
>i should be out there fucking girls and having fun like a normal kid
>im in my room, rotting, i have been rotting for the past 5 years
>my parents dont give a fuck cuz they think im mentally ill
>i wouldnt be living like this if i was tall and goodlooking

Attached: 0UhWpqJ.png (967x954, 554K)

You could have been saving money to looksmax.

arent all spaniards good with women? whats wrong with you

>>i wouldnt be living like this if i was tall and goodlooking
no, that's not true. by the sound of it the problem is your brain. you'd still be a fuck-up then.

cuanto mides?

>idk bro just be yourself
168cm, las mujeres de mi edad son igual que yo o mas altas
im ugly and 5'6

Attached: kOOJasl.jpg (500x500, 76K)

You wouldnt be living like this if you werent an insecure beta that bases his entire worth on what women think about him and if you actually wanted to change

Who is that model?

alessandro dellisola, he also has a big dick, he leaked his pic on snapchat
>durr durr

buff, jodidismo lo tienes
he visto a unos cuantos bajitos ligar bastante, pero es porque son carismaticos y atractivos (de cara)
si no es tu caso, estás jodidisimo. tampoco te voy a dar el consejito normie.
lo unico que te queda es intentar follar con un cardo, o con una puta si lo que quieres es perder tus superpoderes de virgen. si no quieres, simplemente olvidate de follar y ya está, para que te vas a preocupar de algo que no vas a poder tener

I'm 6' and I don't think i'm ugly. still rotting in my room at 24. It never got better.
Appearance doesn't matter when you're autistic.

agradezco tu sinceridad, y si ya lo se que nunca voy a follar, soy feisimo, yo apenas he visto bajitos con novia, siempre que veo a un tio bajito y de mi edad por la calle va solo o con colegas, en cambio veo a tios altos con tias siempre, soy basura genetica y ojala me de un ataque al corazon mientras duermo

You should have some purpose in life.

And you're pathetically complaining and not doing shit to change it as the incel you are, you Jorge.

That's one of the biggest memes alive. Average and even ugly girls can have hundreds of guys easily + bitch shield + feminism + too many orbiters salivating to women and overrating them.

>And you're pathetically complaining and not doing shit to change it as the incel you are, you Jorge.
no eres mejor que el, enanito rocoso
no hace falta que te mates tampoco, simplemente enfoca tu vida en otras cosas, entiendo que sea un tema que te preocupe tanto, por el estigma social y eso, pero deberias intentar enfocar tu vida en otra cosa, estas estudiando algo, trabajas, y si no, tienes pensado estudiar algo? a lo mejor conseguir un trabajo y pirarte de case de tus padres te relajara mucho mas, siempre estas diciendo que odias a tus padres

>>my parents dont give a fuck cuz they think im mentally ill
You are because you're posting W*jack

A pragmatic technique for analyzing and dealing with worry:
Identify the worry, get all the facts, identify and accept the consequences of that worry (the possible reality of things turning out badly; for example, if you fucked up at work, the possible consequence is that you might lose your job), and write out: What is the problem? What are the causes of the problem? If things turn out badly, what is the REAL consequence? What are the possible solutions? What is the best solution?
You have to help your situation by reacting to it.
For NEETs and others: You have to learn to differentiate between real worries and silly ones. Many worries NEETs (and others) have are fantastical (namely, the fear of other people, or an obsessive preoccupation with your appearance).

Attached: 1537041292006.png (769x612, 167K)

Maybe 3% of men look like that, but way more than that % go out, are social, and get laid
Admit you're socially retarded and stop hiding behind excuses

no follar es sintoma de ser basura genetica y todos los nuncafollistas que conozco son unos tirados con taras, follar es esencial para ser feliz y normal

bueno, y que tienes pensado hacer al respecto? parece que lo tienes todo clarisimo

que pretendes hacer en el futuro? morir virgen?

Shut up faggot, the mexican was right but you chose to wallow in self pity. Either off yourself or stop bitching

>That's one of the biggest memes alive. Average and even ugly girls can have hundreds of guys easily + bitch shield + feminism + too many orbiters salivating to women and overrating them.

same shit in all western world

nada, como mal, tengo una vida sedentaria y me duelen los huesos de no moverme y comer mierda, asi que supongo que morire joven

imagine being this much of a retarded loser that all you do is sit in your room and wallow in pity for yourself, not even trying to better yourself or to have any goals in life, blaming everyone but yourself for the position you're in when in reality everything is your fault, you're a massive loser, you're incredibly dumb and you'll most likely never achieve anything worthy in your life because when things aren't well you choose to point fingers and blame everyone but yourself for what you are, not to mention you're a retarded fucking wojak poster.

Vas a un psicologo o psiquiatra o algo similar? Tienes algun trastorno diagnosticado?

Ni estoy rocoso, ni enano ni incel, sigue intentándolo. Este personaje lleva años contando aquí sus miserias, y pese a los consejos que le he dado (al igual que otros user han hecho) sigue completamente igual. El texto que le has escrito no servirá para nada pese a su buena intención.

In Spain even more

bruh have you tried nofap?

it doesn't get better

Try to change something now or it's only going to get worse.
Join a gym and get a tinder.