I saw the Reddit post by u/sick_silk regarding the mysterious Bitcoin wallet, (1933phfhK3ZgFQNLGSDXvqCn32k2buXY8a)

>I saw the Reddit post by u/sick_silk regarding the mysterious Bitcoin wallet, (1933phfhK3ZgFQNLGSDXvqCn32k2buXY8a).
>I thought to myself, "Hey, Coinbase has a 'note' section when you send crypto. I should send this mysterious fella a note and try to get >some money for my save-the-world project"
>So i read more of u/sick_silk 's post and decided on the Binance wallet, (1NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s). I sent $10.03 >(0.00159709 BTC) with the "note":
>"Hey partner. The internet says you're rich and mysterious. And in the movies, the rich and mysterious like to back bold projects. Just so >happens I've got one. My save-the-world project launches soon, complete with a mysterious marketing campaign, and a live-streamed >concert. It's about books, and art, craft goods, community, and community ownership. A single Bitcoin would go a very long way.
>Regardless, I hope you'll use the mystery that surrounds you to move the world in interesting ways; in shadow or light, mankind will find its >way home. Thank for your time.
>Much love,

>And then I realized I hadn't included a wallet address the mysterious individual could send a Bitcoin, so I sent more, this time $2.05 >(0.00032562 BTC) with the "note":

>"um..to this wallet, should you be into it: 3Jeyodp2b9HHh2hTUxQrnH8sRXgW3KSQSY"

>It wasn't until after I'd sent the money that I decided to look into the purpose of the "Note" field on Coinbase.. I found a reddit comment by >u/originofspices explaining that the "note" field is meant as a "note to self"

>I contacted Binance in an attempt to reverse the transactions. They are able, and willing, but it will cost 0.1ETH, which is more than I lost.

>...so the mystery wallet holder just got an unsolicited drop in the bucket.

Attached: coinbase.png (780x170, 8K)

dumb nigger

That's what my friends say

We are the early adopters, we are the smart money

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whale here
anybody with cool projects let me know and ill donate

I didn't get in on the BTC train, and while I'm really new to it, the ideas behind crypto are beautiful. I'm currently a fan of DOGO, XLM, and NANO

I cant believe i didnt sell, i just can't

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(OP) *Finger guns pointing left

Maybe you'll get another chance. Be hopeful

I want to bring mandatory sterilization to the third world.

Nice blog faggot

Wish I had a little crypto to pass you, OP. Good luck

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Hey! Thanks, jackass!

heh. It'll work out. Thanks, though

I usually tell folks to follow their dreams, but in your case...maybe read a nice space opera instead.

gibs me dat

nah. We build a world where it's easier to find peace, and we prepare the youth by providing them the tools to live a balanced life. Handouts won't be needed.

We are never going to get into space on an appreciable level if we let the world be overrun by welfare recipients. Also most pollution comes from the third world, and they have unsustainable population growth.

if you send me 1 ETH I will send you 10 ETH back for your project

Maybe we create a world where folks don't need welfare, then.

yeah right away i'm on it

Also, Humanity, in general, has unsustainable population growth. The solution, however, isn't mandatory sterilization. It's education, and making a better life attainable. As for third world countries, I don't know what the answer is..but it isn't imposing anyone's will on them but their own.