Which do you prefer: Northeast or Pacific Northwest?

Which do you prefer: Northeast or Pacific Northwest?

Attached: best-states2.png (2400x1800, 288K)

pacific northwest

Florida and New York should be red.

never been to the PNW but northern New England is God’s gift to this earth

>State most connected with fr*nce is the biggest shithole of them all
This cannot be a coincidence. Why are French such awful colonisers?

Attached: Akane Laugh.png (580x374, 188K)

Louisiana is a shithole because of American anglos importing slaves there, there’s almost no French connection in that state even left besides some swamp people with French surnames

I really want to move to Maine. It's my life goal

They have the lowest air and water quality in the entire USA.

so does the pacific northwest from august to the middle of september

Attached: washington state wildfires.jpg (3078x1846, 697K)

This is the 2019 ranking

It rains every day and temperatures are low, so air pollution is naturally decreased.

Attached: fyiguy-top-states-usnews-W-780x837.jpg (780x837, 246K)