this guy isn't finnish, he's a wisconsinite
This guy isn't finnish, he's a wisconsinite
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Does this guys whole life revolve around visiting porn conventions?
Lauri NO
He's a coomian, he just cooms
His real name is Jason.
At least he’s meeting and cooming with other people instead of staying in his basement cooming alone
Who cares, the packers suck balls.
El calvo...
What’s his full name?
Yeah sadly I can't antagonize Finns on here about him anymore now.
I wonder what his wife thinks of him going to these conventions.
he is finnish american from the upper peninsula that moved to wisconsin
t. knower
also tfw he has touched more women than you
Don't know, his twitter only says Jason M.
Ariana a cute. A CUTE!
Does he look like he has a wife?
Did he ever meet Gianna Michaels?
I coomed so hard to all of the lesbian videos she made back in middle school. Thanks for the memories user.
Based Coomer
He's Finnish-American
the absolute chad
At this point I wonder how come he never became a porn actor. He has nothing to lose. Does he have a micropenis?
Coomer watches rick and morty. He’s over 200 iq confirmed
He cant because he would ruin the scenes by constantly ejaculating without any kind of control or restraint
>Does he have a micropenis?
It's probably just average or little below average, not big enough. I'm sure he tried getting in the industry
Even when lying paralyzed in a hospital bed, completely attached to machines to stay alive, the man is still cooming day and night.
He was in the hospital because his ballsack imploded from too many coom.
whos the girl in this?
Since the start of this thread he coomd three times
He cooms every time a nurse comes into his room
I wish we could the coomer to do an AMA
can someone ask him?
speak for yourself
I think I found where he lives, should I post it?
Doxxing is bannable here
Actually cum doesn't come from the balls. I'm not even memeing. It blew my mind when I learned it. Cum comes from the prostate. It's just sperm that comes form the balls. That's why men who get vasectomy can still cum, only there's no sperm in their cum.
No, let Lauri coom in peace
Jason Man
When you cum, balls squeeze semen into your prostate, zpermatozoons dont simply wait here, so it comes from your balls, but partially.
They lie in wait inside the epididym, like race dogs in the boxes. Then the big COOM come and they ride the wave heeaa cowboy get that egg.
nothing to brag about, they whores at a convention for whore s
I want to go to a porn convention, but I only like wearing sweatpants and having a constant hardon would feel awkward though i doubt I'd be the only one.
Ah, the joys of autism
Then he is most likely Finnish or Scandi anyway
how can a man recuperate with such a thicc nurse?
he looks so happy
its wonderful that Jow Forums managed to mock him and then worship him like a deity in a Sminemesque fashion
absolutely based doggie
sminem is so based, used to have so many rares but they're gone now
Fucking hell his only hobby really is porn
how is porn a hobby?
Redpill me about wisconsinites
Jow Forums is gonna make him so fucking rich, he'll be a damn oligarch
Better be a coomer than an incel shooter. At least he’s not hurting anybody
How is anime a hobby?
Snarky pseudo leafs
My favorite part was when he was added to the Elder Scrolls Oblivion
why are finns all kind of gross losers?
the truth is he hates niggers but loves to coom
This guy is alpha as fuck.
Jason Makkainen
>not finnish
coomer jr.
you are missing the thread of the decade over here
I want this
I wear it on my collar like North Koreans wear Kim Il-sung budge
Posting coomerkino from that thread
>tfw I live in Wisconsin
>This coomer could be down the street from me and I wouldn't even know
>Fucking hell his only hobby really is porn
guys, have you ever been to /v/ or /tv/ or Jow Forums in the past, even once?
do you really find this behaviour odd after you've met the average poster in those boards?
I'd honestly say this guy has a much higher chance of being less horny than they are, giving he goes out do to stuff thus he probably has his mind somewhere else when he's driving or making his own food or whatever
who is this girl
congrats now you know what the people who do nothing but post porn on Jow Forums are like
holy shit that is real isnt it?
Ehhhh that rough area of the Midwest has a bunch of Finns mostly in the UP. They clseem unable to settle not around scandinavians. They have avoided settling near Russians though.
He lives in Waukesha.
El calvos are alphas.
I genuinely thought he was an incel but it turns out he's just an average blue collar family guy who likes to watch the Packers, pro wrestling, and BLACKED