>central europe
ugh imagine the smell
Do you need some?
even my home village has more than a 1000 inhabitants. we just live more spread out. while in other countries the countryside is deserted and everyone is packed into megacities.
it just proves we prefer small cities.
unlike certain ant countries whose "people" cant exist in small cities and have to live in their hive cities.
hungary lol
Why is there so many people in Lebanon ?
if your flag is any indication its because you have trees and arent a complete desert shithole unlike most of the land to your east.
True , but our population is smaller than Syria and iraq
It just seems wired
As said before, fuck off we're full.
Ah, civilization. True beauty.
>I suffer in Scandinavia
yurop is an overcrowded shithole
Is it really countryside if there's people everywhere?
Imagine actually living in central europe
does ur cunt have a magical line?
Different shitholes have a different way of classifying cities and towns. This is not a population density map
Why don't people live in the other part ?
only based people are allowed to live in the western USA
Imagine if we made a similar map for worst Korea...
Seoul would need to be enlarged at an equal size as the entire country.
Depends. Here countryside is anything that is not a city, i.e. an area where the population is organized in villages.
I have a job offer in Uppsala Sweden... should I take it? It pays 85% of my current salary (after tax and expenses) but has 3x the benefits (dental health etc). I like places that are cozy, I would like a small cabin in the woods with a sauna - I have about 1.5M SEK saved. Plz repond swede bros (I'm white of Scottish decsent if thats any help in deciding my fate).
The whole former GDR, even with all of Berlin, has fewer inhabitants than North Rhine-Westphalia now. 18,000,000 people vs 16,750,000. It's significantly lower in GDP/capita and HDI. Even in football they suck, the only player of note born there is Toni Kroos and he left at a young age.
Imagine if that areas was on the same level as the rest...
There are many people living on the West Coast, but the central parts of the country are basically desert. You can't live there. Also, the USA extended from East to West.
steep mountain valleys and desert
there are farms everywhere and things are quite a bit more spread out than in a city. a fairly large area is usually still considered part of the village territory.
Do you speak/are you willing to learn Swedish?
Thank you for information
No and yes. I would learn. I would be a good immigrant. I am also autistic like /scandi/ and I don't commit crimes.
yeah it's pretty but the climate is really harsh. The summers are very hot and the winters are extremely cold with deep snow
I assume people have two houses then , right ?
One for west and one for east
There are no cabins in Uppsala. You would probably live in a shitty apartment. But if you stay here you could move out to some rural part later.
What is there to do in a 1000 person german village?
I personally wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my motherland for a better job. Are you actually willing to integrate to another culture for money? Also, you won't have a comfy life in Sweden, it will still be shit
>The summers are very hot and the winters are extremely cold with deep snow
But so is the midwest. How come much more people live there? I expected placed like Montana would be freezing in the winter like in Alberta but found out it’s warmer than Chicago which is a megacity.
could I live out of town and drive in on 325k SEK/yr before tax?
This. Wagecucking is the same in every country, and you could still live in a comfy cabin in canada just as well as you could here.
LMAO, just take a bus
yes, see map in OP
It's a terrible place for young people, at least if there isn't a town or city nearby. There are very few villages that are really isolated. Living in a village near a city is peak comfy, but the only thing to do in remote regions is drinking, no matter how beautiful the scenery is. Old people might view it differently though.
no there are a few big cities in the rockies
because the midwest has great farmland and the rockies do not. The mountains are alpine and the lowlands are complete desert. It's very beautiful though
Wtf is wrong with Romania? Why so many big cities?
I suppose. Living outside the city is cheap but you might have to drive for a while to go to the store or whatever
I didn't know people lived in Pomerania. Thought it would be like Brandenburg.
How did Denver grow to be a big city?
You can see the old borders
I see some white spaces in Cuckmay...
That's not very progressive, they need more diversity
Do girls in Sweden like the idea of Canadians? Or is it a lonely sad prison like Canada where one talks to each other and everyone is "weird" until proven otherwise?
I grew up in a village that sort of grew close to a bigger town and was thus made a part of it. The City has about 40000 inhabitants, so it was pretty comfy but it also has several big Industries and a university hospital.
It was really cool because we had clean street, nice neighbours but still nearly everything you need nearby and a well developed City Center.
I moved around a lot and I dislike Big cities because they are dirty and full of disgusting people. Seriously, the Kind of wierdos you See in cities.
Also no courtesy and anonymous people walking around.
> emigrates to Luxemburg
Denver isn't actually in the Rockies, it sits at the foothills of them. It was chosen as a railroad and trading hub that connected the west coast to the east coast
Is that just based on geography or did people stop settling on the frontier when they could take a train all the way to the west coast?
Darf ich fragen, wo du (ungefähr) herkommst? Bei mir ist es nämlich ähnlich. Ich komme aus der Städteregion Aachen.
