A person from work invited me to his party last saturday night

>a person from work invited me to his party last saturday night
>it was ok i had a nice time
> i had three drinks and played some ping pong and then went home
>on monday morning i was talking to my boss and i told him about it
>tell him that people from our office were doing drugs (they were)
>tell him that i saw them doing marijuana and possibly some other drugs but i couldn't be sure about that
>his mood changed instantly
>i told him that he didn't hear it from me
>he thanks me and goes into his office

did i do the right thing biz?

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What the fuck dude?




How the fuck could they think they could get away with using cannabis?

I'll never understand it.

Maybe you'll get a promotion in 2 years

you did the right thing but DUDE WEED LMAOS will attack you

We need to gas all introverts. I can't believe you people still make it through an HR screen.

Power Move. If theres a team meeting with everyone but you be sure to lean back and kick your feet up on the desk and stare at them when they come out

Stay mad E cuck
INTJ/Ps rule the worls

Well done OP

fucking over the competition and degenerates at the same time

move to the west coast lol

no youre a faggot coward, but its their own fault for leaving themselves vulnerable around a sociopathic shitstain like you.

Snitches are unironically the worst people on earth

The first lesson i will teach my son is dont be a rat

Literally this. I would never snitch about anything. Seriously dawg.

OP is based and redpilled

you did the right thing, now your boss trusts you more

thank you. i also have a photo of two of them smoking marijuana and one of those is a few years older and more experienced than me so i think this could help me get him removed or at least let me jump ahead of him. but i don't know how to put it into circulation without making it obvious. or do i just take it straight to the boss?

At an event with co-workers no less

they deserve everything they're going to get

This is how you move up the world, sucking other people's balls (your boss) and fucking over your equals (your colleagues)

snitches get stitches

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This is why you NEVER invite virgins and losers to hang, and I don't even smoke weed. If they don't have a college degree, military service, or a lot of money, they are literal plebeians and under no circumstances should they be invited to anything involving the important societal classes. This is exactly why the caste system and feudalism existed, to keep the intellectual, ruling, and warrior classes separate from the physically and mentally inferior. I remember my faggot roommate tried to talk shit with his beta friends, I unironically took him down and choked him unconscious while his pussy friends stared on in terror. Landed a couple elbows on his face too. That faggot didn't even call the cops just took it. Reminder that poor, stupid, incels, and physically unfit people should always be violently dealt with since they don't understand anything else but fear.

>INTJ/Ps rule the worls
delet this

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you have to be more careful about it tho, OP cannot be trusted, the Boss now knows that he can't trust OP because he will rat out anyone and use it for his own personal gain.

now whats stopping him from ratting out the Boss or possibly blackmail him with whatever? nobody got a clean vest not even the Boss himself. he is now thinking of a way to get rid of OP, possibly even murdering him because losing a couple good workers through drug charges and the bad reputation for the business could ultimately destroy it and JUST the Boss to the absolute max.

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I actually agree completely with this post

Betas are disgusting for a reason. That disgust is millions of years of evolution trying to tell you to avoid an obviously broken human being

Good job op.
Marijuana not even once. You possibly saving them from themselves the devils lettuce is one hell of a drug


you must be smoking whatever OP's co-workers are

I don't know what shithole factory you work at but if these people represent the company in any official fashion they absolutely will get smoked if they're found out to be doing anything illegal, it's not worth keeping a risk factor like that

>doing marijuana
>some co-workers smoking some weed after work IS A CRYME ITS EELEGAL GUYS!! :(

Beta make xoomer Boy Scout faggot detected. I bet money that you have a real punchable face and a whiny fuck voice. This is the most autism post on this board right now.


Press S to spit on OP's grave

Frog poster and is a faggot, hmm these go hand and hand with shitty larp threads

Weeds legal some places bruh

Well I don't know where OP lives

Could still be against company policy regardless, having your representative be a known DUDE WEED could be bad depending on your market

>Well I don't know where OP lives
We all know op lives in his mom's basement it's painfully obvious

Would you want your employee to be a 4channer? Most normies would instafire us cause they see us on the news as fat racist pedos. How about your employee as a base jumper? Probably not a long shelf life huh. A trump supporter? Not good for the "office environment". We all participate in illegal or frowned upon activities in one way or another. The fact is those are private matters and shouldn't be revealed in the workplace. If you're really supporting this retard's blatant invasion of privacy and violation of the NAP you deserve to hang with him.

