Turkey is
>A Muslim country
>That has no relations with Europeans
>And the Cresent Star is an Arabic Symbol
100% totally true facts
Other urls found in this thread:
That's right Juan cower in fear when you are faced with the facts
The moon and star is from the ancient near east, it's not Turkic at all
Turkey is a schizophrenic mess that doesn't know what they are themselves and want to be something else everyday.
Like the unwanted tranny stephson
>And the Cresent Star is an Arabic Symbol
isnt it a Byzantine symbol?
It was used in Paganisim, it was used by the Romans and it was used by the Turkics
>a muslim cunt
thanks to internet we have many non-religious (deists/agnostics/atheists) and it is secular state by law
ulan sizi kiz yokmi moruQ? her baktigimi gün soyle otistik bokpostalar goruyorum
Not to be a Stick in the mudd, but majority Population seems pretty Muslim due to Bring-Back-the-Caliphate-ogan.
well this is a poll made on social webpage that is popular in turkey in 2019
besides the webpage known as aggresive against religion, but still it is very popular