My basement is full now. I wouldn't starve in winter

My basement is full now. I wouldn't starve in winter.

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Rate my canned solenya.

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what are your favourite potato based recipes?

aren't they going to germinate before you can eat all that

The end of my harvest.

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Potato is ok twice or thrice a week but it really isnt very tasty

People do this and it is somehow successful. I've seen it in Poland in different houses. Babcias and wives do these concoctions and they survive. Pickles, paprika, onion. I don't know what else. It's magic.
We don't do it where I live. We throw everything in the fridge like Americans

only if he burns it

Baked potatoes with pumpkins in a stove.
They would be fine. I do this for 15 years already.
>it really isnt very tasty
Depends how you cook...

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