This is bait or OP is a POS: Hopefully the former.

Who cares?

The right move from the manager's perspective is to look for a way to get rid of OP, who has proven himself to be a sociopathic autistic who wants to destroy the manager's team, who tried to be nice to OP.

OP fuck you and die

Alpha as fuck op. Maybe you'll be getting a promotion after those those filthy hippies are out of your way.

Laughing at all the triggered stoners itt. If it can help you get ahead then screw them over op and don’t think twice about it.

Smashing larp my friend.

Anyways, to any of you willing to rat on co workers head my warning.

If your willing to rat out co workers, your willing to rat out your boss.
You just as likely to get fired as the others because the boss now knows you can't be held responsible for knowing sensitive information.
You could spill the beans at any moment.

Enjoy being a pleb if this is the case.

Dickhead please let this be bait


it's against most companies' policy, but bosses also distrust rats, so if OP is legit, he's fucked, he won't be trusted with anything essential, if at all. might as well look for a new job because he's officialy an eternal drone.

Enjoy the yous my fren you earned them

Did you tell your boss to sell the company and invest in link

Lol of course he's fucked if it's real.

Odds are his boss is a normal person and can smell the autism and sociopathy on OP from a mile away.

Who would you fire? A bunch of your normal, social employees that you need for something that's incredibly minor (smoking a plant) and kill office morale, or OP?

>office snitch
At least you're used to being a friendless faggot...

Literally alpha as fuck, betas like OP deserve to be humiliated

i have a college degree and i earn either the same or only slightly less than these people who are all older than me. so i don't see how i am beta compared to them. i earn more than the one i have a photo of and he doesn't have a college degree. if he is fired he will have to join the military like he's always talking about and then i'd be earning almost twice as much as him. resorting to physical violence is as beta as it gets.

that's hilarious OP

good job. fuck these anons ITT theyre all niggers. without rule of law we wouldnt have a society.

degenerates and weedheads BTFO

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just print them out and leave them around the office. wait a couple months to do it though, it will be obvious if you do it now

kys nigger

OP you are a complete fucking idiot. First of all, it's not cool to be a snitch. Chances are, it would be more expensive to fire all of the people you ratted out and bring in a bunch of new people. The most likely outcome is that the employer will send out an email to everyone saying that random drug tests may take place in the near future. This assumes that you don't work at a government agency or a company which is a contractor for the government.

Second, the fact that you told your boss IN FUCKING PERSON rather than sending an anonymous email from a throwaway account with the picture attached is extremely fucking stupid. Do you think being known as a narc is going to win you any favors? The manager might have been doing coke off a hookers ass over the weekend for all you know, and now his mood changed instantly because he found out that an employee who was up for a promotion in the near future is actually a narc and he has to find a way to get rid of you. That last scenario is giving you the benefit of the doubt, as I'm 95% sure that if you have to resort to what you did, you're mediocre at best. Your coworkers who were socializing, albeit not so legally, have a much better chance of succeeding than you do.

Ya dun goof'd. If I was the manager, I would definitely find a way to coach you out.

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I wish you bad luck and a horrible future op, if you're willing to do this to co-workers who invited you out of friendly was and this is how you repay... Nothing is free in life, if you advance in your company because of this, I hope you get in a horrible mangling car crash which will leave your legs and dick completely unusable. But hey, your new company health plan will help cover the costs of your broken dick maybe.
That and your shit coins are going to zero, but just yours not mine.


If any of my employees snitched like that on their co-workers I'd be more likely to fire the snitch.

nobody will need to resort to physical violence. you're a branded man, and nobody will pick you for any promotions ever. even if your co-worker gets fired, your boss will much rather hire someone else than put you in that position.

lmao get fucked snitch.

