I thought I was 0% Native American before I took a DNA test

I thought I was 0% Native American before I took a DNA test

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Even if you consider yourself genetically european, any family that has lived on this continent for any meaningful span of time has some indian in them.

the spanish pretty much raped anything that wasn't dead, what made you think you did not had native in you?

You probably have a pretty low IQ if you're a South American and think you're 100% Spaniard

This is the DNA results for 99% of """white""" Latin Americans

this. it happens in every single colony. most "white" americans have either black or native (or both) ancestry, even if it's like ~2%. if you're family's been on the continent for 400 years it'd be a massive statistical anomaly if you didn't.

i don't remember where i was reading this, but it was an article documenting the genetics of australians descended from the first fleets and the penal colony days and how most of them had partial (even if minimal) aboriginal DNA.

it's not a big deal.

I haven't taken a dna test but I'm sure I have 0% native american blood. All my grandparents came from europe, most argentines are 100% european like me.

Uh, and your parents also mixed with someone from europe?

American natives can be attractive but honestly who would fuck an Australian Aboriginal.

Check out genetic studies on Argentinians

My mom's a green-eyed chalk-white townie from a racist ass town in the middle of nowhere and dad looks fully Euro, I'm just not very phenotypically savvy

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>who would fuck an Australian Aboriginal
a late 18th century british convict who hasn't seen a woman in months

>most argentines are 100% european like me.

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you are thinking of todays standards with current australian population. Back then australia was a hellhole in the middle of nowhere with the majority of european population being male.

They are both european descendants, they mixed with each other to make me.
They never asked me, I'm sure they selected the few brown people living here to make us look less white.
Sopa de macaco uma delicia.


they're not really that ugly its just that the pictures posted on Jow Forums are always obese 50-60 years old women

felicidades, que bien, wow, impresionante, super, me alegro que bueno que seas blanco gracias por participar en la conversacion

It's ok, bro, anything over 70% European is white.

>They never asked me, I'm sure they selected the few brown people living here to make us look less white.

True, except that usually americans weren't in North america for more of 400 years. This is more usual here


If it is good enough for the skinheads, its good enough for you my friendly congolombian.

You aren’t correct since I have no nonwhite ancestry and my family has been here for ages. Maybe that’s true in some countries but there weren’t very many Indians in USA and their populations got devastated by disease and war. There weren’t enough left to have a meaningful genetic impact on the modern population

Post DNA test

if you cant trace all of your grandparents as literal euro inmigrants, then you have amerindian blood for sure in this continent

>you aren't correct because im in denial blah blah blah blah i, a single person, am a stand in for the entirety of my country blah blah blah blah blah 0 nonwhite ancestors anywhere and santa claus is real
yeah dude

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>80% black
oh yeah youre definitelly black
>80% chinese
oh yeah youre definitelly asian
>80% white
oh no, you're not white

White people came up with those standards so blame them

>80% amerindian from latam
mestizo or hispanic

You could call a white sheet that is 80 black stained. You cant call a black paper that is 20% painted white a clean paper

Only for porteños and some small rural towns but the people that has ancestors from before 1900' they all have atleas 10 amierindian blood


Nope. Maybe you don't have it, but that isn't necessarily the case for the average argentino.

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Do american really

Why yes I do have 10~% native and 3% Congo 2% Nigeria And 1% Mali
How did you know?
And 1% greek BLACK

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You're as white as Carlos Tévez, Andrés Chávez and Wanchope Ábila.

Imagine being this retarded

I don't really understand what's the purpose of promoting this fake meme

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0,1% still a thing!

All Mexicans or most are almost entirely native 90%+ the idea that they are 50% European is just nonsense

Just look at these people with half of dna from eurppe

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>Latin american
>have no pre Colombian DNA

If your great -grandparents were born here, it's actually almost impossible.


What does recent ancestry mean? Is it post colonial markers in mutt DNA that can't be attributed to any race?

Your mom looks white but you look like a little Mestizo

Thsts wrong you Indio

Why are you getting butthurt? Argentina is the second whitest country in Latin America after Uruguay and that's just the truth
Cringe. Kys.


Cope harder

literalmente no tengo un solo pariente europeo y tampoco amerindio, que generalizacion de mierda


Are these native Americans or Mexicans

Attached: ca-times.brightspotcdn.com.jpg (840x560, 92K)

what's the point of your post

Que no es verdad lo que dice el post que cite

triracial mestizos

By the color of their skin they might as well be your illiterate cousins from shittown.

but what does it have to do with you? are you white?

Que soy un ejemplo de que no es cierto, y la mayoria de mi circulo cercano tiene como mucho un abuelo chileno. No soy blanco.

i think you misread his post desu

De hecho no

The average tercera fuerza faggot, seniores.