you just cant stop only 3 minutes
>Why do they do this?
Because it's oral communication class you dumb faggot. The purpose of the class is to get your ass to speak in front of people, how can you not get better if you don't do it at all? Just come up with some bullshit
If I could openly talk about Jow Forums and other various interests of mine, it'd be extremely easy to fill 3 minutes.
But I can't talk about these things.
>Just come up with some bullshit
this, talk about us, your internet friends, they'll think you're so cool :)
anything you dumb nigga it's just 3 minutes. By the time you announce your name to the class it will be over
3 minutes is long as fuck.
Sit in silence right now for 3 minutes. You'll see how long it is.
Stare at them & remain silent for 3 minutes and call it a modern way of communication
Just say your name, your non-chan related interests and whatever. Say what you already know and what is your career goal and chill the fuck out
Silence is always longer than talking
Its literally called "oral communication", what did you expect?
I'm autistic but I could talk about the Bronze Age collapse and Assyrians for at least 3 minutes.
Hello my name is user! I am passionate about [blank] and I work as a janitor on a certain website!
I liked my public speaking class, it was fun
At the gym I do 3 minute skipping sets because I train muay thai and each round is 3 min. Here's what you do: find a song that is exactly 3 min (I use the song from karate kid "You're the best"), next start reciting the lyrics to the song..
>you're the bessssst
>nothings ever gonna keep you dooooown
do this for three full minutes until the song is over. Now you have a monologue. Just change snippits of the song so it becomes a speech.
>I'm anooooon
>I'm from aroooooound here
>nothings ever gonna keep me dowwwwwn
memorize the script and there you go!
song: m.youtube.com
see 3 minutes goes by fast when you're talking. I once went 10 minutes about random shit because nobody stopped me. You better get used to doing presentations in college.
Tell everyone you were seeking an advice on how to communicate with people on an anonymous anime forum solely to get some attention by being pathetic as you desperetly need one
xbox/playstation/pc is better than the other two because...
you said they already know you're a loser so this won't surprise them
You're all normies or some shit.
This is impossible.
The fuck kinda bullshit is this? I've had whole presentations that lasted about 3 minutes, even if you had half a dozen different hobbies it'd be hard to talk for that long without any interaction
stop whining holy shit user
are you the same guy who asked how to talk to girls at uni and refused to take any advice a few weeks ago
yeah, sure three is extensive, i'd say two would be better, but rules are rules
if you're not interesting enough to come up with a three minute intro, or you're not clever enough to make your interests not cringy or just flat out lie about it then honestly you deserve the fail on this one
everyone here has given you really good answers
i ain't normie but I stopped giving a fuck about normies judgement. I still have anxiety, but it's more like physical anxiety (I may shake), but still don't have mental blocks and I still do all I was supposed to and I don't hide that I'm shaking. (it's probably not that noticeable anyway) After a while it comes away
It's okay fren. You're doing it the right way. I did my comm class online. It was done purely through recorded video and there were no on campus meetings. However, I probably fucked myself over because I still hate public speaking. You'll do fine, user.
I'm going to fuck up.
I just want to hit the time mark without completely sperging.
At the end of the speech, the professor asks the random person timing the speech to tell her the time, and that person says it in a way that everyone can hear it. So, if I am under 3 minutes, everyone will know.
Just remember all that matters is you and the prof. You're not really presenting to the class, but your teacher. Everyone else is probably worried about if they're gonna sperg during their own speech. Just focus on getting a good grade.
It's the end of the week.
Most of the class has already presented earlier in the week.
I might even be the last person.
It's easy for me to come up with meaningless things to say about the short self-introduction speech, but it's not easy for me to come up with things to actually say in it.
are all frogposters honestly fucking retarded
No, I think just me.
I'm probably not going to even sleep tonight, because I'm worrying about this.
I don't even know what to say still.
Just copy what the others said
Just be yourself OK?