And how many executives have bent the rules a bit and gotten away with it? A fuck ton. At least they had the balls to go against the grain as opposed to a drone, which you mostly like are.

>yfw you realize this in 3-7 years

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t. Weed head

well there are two issues here. number 1 is that there are consequences for your actions. it is illegal to do drugs here and i think all of the normal people in the office have the right to know that they work with drug takers. i'm certain it will alter their opinion on these people because despite what the pot smokers in this thread think it is not normal behavior. it also just annoyed me seeing them doing drugs. number 2 is that if action is taken against them it could maybe impact my role (i think it will benefit me). but number 1 is my main priority and whatever happens from there so be it.

Based and redpilled

t. perma-virgin

And no, I don't smoke weed, but I don't really care if others do as long as it's not on the job. Sure, I drink as most people do, and the only substance that would show up on a drug test is prescribed to me.

doesnt anyone understand this is trolling?

I think everyone is just playing along

You did well, user.

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Good job, now your boss knows you are a rat who can't be trusted. You'll never get that promotion you want.

OP, if I were your boss, I would never trust you again. You ratted on your teammates, and forced me to act in a fiduciary manner with my organization by punishing the employees under my charge for something they didn't even do on the clock. I would be more liable to keep you where you are and limit your ability to cause further damage to the organization. You've proven that you have no trust relationship with the rest of the team, that you will actively work against others in the organization to further your own goals, and you will use underhanded tactics to impact the reputations of your peers.

Hope you like being ostracized because you just did it to yourself for the rest of your career there.

I'm just grateful that I don't work with any sociopaths. Must suck for the people that do like OP's co-workers.

But you're not moving too far up OP since you sound like an autist.

You are s faggot who will always be a faggot. So in your case, yes you did the right thing for a fag

OP, you can't stop there. You need to start following these people home. See if they're really going home. See what they do outside of work. Make documents. Record everything. See if they're having affairs. See if they are having crazy sex (anything other than missionary) with their spouse. Start breaking into their house when they're not home and go through the laundry basket. Do routine check ups on their vehicles to see how many miles they are getting. Call them 1 in the morning to see if they answer etc. You gotta ramp it up.

i know you are trying to make fun of me but you and most other people here are missing the point. i don't "rat" on people for leaving 5 minutes early or stuff like that. i informed my boss of the ILLEGAL behavior of some of his workers. this is a gift i have dropped right into his lap. and if i catch someone else doing something ILLEGAL in the future you bet they will be reported as well. but hopefully once this is all said and done there won't be a repeat.

Every time i am in a situation like this i wonder "what would alexander the great do here?"

Then i realise that they would probably just kill his coworkers and him be the only one left standing... Since you cant do that in the modern world you have to take them out some other way.

Since you sound like a sociopath OP, you can do some fucked up shit. For example, buy a domain name that is the same as one of your coworkers - e.g. john-smith.io. Then you have to visit it a bunch of times and get others to visit . so it shows up on the first page whenever someone googles his name.

Then fill the domain with pedophile allegations, say he is part of a predatory sex gang etc. Go and make a fake facebook profile, invite everyone from work to the facebook group that has all of the same allegations. Send a "whistleblower" email to your work with the same allegations. The lawsuit that ensues and sheer embarrassment will be enough to make him quit.

Thats one coworker down. Now you just need 4 or 5 more other ideas like this to take out the rest. you will be the only one left along with a bunch of new hires. Since you have the most experience, if anyones getting a promotion itll probably be you.

You are a social retard

I hope to god this is a fucking larp lmao. Snitches get stitches and I'm sure karma will fuck you up the ass if/when your coworkers get fired by having a team of actual manvinders brought in to replace them. Enjoy curry purgatory. Either that or they realise who snitched (the autist) and take it out on you.

hey OP you can suck my dick

>did i do the right thing biz?

No. You're a narc.

not sure how long you going to be working there with snitching attitude like that

lmao kys faggot

Willing to bet that OP was just chatting with his boss and the topic of what was happening at the parry came out so he mentioned it without thinking a ton about it. Then the boss probably stopped him and now he's exaggerating a little to brag about ir here.

