Do you plebs even realize how many days is left?

Attached: 8 days.png (657x570, 31K)

Freaking sweet times, Europe is going to ripen and my bags are set

left before what happens, fucking tell us

what are you even saying

And here I still hold my BNB

But why

Because Exchange Tokens are safe as fuck you inbred Linktard

Attached: 1536644045535.png (582x470, 47K)


Literally first proper exchange to launch in France and hit Europe. They're going all in for compliance and it's crazy how far they've gone

Did anyone else sign up for the whitelist but not get an email from them yet?

I got an email.. you didn't ? when did you sign up

I got the email too. Looking forward to it!!

I'm holding a number of different exchange tokens. Very little of each though. Just for the benefits, why not?

thanks for the reminder i actually forgot about this LOL

Shut up I missed whitelist sign up

I have to choose between this, Quant and a secret IDEX token I won’t tell anyone about
Life is hard man

just spoke to the help chick on the site, she said ive been registered and ill receive an email in a few days

you mean this email?
or the "email with more information" they talked about

Attached: rip.png (606x600, 62K)

I'll buy them when they are released on the exchange and the bounty hunters, weak hands and panic sellers are done dumping it to 0.1x ICO price

i got a personal one. but dw public sale cumming

Unlikely, exchange tokens that provide immediate utility (beyond merely speculative value) don't usually react this way.

What's likely to happen is that you'll FOMO in at 2x ICO like a pleb.

They have quite a lot of utility

Attached: October 10-11, 2019 (1).png (1587x2245, 699K)