I've never been to Uppsala but it's pretty small so it probably doesn't take too far to drive into the woods
The line you see is where the fertile great plains transitions into semiarid desert as a part of the rain shadow left eastwards of the Rocky mountains
I don't think any girl has ever talked about canadians, but it would be an interesting way to start a conversation with one and make you stick out from the crowd. Swedes are not that friendly until you get to know them
>Denver isn't actually in the Rockies, it sits at the foothills of them
hmm, alright.
Wikipedia says its elevation is 1,600m which is unusual by the standard for cities of similar size.
Mostly geography. California has a population of 40,000,000, it's just that the parts in the inner country are almost uninhabitable.
Yeah I've heard about those differences but was it only because of that?
It's like a plague, fuck knows what horror Asia is like.
Uppsala is very urban though but you could always buy a cabin.
Typically city boundaries in East Asia are much wider than in Europe so you get an idea.
>Israel and West Bank
it's the largest reason. there's just nothing to do with the land besides declare it a national park and leave it alone. A lot of tiny mining towns sprouted up in the late 1800s - early 1900s but those all eventually died
Ah, alles klar. Danke. Hätte ja sein können...
Es heißt immer, dass es eurer Region so scheiße geht. Kannst du das bestätigen?
all of Colorado sits at that elevation, the peaks are at 4,000m though
Ländlich evtl, wo ich lebte eher nicht. Gibt ärmere Gegenden.
>still can see pre-WW2 ethnic Poland
Lebanon has same population as Libya despite being 1/10th the size
The Kresy is visible in the east?
You get back eastern poland, we prussia.
Who /full/ here?
you can see the carpathians you fucking ape
It always surprises me how empty parts of spain is
They have deserts
I live in Uppsala. Lived here for two years as a student. How old are you? Uppsala is a university city. The city has about 190K people and 225K if you count the suburbs and whatever else is in the municipality, and the University has about 46K students (more than half of which are full time students).
Driving inside the city is absolutely terrible. No parking and bicycles everywhere and they think they own the road. They run red lights even when they see a car coming. Riding a bike is much faster than going by car inside the city, but you'll need a car for the outer shopping areas where they have IKEA, the dollar store and other big stores. You'll probably want to go to Stockholm for some things, which only takes 35 minutes by train or an hour by car. There's a very sharp border around the city where it goes from apartment buildings to farmland, so there are likely many red and white houses nearby if you want to live like that.
The latter. People are scared of being considered weird and are also scared of weird people. I think we are fairly introverted compared to warmer countries because we spend so much time indoors. Being a foreigner can make you more interesting to talk to over a beer or at a party I guess but there will be some cultural barriers.
No, but desu they weren't majority Polish, except for Lwów, Central Lithuania and some bordering Belarus terrain.
It's the same here germabro.
Another proof that our countries are more similar than what many people thinks.
Btw i live in a shithole big city near the northwestern Alpes and i'm planning to move to a smaller town not so far from here but 10000 times comfier
>I guess but there will be some cultural barriers.
Swedes always talked to me in the bars and parties when i was in your countries.
IDK if it was because you're friendlier than what you think or because i was ''muh an interesting southern foreigner''
>living in a village near a city is peak comfy
this, I grew up in a small railroad town of 4k in a metropolitan region of 4 million
was 15 minutes to downtown by train, 20 by car
Swedes are always wild during parties because they drink too much so their fear of being to social goes away
You do this even there.
Swedish erasmus girls are worse even than english girls.
.. While during the week you're fucking robots ... man, you need more balance ... less wildthings during weekends and more sociality during week
The exchange students are always the worst because they see their study as a vacation where they can just drink and party all the time. Yuck
You mean Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or the region of Pommern/Pomerania, which mainly is in Poland today?
MVP is rural as fuck, it has a population of 1,600,000 (like München alone). However, 1000 people isn't much, so there's still a few villages. Brandenburg has a population of 2,500,000, but everything is next to Berlin (except for Cottbus and Frankfurt an der Oder).
we are desolate as fuck, lol
tfw can see my childhood town clearly (separated from other dots)
Why's Jutland suddenly so sparse past the border?
I bet 95% of australia is empty.
Probably due to how Germany and Denmark define village above 1000 people. How do you seperate two villages that have grown into each other etc.
>Sky (bottom of Bavaria)
Sky is British. Although now it's owned by Comcast so you could say really it's American.
C&A is Dutch. This map is horse shit
Europe is awesome.
If only we didn't have stupid twats like Juncker leading us.
But Jutland isn't a desert, is it?
It still seems like quite a stark difference
before the Soviets blessed eastern germany with their presence, Saxony for example was one of the leading industrial regions
Europa is awesome once the angloids get removed from it
Correct! Because it's a dry desolate inhospitable shithole unless you live near the coast then it's bretty gud