Implying he doesn't do this shit already

>Every time i am in a situation like this i wonder "what would alexander the great do here?"

Given that Alexander the Great was an alcoholic:

Alexander the Great would've gotten shitfaced, smoked a shitload of weed, been the life of the party, and banged the office slut. Then we would've went to work the next day and continued being an example of leadership by protecting his teammates, helping them accomplish their goals, and directing the organization toward a grand strategy of his design.

start recording their bowel movements

what is wrong with you people? wishing me ill just for trying to remove filth from a professional environment and clean up the culture. that is my only motivation here. other than the guy i have a photo of. that is a little bit personal because we had to have a going away party for him when he was apparently leaving to join the army. then he changed his mind at the last minute and was back at work a few days later and we all had to pretend as though nothing ever happened. well this is real life pal and you can't go screwing people around like that. so something tells me he will get to serve after all.

Behaviour is 100% genetic, by not divulging this information to your superior, you would have directly been responsible for these human wastes getting a regular paycheck and eventually reproducing.
It was your moral duty to make sure their access to resources is as low as possible to reduce the chances they participate to the genepool.

Whether you did it for sociopathic reasons ( career advancement ), whether there will be social fallout for you ( reputation as a snitch ), the only thing that matters are the results.
If everyone was making life difficult for parasites, we would be living in genocidal fascist nations, never let up the pressure, OP.

A jewified society gets dominated by Evil, and low IQ.
Do not be angry at these people, they had no choice since birth to be parasites, but at the same time have no pity because they have many time in the past destroyed civilisation, and they will assuredly destroy western civilisation, too.

>I ratted my coworkers mr.shekelberg
>g-guy, do you think Master will be happy with me?
OP is the definition of a perfect slave

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You are what's wrong with society. You will never have friends nevermind a girlfriend. Enjoy a life of sadness.

The only thing to do now OP is to start timing how long they spend in the toliet. Collate the information into a spreadsheet and then you can produce a pie chart at the end of each month on how long each employee spends defecting and perhaps who is actually using the toilet facilities for non defecating purposes. THIS BEHAVIOR WILL BE REWARDED.

Some other ideas would be to walk around your office and inspect which of your colleagues are using work computers for non work purposes. You can take sneaky photos and then send out emails with everyone cc'd in to make sure people know you care deeply about your job. I think it would be worth creating a list of people that talk negatively about the job outside of work, and you will be able to report them to your boss.

This will probably net you the respect you desperately want from friends, family and your boss.

If your boss is clean and of moral character yes.
If they are a minority they may hate snitching and if they do that kind of thing themselves they will look for an excuse to pass you up for promotions or let you go.

It's a gamble famble

Only thing worse than druggies are narcs.

>op leaves work only to get kidnapped and gassed after half the work force laid off

delusional betabitch

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Well this doesn’t make sense

At first I thought you were a sociopath but I guess you're just a literal autist. No joke, the state pays my employer to have some autismo work for them, and when he started they sent out an email explaining that he would exhibit behaviors like this.

You drive home after those 3 beers?

>inb4 you live close by and walked home or called an Uber. Your larp b8 was amusing. It’s over now so gonto bed Landon.

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It's okay. He weighs 400lbs, so he was still well below the legal limit.

What if you knew a guy that raped and murdered a child?

>equating victimless 'crimes' designated by the police state with actual murder and rape
You have severe autism and will never succeed in life

yes thats the right thing to do
drug addicts dont belong in society and they should be dealt with by the authorities, your boss in this case, and the cops in the next
>inb4 rat snitch etc
overdose yourself druggie

OP Trying to get someone sent to the army sounds more like a sociopath. Definitely some autism in there though.

You are a really autistic piece of trash. But that's ok, because you will get what's coming to you. Your coworkers WILL know who ratted them out, because contrary to what you seem to think, ratting out coworkers for partaking off hours is not normal behavior. The only person who would do that is a retarded autist who has an anal fit over a rule being broken and thinks they're super clever and running some great scheme. I've worked with people like you before. We just made his life a pure fucking hell until he quit. You're in for the same buddy. Sociopaths get nowhere.