Women are garbage and mistake. Prove me wrong
Women are garbage and mistake. Prove me wrong
We wouldn't be here without th-
beautiful outside and terrible inside. and not very beautiful outside with no make up and shit
they're fine...
big brain post
Why are they garbage and a mistake?
Who's that?
It's not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault,
There's so much you have to know
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy
t. old and happy
i want to find love in russia
incel freak
sexual revolution was a mistake. You think it makes you more progressive and fundamentally and better country by giving females so many rights? Most women are retarded and incapable of thinking for themselves, they get influenced easily and are like kids
It would be cool
some golddiger who was killed by her ugly bf
you can get some stupid golddiger whore.
why not to find love in usa?
>drawn eyebrows
Ewww, she 100% deserved it.
He was an incel who hated his fucking mother but he is kind of right
I hate when people say that hes an incel, hes got so much more to his philosophy than just shitting on love and desires
What the fuck? This isn't even something I read its something I based off my own conclusion. Looks like I might be smarter than I give myself credit for
There is only one truth after all
Aren't Russians going back to family traditions and patriarchal ways?
I remember jumping randomly from stranger to stranger in VKontakt, many guys even in their early 20s seem to have lovely wifes and children, which in Balkans has become almost non existent.
I mean golddiggers and thots exist everywhere, its the scourge of modern age. Not sure if Russia has above average amount of them though.
>water is wet
>me smaht
If you spent some time reading philosophers, you would see most of the things they write are very obvious and part of common knowledge
I dont think the most of russian women are golddiggers. I think there were more
>you would see most of the things they write are very obvious and part of common knowledge
They seem obvious because they back those statements up and don't delude themselves, you'd be surprised how dumb most people are
Honestly, You could say about pretty much 90% of the global population. Not everyone is " le rational thinker" type.
* You could say that.
>Aren't Russians going back to family traditions and patriarchal ways?
No. Women are same everywhere
Yes but on a biological level men tend to be more logical and women more emotional
Yes, they also know how to express themselves in the proper manner. Transmitting knowledge is not easy for the average person.
op is a fagg
>women have the intelligence of children
>children can't consent to sex
>all sex is rape
>rapists deserve capital punishment
>all sex havers need capital punish for rape
Most people dont understand themselves like people who study psychology or philosophy do. People cant truely express something they dont fully know themselves
russian women are goddesses
I don't even care if they just want money
>russian women are goddesses
>I don't even care if they just want money