Have you bought eden yet?

it has a 2.9m market cap and its going kucoin today with a competition. with a market cap that low we need pennys to see it moon

no brainer

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Well you definitely have no brain

bought in last night, working product, miniscule market cap, exchange today. easy money

im sure these will pump hard over the next couple of days

gonna try get them when they hit kucoin because i dont wanna buy any eth. hopefully they havnt mooned by then

Wow spot the money hating genius over here

This coin is like a bomb ready to go off with that market cap. I threw a few eth in just for the show

My bags are nearly packed, this is going to be one wild ride. KuCoo for Eden Puffs

what exhange is it on?


Everybody dies in eden*

Attached: sleeping forever.png (1024x641, 1.2M)

2.9m market cap? Stop lying, Rakesh.

no death in eden. only moons

Love can only get you so far

Attached: The last LOVE story on the planet.png (1024x640, 1.62M)

circ supply 80m. do the math yourself

80% of the tokens have not been released yet.

they arent released for another month. we have kucoin listing tonight and test net the day after. with a market cap this 1 or 2 whales can put this coin to space. get in while you can

hmmm project seems interesting

I bought in at ICO. ballina is heavily invested in edn so expecting the ballina relief package

you arent too bright are you nigger

Even without ballina this shit is gonna moon. all it takes is one whale to send her north


Based and red pilled

Working product too

Where did i hear this before?

>low marketcap guys
>circulating supply is Y, i swear!
>ups its actually 100x Y XD market cap is actually 290 mil already xD sorry guys XD

were you shilling NKNiggers here too? please change the script a little bit you scamming fucks

you missed it anyway brother. its pumping right now

Fuck should i buy now?

you're a bit late but you can get in now

This is easy fucking money lads

We mooning already hahahahah!

this fucking coin gonna make me

reeeeeee go back down i want a good price

fucking based

Testnet is in fucking 2 days and its going on kucoin tonight hahahahahah this is fucking based

cant wait for ballinas tweet

Why does the website show no team members? Clearly a scam. lol

Cheesepie! Why I hesitated?!!!!! Now I fomo!

it has an all star team. the ceo is a veteran in korea. they took the team down for some reason. go onto to telegram to find it. its a highly qualified team

lol. why would u take the team down. This is definitely a scam.

You guys are about to be Chinked!!! hilarious

are you a full packet of chips?


Unironically the next ICON, stay poor bizfags

fuck it keeps pumping,

im trying to get a good price

reeeee i fomo'd in

the order books look to juicy to miss this

take the eden pill

Partnership with Waltonchain. Boom. It just keeps getting better

still .5x usd off ico.. wish i bought on exchange. lucky fucks

>20% monthly inflation
>erc20 token
>below ico because its dogshit
not buying your heavy bags anons.


>he plans to hold it for months and months

hahaha are you actually that stupid?

wow sounds like you've got it all figured out there pal

about to break 24 eden knights

and it mooned

>right now EDEN is currently 30% in the green since this fud was posted mere hours ago

when will they learn

>see shilling on /biz
>check chart

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