What is the most respectful way of complementing a woman's thiccness in public?

What is the most respectful way of complementing a woman's thiccness in public?

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>hehe you got some nice big titties... and look at that ass...
>oooohhh yeah baby, i'd fuck you right in the ass, yeeeeess hahaha

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in america you can't say anything like that in public nor draw attention to it either.

But thiccness is empowering and a form of body acceptance. Why shouldn't it be encouraged and praised

same in Sweden

you first want to meet the woman first, i guess talk to her for a bit and say you like the way she looks and ask her for her number
if that doesn't work then just move on

She works with me and she has a secretary look with glasses but an hourglass figure. I don't know how to broach the topic without violating all social decorum

She already fucks your boss, user. The best you can do is hide under a desk and fap to her moaning from getting pierced by big sudanese black cock.

ask her out for a coffee or whatever u guys do in sudan
if she likes you, she will go on a date, if not move on

>t. nigger