Which Nordic cunt is your favorite?

Which Nordic cunt is your favorite?

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denmark is the only one fit for living. swedes are unbearable, norwegians are waaaaaaaaay too aspie, finns are barely even human, iceland is just a bunch of cousins holding on to a rock in the middle of the ocean.

denmark... embrace me



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Finland (Suomi)

Always had a soft spot for Norway. They're not in the EU and they send us a Christmas tree every year.

If you really like little Germany that much then go for the real deal


Are Danes Dutch LARPing as Scandis?
The Danish girls I've seen just look like a prettier version of Dutch girls, and Denmark is flat



It's Finno-Ugric, not Nordic

>t. The Swedish Caliphate

>and denmark is flat
are you insinuating that sweden and finland aren't flat?
you better not be?

Finland. I live there.

Yes, just like island Dutch (the English).

What do Scandi girls's asses smell like?


Finlan off cors

Argentina & Malvinas

Isn't Denmark flattest of the three though?
