Thai scam


Attached: download (19).jpg (300x168, 7K)

Might as well hold

Get a grip neo

its still the same coin at this price. Why wouldn't you want a chance at owning a piece of the south east asia payment trasnfer highway.

I saw you get wrecked by Vitalik.

who gives a fuck about southeast asia?

>hundreds of billions of dollars in mobile payments all being charged 5% or more for petty transactions



1 omgs still = 1 omg

im in it for the tech too


but also 1 omg = 1k USD in 2020


imagine getting fucked by a thai "girl", so fucking cash

I'm 12, what is this and should I put some bucks in for giggles and possible gains?

Attached: 1537310646738.jpg (923x713, 70K)

stop dumping it goddamn it, it's already dead

Jun scamegawa needs to be fried like the street rat he is

Yes rite more...

delete this

What did it say?

what did it say?

this is revenge for all you white piggus turning our women into sex slaves and our men into ladyboys

Was nothing. That rock year thing. It's just op changing IDs.

Why is everyone so mad about rock year? The year isn't even 3/4 over yet.

>$700 EOY