Fuck anime and fuck winter.
Fuck anime and fuck winter
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Both ultimately cringe and absolutely bluepilled at the same time
Dumb frozen shithole.
This guy gets it.
Why don't you take commissions now? I wanted to pay money for some really gay shit.
Because no one is commissioning and I want to draw some MS Paints, but if you still want to commission then DM me on Twitter. I'll answer it tomorrow.
Well I don't want one right now. I have a bad habit of wanting commissions, but not having any clue of what I want commissioned.
I'll pay you 500 euros to draw violent shit based on my personal ethnonationalist incel ideals
Take your time.
Lmao I don't do guro.
what happened with the mikko and mimmi poll?
Mikko obviously won lmao
what about anime image boards
Mikko won. So I'm gonna make couple of Mikko pics. Already done one of him showing his dick.
This is an anime board. Sometimes it's based sometimes it's cringe.
cute lion
needs more mspaint tho
No. I found the perfect style and I love it.
>fuck winter
>oispa talvi
that means "I wish for winter"
t. foreigner
I know. Mimmi wish for winter but I dont.