British mother can't survive on 500£ week benefits

like wtf, I thought Britain was way more generous.

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Single moms, never even once.

2250 euros a month?

Woman on a mission.

>a whole brood of brown kids
Of course only black men would give a white woman this many children.

>all mutts

cunts like that should be forcibly sterilized

What's wrong with your woman?

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Shouldnt have mutt offspring with poorfags who cant afford child support

Stupid dumb ass ho

Paki and nigger staggers are all like this. Thankfully they are rare.

She could just marry a white guy and keep him as a beta provider cuck she gets bred by black men.

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Based. White women are realizing that white incels/"men" are a meme.

I guess the NHS doesn't provide free birth control pills?

If the father is a poorfag government will pay the child support. I believe around 300€ per child. On top of the normal 100€/month which everyone gets from the state being

Unemployed single moms are the worst welfare queens here. If you have like 5 children you're part of the top 1% or at least top 5% in terms of income

Apparently not.

Fucking gross.

>may end on the street
lol please let this happen

She got lotta kids innit

She is qt.
I would marry her and adopt her kids

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Britbongs better pay if they want the next mutt generation to support them after retiring

Stomping on their head isn't supportive

I see shit like this every day now. The propaganda is working

you get free prescriptions if you are poor or a woman

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I'm on minimum wage, I don't qualify for any benefits but women get it just for getting knocked up by a nigger

The problem fixes itself a lot of the time. This guy threw his baby into a river a couple days ago. White ppl jumped in to rescue the baby but it died in hospital

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>le race-mixing propaganda
Are those "propagandas" making you sexually obsessed with black men fucking your women too?

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those are american racial categories

How do you racially categorize dogs in the UK?

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Is pic related considered species-mixing propaganda in the UK? Is that why bestiality parties like this became so popular there?

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Her vag must be a chasm.

Single mothers should be euthanized.

Her kids will grow up to be failures just like her. People don't realize how much societal damage they create.

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Did you know that 7% of relationships in England and Wales are interracial? Many of Britains most successful public figures in recent history descend from foreign brown/black (usually Muslim) men like Boris Johnson and Zayn Malik.

Britain is over.

Even without all the unavoidable incel memes that are gonna come from this place, how the fuck do you get to EIGHT FUCKING CHILDREN ?
Like, this is mind boggling.
One kid and the Dad fucks off, I can understand.
A second one a I'd think why not.
But past the 3rd kid, if you cannot afford them, you don't deserve shit imo. This is not a woman coming from a poor, uneducated background, living in a deeply religious society where women's rights are repressed and taboo, and who didn't have access to contraception.
This is literally the opposite, that woman CHOSE to have EIGHT BLOODY CHILDREN.
These little brats consume a shitload of cash and energy, you put yourself in that corner, fucking hell.
Let her rot, UK.

>Did you know that 7% of relationships in England and Wales are interracial?
Which translates into did you know that 93% of relationships in England & Wales are not interracial.
Which means racemixing is stall from being that mainstream trhing you make it out to be.

My fetish is to date a white girl that has interracial children

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But what is the % of non whites there ?

>nearly ten percent
Agree to disagree there desu

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why do anglos do this?
is ngubu really that attractive?

The real redpill is that body and confidence>>>face

>7 daughters

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